The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1608 Black-robed Elder, You Can Kill It!

Looking at the five elders who were murderous towards him, Du Yuesheng sneered and joked: "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it, since you don't know right from wrong.

The Heavenly Emperor will no longer read your elder robes today, if anyone wants to die, I will make him perfect! "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng drove Du Sheng out of Ji Ying's black barrier with a wave of his hand, and the natural divine power suppressed him, directly ignoring the natal supernatural power of the white-robed elder!

"Du Sheng, you stay behind, this Emperor alone is enough!"

Seeing Du Yuesheng facing five elders alone, he knew that the former's strength was unfathomable, but Du Sheng still couldn't help but shouted with concern: "Brother Du, be careful, this is an elder in white robe!"

"Hmph? So what about the white-robed elders, no matter how powerful they are, they can beat those two from the Kuqin Hall?"

Shaking his head indifferently, Du Yuesheng signaled to Du Sheng that he need not worry about himself at all: "Even the old man's nameless swordsmanship can't hold up to the ten moves of the Heavenly Emperor. The five of you are far from enough!"

"Extremely arrogant, you traitor, you don't know your mistakes when you are about to die! Everyone, do it!"

Seeing Du Yuesheng's contemptuous eyes that didn't take him seriously, Ji Ying couldn't help but sneered, and his sharp fingers stained with black magic power immediately turned into ghosts, and aimed straight at Du Yuesheng's heart!

Although Du Yuesheng was able to kill Lone Tian with ease, it was really beyond Ji Ying's expectations, but he himself is an elder, he is invincible at the peak of the gods, and the exercises he practices are the best in the academy, so he doesn't pay attention to Du Yuesheng at all inside.

Even from Ji Ying's point of view, if he united with four fellow elders for the sake of a mere Du Yuesheng, he would lose his identity if the news got out...

"No matter how powerful he is, he is just a new disciple. If he dares to fight this elder, he will die!"

Thinking in his heart, Ji Ying's eyes became more sinister as his figure flickered, looking at the fingertips that were about to pierce Du Yuesheng's heart, he even laughed fiercely: "Rebel, die!"

Haunted by the divine power at the peak of the god, and soaked in countless corpses, he can easily penetrate the flesh of an opponent in the same realm and stab Du Yuesheng, the result can be imagined...

However, in the next second, the smirk on Ji Ying's face froze abruptly.


At some point, Du Yuesheng's unsheathed Zhuxian Sword stood in front of his heart with lightning speed!

The fingertips full of ink energy touched the simple and simple scabbard of Zhuxian Sword's immortal power, and could no longer move forward half a point!

Even after Ji Ying's face changed suddenly, he was even more shocked to find that his fingertips, which were as sharp as knives, seemed to show signs of breaking! is this possible? !

You must know that Ji Ying has used his fingertips instead of weapons since he stepped into the realm of a god general. Supernatural powers are by no means comparable to foreign objects.

The fingertips that couldn't even be melted by the Nine Nether Fires were broken into powder when the sword scabbard of Zhu Xian was lightly folded!


The ink-black fingertips flew away, and the divine power surged uncontrollably, and the surface of the enchantment continued to ripple. The surrounding audience couldn't help being shocked, and thought to themselves that it was fortunate that Elder Ji Ying had arranged the enchantment in advance, otherwise it would be regarded as smashing and rubbing Just touching their skin is enough to tear their bodies apart!

And because of this, when everyone looked at Du Yuesheng and the invincible Zhuxian Sword, their eyes became more awed!


What Du Yuesheng abolished was not only Ji Ying's fingertips, which he regarded as his personal weapon, but also the power of the Jade Immortal Sword exploded slightly, and even the flesh and bones of the latter's palm were twisted to pieces!

Before the saber came out, just flicking the scabbard lightly, completely abolished the palms of the white-robed elder? !

How terrifying is this!

I'm afraid that once the fairy sword in Du Yuesheng's hand is released, his head can't even bear the aftermath of a sword energy!

The accident happened extremely quickly, until when Ji Ying's palms were twitching and bleeding profusely, the four black-robed elders who helped out couldn't see the whole story clearly!

too fast! With their eyesight as elders, they couldn't even figure out Du Yuesheng's movements, so how could they fight!

If you continue to fight, it will be no different from courting death!

For a moment, the entire Zhenbao Pavilion was silent, and everyone's face was filled with surprise and embarrassment!

Once upon a time, there was an insurmountable gap between the strength of disciples and elders!

Even if there is an emperor-level disciple who is amazingly talented, against a white-robed elder with outstanding strength, the number of victories in the past thousand years can be counted on the fingers!

Therefore, in the Supreme Academy, the status of an elder symbolizes absolute respect and detachment!

But today, this difficult gap was overturned by Du Yuesheng!

Still subverting the history of the academy for thousands of years in an understatement!

Looking at the establishment of the Supreme Academy, there is no disciple who can easily defeat the white-robed elder!

No! It's not a victory, it's a complete abolition. One of the natal supernatural powers was turned into powder, and Ji Ying abolished at least a thousand years of cultivation!

After a long time, Du Sheng who was still standing with Du Yuesheng cheered loudly, breaking the silence!

"Brother Du is mighty, in front of you, even the elders are not enough to see!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was full of amazement, and everyone was subdued by Du Yuesheng's strength!

"This is so awesome. As expected, the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead. Even though Du Yuesheng is a new disciple, in terms of strength, even those emperor-level disciples are not qualified to compare with him!"

"Tch, an emperor-level disciple is nothing, have you ever seen any emperor-level disciple dare to attack an elder!"

"Not only did he dare to make a move, but he could also abolish the white-robed elder. Lonely is really courting death for messing with this Asura!"

Hearing the reverence of the people around, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, anywhere, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, no rules, no status, are all just floating clouds!

At the same time, Du Yuesheng glanced at Ji Ying, who was in a state of embarrassment, without concealing the contempt in his tone: "Che, the Emperor of Heaven is standing here, aren't you going to abolish me?

Don't say that the Emperor of Heaven won't give you a chance! It's you who is too useless, you are not worthy to say the word "rebel"! "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng snapped his fingers casually, and Ji Ying's natal supernatural power... the black barrier that cut off all divine power, suddenly shattered!

Once the scabbard is folded, the fingertips of the peak of the god can be abolished.

With a flick of the fingers, the majestic supernatural powers of the majestic white-robed elder disappeared!

This is Du Yuesheng! The gods block and kill the gods!

Although his face was bloodless, Ji Ying still said ruthlessly: "Rebel, don't be arrogant too early!

If you dare to abolish Elder Ben's natal supernatural powers, even if the Palace of Punishments is fully mobilized, they will not let you go! "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng didn't see his face getting angry, he just tilted his head slightly, and with a mocking look towards ants, he said with a smile: "Old man, the Emperor of Heaven seems to have reminded you just now that the word "rebel" means death if you say it?"

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