The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1588 The power of holy spells!

At this time, the blue sea of ​​flames inside the shield still did not dissipate.

And the Blood Umbrella Shading Sky, who was devoured by the resentful spirits, was in the torment of the sea of ​​flames. Although his face was painful, it was more hideous and terrifying!

"Trash, now you are dying!"

"Tsk... It's been a while since I finally regained my sanity, and I still have time to speak up in front of the Emperor of Heaven. Look at you, this life...

I can't keep you! "

Seeing that the sanity of the blood umbrella covering the sky was captured by the resentful spirit again, and his figure was so unpredictable that he rushed towards him. This kind of primitive fighting style that can be called the bite of a beast is more than enough for Du Yuesheng.

Wielding the Immortal Executioner Sword in his hand again and again, although the sword intent is no longer as powerful as before, but with the help of the elegant and nimble transcendental swordsmanship, the soaring strength of the blood umbrella covers the sky, and even Du Yuesheng's clothes can't be touched.

The blood umbrella covering the sky was taken away by the resentful spirit, and there were only two paths left in front of Du Yuesheng.

The first one is to force out the resentful spirits from the Blood Umbrella Shading Sky with a divine technique that is biased towards the holy light attribute, and then use pure light divine power to use secret techniques to completely seal the resentful spirits.

However, although this method can ensure that the blood umbrella can cover the sky without any harm, it is extremely complicated to execute. Even Hua Jiu, who is a saint, only knows a little about the magical technique that can force the resentful spirits out. , also unwilling to make...

What's more, the secret technique of light that can obliterate resentful spirits, I am afraid that it will require a master above the level of a white-robed elder, and the price it will cost is also very huge!

Although Du Yuesheng can do it, but the blood umbrella in front of him is obviously not worthy of his generosity and mercy to let go of the assessment to deal with the wraith.

The resentful spirit was backlashed by Blood Umbrella Shading the Sky because he couldn't control it. Even if he had nothing to do with Du Yuesheng.

Then, only the second way is left to choose!

"It's you who deserved to end up like this, so...

You and the resentful spirit in your body, let the Emperor of Heaven be dissipated together! "

While speaking, Du Yuesheng's sword edge swept across, and the raging sword energy could force the soaring strength of the wraith to back again and again!

Taking advantage of this gap, Du Yuesheng exchanged a magic talisman directly from the system!

Hundred times crit symbol!

Like the charm given to Yuqiu, the Hundred Times Critical Strike Talisman is also a powerful talisman that can instantly increase one's strength.

But in terms of its power, it was several times stronger than what Yu Qiu used!

A hundredfold increase in power...

When Du Yuesheng's fingertips clamped the magical red glowing charm, the expression of Ge Lao outside the field suddenly changed, and he almost couldn't control the divine power needed for the shield!

This is... a holy spell!

That strange blood-like color, the light that only holy-level spells can emit!

"This kid, how deep is he hiding?! Even the old man only has three holy charms. He is willing to spend so much money against a blood umbrella covering the sky!"

Even for the unfathomable Ge Lao mustard seed bag, there are only a few holy-level charms in it. In Du Yuesheng's view, they are not too valuable.

At least it can be used to instantly kill the blood umbrella covering the sky, it can't be considered a waste...

There was a sudden change, except for Mr. Ge, among the chief disciples, only Hua Jiu and Xuanyuan Ying recognized the spell in Du Yuesheng's hand. The others didn't respond, and kept pointing and pointing.

"Holy...Holy spells, the power fluctuations of this tyrannical law of heaven and earth through the shield will never be wrong!

That kid actually has a holy talisman in his hand! It seems that it is still a talisman used to enhance the attack power! "

Even Huajiu, who had always been at odds with Xuanyuanying, muttered in disbelief after being stunned and stunned: "It can't be wrong, it can't be wrong! The outline on the talisman is as sharp as a sword, and the fluctuation of power alone can It’s hard to see, it must be an offensive spell!”

"I didn't expect there to be such a monstrosity in the academy... Before leaving this time, His Majesty the Pope gave me a holy-level spell as a treasure, so that I can use it to turn defeat into victory when I face a desperate situation.

Unexpectedly, Du Yuesheng was willing to use it on the blood umbrella to cover the sky! "

After a sudden exclamation, Hua Jiu realized that he had exposed a treasured hole card, and then looked at Xuanyuan Ying with a half-smile, and couldn't help but coldly snorted: "Cut, so what if I tell you the hole card? I can win you once, I can beat you countless times!"

If this insane banter had been done in the past, Xuanyuanying would have had to refute it even in the Hall of Stars, but now, most of his attention fell on Du Yuesheng.

"Hmph, don't get too complacent, it's still the same sentence, the arena of the Supreme Academy is not the Holy Light Mountain Range!

Leaving aside who will win between you and me, if you meet Du Yuesheng in the martial arts arena, are you sure you will receive his holy curse? "

After asking some questions, it really hit Huajiu's weakness.

As a current saint, a peerless genius who has been blessed with countless auras since he practiced, Hua Jiu will never allow anyone of his generation to be better than him!

The appearance of Du Yuesheng obviously surpassed Xuanyuan Ying and became his biggest threat now!

"Just wait, with the protection of the Holy Light, I will never lose to anyone! Even Du Yuesheng is impossible!"

It is precisely because even convincing the arrogance in his heart that he has to use pious beliefs, so Hua Jiu looked at Du Yuesheng with special focus. He really wanted to see how strong the latter... is with the blessing of the holy spell!

Finally, the spell broke out.

There was no loud noise of great momentum, nor any strange discoloration of the world.

Yes, it's just that the Zhuxian Sword is covered with a coquettish and bloodthirsty red light!


Even if it is the best of the fairy swords, it can't help bursting out ear-piercing buzzing sounds when it bears the bonus of such terrifying spells that defy the law of heaven!


It was just the trembling of the sword body with the wind, which actually burst out cracks in the shield that Ge Lao supported with all his strength!

"Ge Lao, the victory and defeat have been decided! Why should the trouble get out of hand! This kind of power, I am afraid that it will alert the Martial God to come forward!"

The two white-robed servants who were present couldn't stand it any longer. They wanted to stop Du Yuesheng but they had no choice but to follow the rules, so they could only persuade the grave-faced old man eagerly.

However, elder Ge resolutely shook his head when he heard the words: "It's absolutely impossible, since Du Yuesheng has already started to attack this sword, it is impossible for him to give up easily.

In terms of rules and regulations, it is what you requested, and now that things are getting out of hand, you have no reason to stand by!

If you don't want the Xingchen Palace to be broken by this kid, the two of you will come to help the old man! "

The two elders in white robes looked at each other, and after hesitating for a moment, they could only dodge helplessly to Elder Ge's side, instilling divine power with all their strength.

As soon as the divine power fell into the hub of the shield, the endless feeling like a vortex swallowing everything made the faces of the two of them fused. Just now, they stood on the sidelines and watched coldly. They just felt that this battle was far beyond the strength of the leader disciple. Now they feel Just maintaining the shield makes the two elders feel a little overwhelmed...

Just how strong is Du Yuesheng's sword?

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