The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1587 Karma cremates the sea and burns out all the resentful spirits!

Du Yuesheng knew very well that the reason for the abnormal change of the resentful spirit was the terrifying power emanating from the Exterminating Spirit Curse.

And as the master of manipulating the spell, Du Yuesheng has obviously become the most hated target of the resentful spirits!

"Give me back my life... Huangkou Xiaoer, as long as I kill you, we will be completely free!"

"Jie Jie...Huangkou kid, are you really going to take these tens of millions of lives?"

The spooky voice of yin and yang, lingering in Du Yuesheng's ears, seemed to swallow him completely!

Even the blood umbrella covering the sky standing behind the flesh and blood skeleton couldn't help but sneered triumphantly: "Hmph, Du Yuesheng, the thousand spells of exterminating spirits in your hand are really powerful, but thanks to you trash...

The resentful spirits in the Blood Moon Barrier were completely enraged!

Now even if it is my order, they will not be able to drive them away. Now that they know it, they will kill the person who wants to drive them away! "

"So... Congratulations, just wait to taste the pain of being devoured by all spirits!"

However, Du Yuesheng was not afraid, and even a faint mockery emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Wait, if you want to destroy this Heavenly Emperor, just try!"

The incomparably passionate roar burst out in the blood moon barrier, as if stirring up a thousand waves, attracting the hatred eyes of the resentful spirits to look at Du Yuesheng!

"What? This pair of mortal resentment, do you want to fight to the death?

It's up to you, too! ? "

While Du Yuesheng was drinking coldly, with a lift of his fingertips, the Hundred Spirit Extermination Curse in the blood marsh exploded! The Youlan Yehuo instantly enveloped the flesh and blood skeletons.

In an instant, the miserable howling sound reflected the horror inside the Hall of Stars!

And standing in the enchantment, the elder Ge, who channeled his divine power to resist hundreds of spells and exploded with power, narrowed his eyes, stroked his silver whiskers, and murmured: "Hey... Du Yuesheng, is he trying to attack his heart?

It's strange, the instinct is crushed by spells, but he chooses to attack the mind first, this kid is really worried about the thunder coming or the demons haunting him? "

Of course Du Yuesheng was not worried about the so-called backlash from overkill.

In his opinion, this group of wraiths should be killed!

How could he be merciful to the person who deserved to be killed?

The reason why he was so explosive was because he wanted the blood umbrella to cover the sky and the people outside the arena who were filled with righteous indignation at what he had done, to be convinced that he lost!

"You have been reduced to resentful spirits, without even the most basic spiritual orifice, just wanting to take the life of the emperor, it is ridiculous!

In your previous life, you all died under this blood umbrella, that is, at the hands of that guy's ancestors!

As for the revenge of killing one's life, you don't want to take revenge, but you are willing to become a slave in the blood umbrella and let others drive you around!

Now, he wants this hatred to be imposed on the Emperor of Heaven!

How can there be such a reason in the world!

In terms of strength, the Emperor of Heaven moves his finger, and you are the result of your soul flying away, but you want to kill me in delusion, it is extremely ridiculous! "

After the words were finished, Du Yuesheng waved his sleeves, showing his indifferent temperament even more vividly: "Since you are looking for death, then the Emperor of Heaven will fulfill you!

Tianlei heart demon or something, how has this Heavenly Emperor ever been afraid? "

"Give it to me... destroy them all!"


The heavenly rays of light erupting from countless spiritual spells even trembled the guard formations of the Hall of Stars!

And Ge Lao, who was manipulating the shield, never thought that the power of the spell being cast by Du Yuesheng would be so powerful! Hastily used the divine power in Yufu to suppress the crack on the shield!

The mutation suddenly rose, and everyone present was so shocked by Du Yuesheng that they were speechless!

He...actually detonated all the Extermination Curse! ?

The young man's extremely strong cold drink hit everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer. Perhaps the killing of thousands of resentful spirits is a clear fact. Du Yuesheng's words may be extremely paranoid.

But if it cooperates with the blue sea of ​​flames burning in the Hall of Stars, no one will dare to say no again!

Standing on the blood moon, Du Yuesheng looked at the flesh and blood skeletons that had been burned to a miserable death by the karmic fire, without any pity in their eyes.

When looking at the blood umbrella covering the sky and the people outside, Du Yuesheng was even more contemptuous, the corners of his mouth raised proudly, as if to say...

"Don't you all think that this Heavenly Emperor is cruel? Well, if you are really merciful, then go to this sea of ​​fire and save these garbage wraiths who deserve to die long ago!"


With the tragic death of countless resentful spirits, the quaint blood umbrella was also traumatized and cracked, and as the owner of the demon weapon, Zhe Tian tasted the taste of resentment backlash!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how dare you destroy Lao Tzu's natal demon weapon?

Du Yuesheng, today, you must die here! "

Covering his painful head with his hand, the blood umbrella covering the sky between his fingers was occupied by the strange red color of the resentful spirit at some point in his eyes!

The resentful spirit was destroyed, plus Du Yuesheng's slanderous remarks before detonating the spirit-killing curse, the blood umbrella's backlash naturally fell on him first!

The Yaoyue Blood Umbrella, originally the supreme demon weapon passed down from the Blood Prison Cliff era, fell into the hands of Zhetian, even if he was talented, he was only a god after all.

It is possible to control the wraith with the supernatural power of the blood umbrella, but this kind of backlash is something he can't bear no matter what!


At some point, in the sight covered by the blood umbrella, there was only blood red left.

His Yufu is not full of divine power, but replaced by violent resentment!

Among the boundless blood red, except for the faint blue sea of ​​flames, only Du Yuesheng's figure is left, which is extremely eye-catching!

"Kill...kill you."

Although the words were spoken from Xuesan Zhetian's mouth, but listening to his vicious and sinister voice, there are thousands of words!

Huajiu outside the venue saw this scene, and the folding fan in his hand almost fell off, and he exclaimed in surprise, "This is... a backlash against its master?

The resentful spirits that survived the flames of the Extinguishing Curse actually devoured the Jade Mansion of Divine Consciousness that covered the sky with blood umbrellas!

Elder, do you want to stop here and continue fighting? I am worried..."

"What are you worried about?" For a chief disciple being backlashed by the resentful spirit in his demon weapon, Ge Lao was not surprised, his calm and even indifferent tone seemed to have been expected long ago!

"The disciple is worried... the resentful spirits will come back, even though the spirit orifice has not been opened, the divine power will not be able to display even 10 to 20% of the previous power.

But the hatred of the resentful spirit is too deep, and the power of the explosion must be extremely terrifying just by acting on resentment.

Even if Du Yuesheng is his opponent, if he drags on, the blood will cover the sky... I am afraid that he will never be able to recover his sanity. "

The last half sentence is obviously Hua Jiu's heartfelt words.

Although he has no friendship with Blood Umbrella Shading the Sky, but as a saint, especially under the watchful eyes of everyone, he has always been very kind and merciful!

However, after finishing this pleading, all he got was a slightly contemptuous sneer from Elder Ge.

"Hmph, it's not that this elder doesn't want to save him, it's just that...

The demon weapon refined with hundreds of millions of lives has won the position of the chief disciple, so you have to do it well, and one day you will be awakened by the resentful spirit! "

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