The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1580 Exchange for Critical Strike Talisman

In the Hall of Stars, everyone's eyes fell on Du Yuesheng.

"Senior, before starting the assessment, I hope you can agree to a request."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion around him. Jinghong's servant hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded and said: "You... don't you want to go back on your word?"

"Of course not, I just hope that seniors can give me some time to prepare so that I can help Yuqiu."

"One-handed strength? Could it be that you want to use the strength of two people to take over the elder's Star Sword?"

No wonder the white-robed elder frowned slightly. For this kind of assessment, he couldn't even use other magic weapons and secret techniques, let alone relying on the power of others.

Immediately, discussions and doubts became apparent.

"Damn, are you taking part in the assessment or the other girl's assessment? Enough opening remarks."

"That's right! Just now you were confident that you don't need to suppress the state, but now you want to help, how shameless?"

Du Yuesheng didn't get angry when he heard that, he just turned his head and sneered: "Idiot, did I ever say that external force is needed?

There is a large crowd, all elders are here, I think only your IQ can come up with such a low-level method.

What's more... the elders haven't made up their mind yet, when will it be your turn to talk? "

This overbearing rebuttal immediately made everyone speechless, but their faces were full of anger and displeasure, but because the red robe on the hall was too dazzling, they didn't dare to make mistakes.

However, the few people who hadn't spoken before nodded in agreement with Du Yuesheng's remarks. After all, the rules of the assessment were set by Jinghong Palace, so the bottom line of the so-called "one-armed strength" should naturally be determined by the white-robed elder.

What's more, Du Yuesheng dared to make such a request with confidence, so naturally it would not be within the reasonable range.

So, after a moment of silence, although the elder in white robe had complicated eyes, he still nodded and said: "Since you have the courage to let this elder not suppress the realm, how about allowing you to make some preparations?


When the topic changed, Jinghong's servant's voice became a little more severe: "The rules of Jinghong Palace are here, even I can't disobey the will of the Martial God. It's okay to help this girl, but you must never help her in the slightest Divine power!"

After a pause, the elder in white robe took another meaningful look at the Immortal Sword behind Du Yuesheng, and said coldly, "Of course, Yu Qiu's natal saber is the only one who will receive the elder's star sword!"

"That's natural, then delay the elder for a while and allow us to make preparations."

After nodding in agreement, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing inwardly, even if I want to lend Yuqiu some magical weapons from the bottom of the box, that girl will have to control it!

Just relying on her weak chicken strength in the God Emperor Realm, she will be lucky to let the sword and sword spirit counterattack the destroyer every minute...

When everything was in place, Du Yuesheng snapped his fingers casually, and within a few meters of where he and Yuqiu were standing, an invisible wave of water rose up.

Sound barrier.

Although the sound-proof enchantment is just the most common enchantment, seeing how easily Du Yuesheng can cast it, the eyes of the red-robed old man and the others couldn't help being amazed for a moment.

This kid... the ability to manipulate and control the laws of divine power is really hidden. It has only been a long time since he entered the Hall of Stars, and he has found the secret of the method!

Especially looking at Du Yuesheng who was still smiling lightly and motionless on the water waves, even several leading disciples restrained their contempt, and their expressions were a bit more dignified.

The sound insulation enchantment cast by Du Yuesheng even cut off the changes of the screen!

Although everyone present could easily break through this barrier, even with the realm of the red-robed old man, it would be very easy to pry into the truth without breaking the barrier, but it is bound to... be noticed by Du Yuesheng.

The reason why they created the sound-proof enchantment couldn't be more obvious. At this time, spying would be a waste of time.

So, Jinghong's servant simply closed his eyes and concentrated on it, waiting to adjust his breath, and the stars twinkled all over his body.

Inside the enchantment, after Du Yuesheng repeatedly confirmed that no one was prying, Gu Shang and Yu Qiu explained: "Hey... there are many ways to deal with the white-robed old man outside.

But your realm is really too... ahem, so, in order to ensure that you have a 100% chance of winning in a one-to-one sword confrontation, you can only use this. "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng's mind moved, and a magic talisman appeared in front of Yu Qiu.

Although he had never touched it, Yuqiu couldn't help but stare at the surging sword intent on the talisman that almost broke the talisman, and raised his fingertips slightly: " this a holy talisman?"

"Don't worry about the spell, the key is its usefulness. Here, take it."

Without waiting for Yu Qiu to hesitate, Du Yuesheng stuffed the magic talisman into her jade hand: "The critical strike talisman can increase the power of sword weapons by ten times, but the effect is only one move, which is most suitable for this situation."

Looking at the gold and ink like sword talisman in his hand, Yu Qiu was a little dazed. The value of the talisman that can increase the power of the sword by a full ten times can be imagined!

However, Du Yuesheng gave it to himself casually and indifferently again...

Just like when I gave myself this Futian Divine Sword back then.

Just looking at the anticipation in Du Yuesheng's chuckle, Yuqiu clenched her fists tightly, knowing that now is not the time to be grateful.

Du Yuesheng never needed verbal gratitude.

"This is a treasure that costs me a thousand exchange coins." Du Yuesheng also felt a little heartbroken. He didn't have many exchange coins, and he was reluctant to use them all the time.

But there is one more point, Yu Qiu is a little puzzled: "Brother Du, just now you said that there is a 100% chance of winning... What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng shrugged: "Of course it was just a slight injury to the old man in white robe. After all, he is also your future uncle, so you can't just give him some face?"

Slightly injured...

Or just that?

For a while, Yuqiu felt that he couldn't keep up with Du Yuesheng's thinking.

"But... I just need to perform better than Baili, receive the sword from the elder servant, and stand still."

Looking at Yuqiu who was still a little nervous, Du Yuesheng sighed, not knowing what expression to make.

"Then just imagine, if it's only slightly better than Baili, what will those guys think?"


Without waiting for Yu Qiu to say more, Du Yuesheng said quickly: "They only think that you relied on me to win this disgraceful assessment!

Haven't you heard that when you are only slightly stronger than others, they will only be jealous and will never respect you!

Look at the faces of those so-called geniuses, don't you forget how much they mocked you just now when they saw that you were only in the realm of a god emperor? "

Having said that, Du Yuesheng's intention couldn't be more obvious: "If you want to win, you have to win the perfect crush, and let them be convinced!"

Yu Qiu, who bowed his head and said nothing, seemed to have realized something, and his beautiful eyes showed the usual stand: "Brother Du, I understand, thank you for your good intentions."

"That's right, if you win this assessment beautifully, whoever dares to provoke you in the future, you can ask him if he dares to take your sword?"

"Anyway, I have a lot of crit symbols here."

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