The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1609 Dugu seeks defeat

"Since you insist on courting death, this Heavenly Emperor will fulfill you!"

After Du Yuesheng finished speaking, he just raised his palm burning with divine power, but as if thinking of something, he raised a light smile and said: "Old man, it seems that it is too cheap for you to send you back to the West so easily.

How should I put it, you are still wearing a white robe anyway, even if your natal supernatural powers are abolished, your strength should still be at the peak of a god emperor, right?

It's use you to train my subordinates, it's worth your death. "

When Ji Ying heard this, he was trembling with anger, but he didn't dare to attack Du Yuesheng again. When was he judged by others to treat an ant like this?

Even if you, Du Yuesheng, are powerful and don't fear being hunted down by the Palace of Punishments, I'm not an ant who makes you want to kill me at will!

"Du Yuesheng, if you have the guts, you will kill this elder. Anyway, on the road to Huangquan, you will pay for your life sooner or later!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Ying turned to look at the four hesitant black-robed elders behind him. Obviously, they were all very afraid of Du Yuesheng's strength, and they dared not show up at this moment.

"My fellow disciples, what are you still doing standing there? Why don't you help me get rid of this traitor together!

If you don't kill him at this time, do you think that with this traitor's character, you will be easily spared? "

The four of them were moved by what Ji Ying said, and they couldn't help raising their heads one after another, looking at Du Yuesheng with a little more stern gaze.

They were afraid of Du Yuesheng's strength, but what they were even more afraid of was the iron rules of the college that were as majestic as a mountain!

In order to appease Lonely Father's anger, Ji Ying repeatedly made things difficult for Du Yuesheng. They could stand by and watch, but they did nothing when they saw the elders of the same sect being injured by the rebels.

In the end, I don't know if it was the identity of the elders that gave them the courage to shout or what, but the four of them unleashed their weapons again, and the murderous intent that emerged from their bodies became even stronger!

"Du Yuesheng, you can't escape the guilt of killing your fellow disciples and seriously injuring the elders. Don't let it go easily today!"

"That's right! As long as we're still here, Zhenbao Pavilion won't be your turn to be presumptuous!"

"Today, I will arrest you to destroy the execution platform, and taste the taste of the bone-biting thunder!"

Du Yuesheng couldn't help being amused by the non-threatening barking, and hooked his fingertips in contempt: "Don't worry, not only this old thing is going to die today, you can't escape either!

Today, the Emperor of Heaven will walk out of the Treasure Pavilion on your dead bodies, and see who dares to stop him! "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng waved his long sleeves, and a brilliant light flashed beside him, gradually congealing into a human form!

"Where is Dugu seeking defeat?!"

When the human form appeared, it was Dugu Qiubai in black clothes, kneeling on one knee and asking, "What orders does the Emperor of Heaven have?"

Looking at Dugu Qiubai, who was full of sword intent, Du Yuesheng nodded with satisfaction. Ever since he defeated Elder Ge with Dugu Nine Swords, he has been thinking about a problem.

As the originator of Dugu Nine Swords - Dugu Qiubai, if he was born in the God Realm, what kind of glory would he be?

The answer is imminent!

In the world of martial arts, Dugu Qiubai's swordsmanship is outstanding, and even Du Yuesheng appreciates it very much. Unfortunately, the former is only a figure in the martial arts world.

If Dugu Qiubai is an unborn powerhouse in the God Realm, I am afraid that one person and one sword can easily slaughter the so-called top-ranking faction!

It's a pity that Dugu Qiubai still doesn't belong to the God Realm at this time, it is difficult to destroy a sect, but it is not impossible to destroy the elders in front of him!

But Du Yuesheng was just about to order to kill Ji Ying and the others, but his eyes flashed, and he said in surprise: "When did you...have divine power?"

Du Yuesheng was absolutely right! Inspired by his spiritual sense, Dugu Qiubai, who was kneeling in front of him, possessed an incomparably pure sword intent power, even though it was insignificant compared to himself, but...

A martial arts figure, but possesses the power of the gods. It seems that after breaking through the gods, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the Supreme God Kingdom!

Originally, as the master, Du Yuesheng's strength has skyrocketed, and Dugu Qiubai naturally also received favors. At this time, he couldn't help but say in a loyal voice: "Return to the Emperor of Heaven, since you broke through to the Emperor of God, I and all my companions from the Kingdom of God have obtained divine power together!

Although we are only in the realm of being a god general now, as long as the Emperor of Heaven allows us to give us time, we will break through as soon as possible and do the work of a dog and a horse for the Emperor of Heaven! "

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Knowing that the Kingdom of God can be described as a great improvement in sublimation, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but raise his head and laugh wildly: "Okay, if you are loyal, the Emperor of Heaven will give you a chance to be loyal!

Since you already have divine power in seeking defeat, you shouldn't have to keep the Emperor of Heaven waiting for a long time to get rid of the rubbish in front of you, right? "

Dugu Qiubai heard the words, looked up at Ji Ying and the others, his eyes could not help but become contemptuous, and then he returned to respect when he looked at Du Yuesheng: "Don't worry, these rubbish have no realm, and their strength is unbearable.

Just do it, drink blood for my sword! "

"Okay, then let the Emperor of Heaven do it, and leave no one behind!"

After Du Yuesheng finished speaking, Dugu Qiubai got up abruptly, with a long sword wrapped in black cloth in his hand!

Looking closely, the black cloth and Jianfeng have already been soaked dark red with blood!

"You bastards, die!"

With a flash of black shadow, Dugu Qiubai fought fiercely with Ji Ying and the other five.

Although he is only in the realm of a god general, as a master in the martial arts world, Dugu Qiubai can appreciate the transcendent changes in strength in a blink of an eye.

With one against five, there is no sign of defeat at all, and even as time goes by, Dugu Qiubai has figured out the mysterious powers of Ji Ying and five people, and the odds of winning are getting stronger and stronger!

On the other hand, the five of Ji Ying, it doesn't matter if they are not Du Yuesheng's opponents, but at this time they can't even defeat the latter's servants, one can imagine how angry they are...

"Damn it, hurry up and end the battle, a god general will go crazy!"

"Kill this good-for-nothing general first, and then take Du Yuesheng's life. When were we afraid in Zhenbao Pavilion?!"

"Once the formation is released, as long as he is in this Zhenbao Pavilion, Du Yuesheng will die no matter how many he is!"

When Dugu Qiubai heard the words, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "It's a mere piece of shit, to speak rudely to the Emperor of Heaven!

Today you are under my sword, don't even think about leaving a whole corpse! "

On the side, Du Yuesheng was watching the battle with his hands behind his back, the corners of his mouth were extremely confident, as if he was full of trust in Dugu Qiubai's strength.

"Hmph, a few rubbish delusions turned around, what idiots are talking about!

Even if all the power of the spiritual veins in Zhenbao Pavilion is used, garbage is still garbage after all!

To kill you, the Emperor of Heaven doesn't need to do it himself! "

In an instant, facing the enemy who dared to provoke Du Yuesheng, Dugu Qiubai erupted with a terrifying strength that cannot be measured by realm. Countless black sword shadows gushed out from his palms, suppressing Ji Ying and the other five without any power to fight back!


In just ten breaths, an elder in black robe died tragically under the black sword!

In the blood flow of stumped limbs and broken arms all over the ground, it was just as Dugu Qiubai said...

Not a single body is left behind!

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