The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1613 Surprised or not?

One second was unremarkable, but the next second it was an undercurrent. Ren Hongyu was so happy and angry that he could move at will. He deserved to be the elder of the palace guard!

But in the same way, Du Yuesheng was aware of it long before the divine seal was revealed!

Since we can't agree, let's talk with our fists...

"Zhu Xian..."

The scabbard buzzed, and the violent sword intent like a flood surged across Du Yuesheng's body immediately, but before the young man finished speaking, he was interrupted by a bold and unrestrained voice that was quite reproachful.

"Zhu Xianjian, you are so tall! Do you think that this Martial God is not causing enough trouble?!"

Before the Wanyin fell, Kuqin appeared in front of the two of them out of thin air!

The elder god seal that was enough to crush the body of the upper god in an instant, Kuqin waved his hand casually as if inadvertently, scattered the golden light, and fell back into Ren Hongyu's hands dimly...

"Damn it, woman... what are you doing here, don't tell me that you are going to kill relatives and clean up the house, such nonsense!"

Seeing Ku Qin's sudden arrival, Du Yuesheng restrained his sword intent. He wanted to refute the woman who dared to teach him a lesson even though he had no master-apprentice status.

"Damn, is this the kind of person that Martial God is? Besides, if you make a mistake, you can only clean up the house. Yuesheng, you kill people who deserve to be killed. Why is there any fault?"

These words were obviously meant for Ren Hongyu, and as soon as they came up, he showed his firm position in support of Du Yuesheng, which even the latter himself did not think of.

"Although this woman is usually unreliable, she still has merit in protecting her weaknesses..."

However, it was not Kuqin's attitude that Ren Hongyu was frantically frightened at the moment.

In fact, he was still a little puzzled before. After such a big event, there should be no movement in the Kuqin Hall...

What made his city unfathomable and hard to conceal was... Kuqin, when will he be able to enter the enchantment of this elder! ?

One must know that even as the elder guarding the palace, Ren Hongyu crossed the space-time rift and teleported to Du Yuesheng just now, he still borrowed the power of the spiritual veins here.

But Kuqin, probably stepped out of the Kuqin Palace in one step, broke her barrier, and appeared in front of her without any external force!

Looking at the unwavering enchantment, Ren Hongyu's face, which couldn't hide his astonishment, became even more gloomy. Kuqin's supernatural powers were more mysterious than he expected!

"A hundred years ago, this elder broke through the bottleneck, and because of this, the divine seal of life stepped into the realm of the holy weapon. I didn't expect that today, it was broken by this woman's understatement!

Even the shield connected to her consciousness, she can break in at will as if nothing is there. This woman usually hides her secrets, but she never be so strong! "

Feeling uneasy, Ren Hongyu had no choice but to ask in a deep voice: "Kuqin, before you came here, you should know what kind of mistakes Du Yuesheng made. If you are worthy of the elder's red robe, don't stop me!"

"Red robe?"

Hearing this, Kuqin raised her eyebrows, and a trademark cheating smile suddenly appeared on her pretty face: "Hehe, I'm sorry, I didn't wash the red robe of the Martial God, so today, Elder Ren, you can just wash it and wash it." Don't use the rules of the academy to force it."

I saw this female man talking, and she did not forget to turn her jade feet very flamboyantly, and her lavender dress danced slightly, graceful and pretty.

But now, Ren Hongyu can't bring up the mood of admiration!

Did you wash the elder’s robes and did not dry them? Such deceitful excuses, thanks to which you can say it in front of this elder?

No wonder others say that the strength of Martial God Kuqin is inversely proportional to the lower limit. I haven't seen her for a long time. This woman's strength has grown, but her face has become thicker and thicker!

Thinking of this, Ren Hongyu lost his temper: "Kuqin, you should know what this elder is talking about, no matter what your attitude is, you will never allow the rules of the academy to be broken here..."

"Oh, why do you guys like to talk about rules at every turn, anyway, I am also one of the warriors, how about some face?"

How the hell can you bargain with this elder about this kind of thing?

Ren Hongyu simply didn't care about the words and deeds that he cared about the most on weekdays, and pointed at Kuqin with a sloppy face and scolded: "Get lost! This elder is not in the mood to joke with you!"

"I'll go, this is how you treat guests in Zhenbao Pavilion? You don't need to show your wealth and wealth!"

When Ren Hongyu heard this, he almost couldn't help sacrificing his natal seal and smashing this woman to death. What do you mean I am rich and powerful in Zhenbao Pavilion? You are obviously making trouble for no reason!

His fingertips trembled wildly. Ren Hongyu didn't even think about it, because Kuqin's mere words made his consciousness flustered: "Write a fart, Ku... Kuqin, if you dare to make trouble for no reason, be careful that the elder will impeach you!"

However, no matter what Ren Hongyu did, Kuqin still had the posture of killing people without paying for his life. He pinched his waist and laughed wildly: "Impeachment? Hahaha, the secret letter you made a small report didn't get into the hands of that old thing in the academy. It was amputated and burned by this Valkyrie, save it."

Thinking that if this woman messed around, he would be led by the nose, Ren Hongyu simply gritted his teeth, and said harshly: "You...what do you want! You are making troubles for no reason in my Zhenbao Pavilion. I think you are the martial god of the academy. This elder can tolerate it. , but Du Yuesheng's matter today is definitely not discussed!"

However, Kuqin smiled slyly when he heard the words: "Yo, what a coincidence, Elder Ren really understands righteousness, he didn't even discuss it, and planned to let him go, that martial god thanked me here!"

After all, he didn’t forget to thank you with a slight bow, Ren Hongyu could bear it when he saw this, and the red robe roared with anger: "Kuqin, you are so fucking endless, don't stop here with Elder Ben!" nonsense!

The person in charge of the punishment hall will come later, I think you can still laugh! "

Seeing the contrast between the smile and anger between the two, Du Yuesheng deeply felt that he was ashamed to be in the Kuqin Palace with this woman, but he couldn't help the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with an inexplicable playful expression on his face.

A few words can make the elders of the temple lose their senses. Looking at the entire Supreme Academy and even the God Realm, only Kuqin has such abilities, right?

"Tsk tsk, it's really interesting to be protected by this woman standing in front of the Emperor of Heaven with a scapegoat occasionally..."

The two important elders in the academy, from the previous glaring eyes, were unknowingly brought by Kuqin to bargain...

"Hey, I'm sorry, Yan Laohei, who is in charge of the punishment hall, has already been persuaded by this martial god to go back home!"

"What did you say?!"

Of course Ren Hongyu knew who Kuqin was talking about Yan Laohei! Because of this, he couldn't believe it!

Yan Laohei, in the seniority of his disciples, is probably called the 'Black Faced Yan Jun'!

That's the Chief Elder of the Hall of Punishment! Yan Xiyue, who is known as the Shura of the academy, is absolutely fair and strict!

The person in charge of the punishment hall was actually persuaded by Ku Qin to go back? !

The monthly salaries they receive are all used to eat shit! ?

Zhenbao Pavilion died, but one white, four black, and five elders, you can be persuaded by Kuqin, and even punish the elders like a fart!

Looking at Ren Hongyu's incredible expression, Ku Qin smiled more and more complacently, and took out a black token from her bosom with a humble face.

"Here, this Martial God knows that empty talk is useless, so he deliberately borrowed Yan Laohei's token, Elder Ren, are you surprised or not?"


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