The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1614 Amethyst Jade Card!

I am surprised NMLGB!

Looking at the black token in Kuqin's hands, Ren Hongyu's immovable consciousness almost collapsed!

I said, why are you in the mood to bargain with me here, so you already have the token in your hand!

Then you are still talking nonsense!

Isn't it because of your Kuqin's character to slap your face with a token directly? !

"Damn it, it's no wonder that I've been here for so long, and I don't see this woman and Du Yuesheng worried at all, so it turns out that they are not afraid of the people from the Palace of Punishment coming!

Elder Ben is really confused. If Yan Laohei went out of the mountain in person, how could he be delayed on the road for no reason? It turned out that he was stopped by this woman! "

But no matter how depressed Ren Hongyu was, the token in Kuqin's hand was not fake at all. Just kidding, who would dare to risk his life to fake the token of the chief elder of Kuqin Hall?

With the token in hand, Kuqin can take Du Yuesheng away in front of her face, and mock herself mercilessly by the way...

Thinking of this, Ren Hongyu couldn't help being annoyed: "Okay! Kuqin, you have it!

You take it away, today's matter, I count my Zhenbaoge's negligence in discipline, and in the future... this elder will never pursue it! "

However, Kuqin patted Du Yuesheng on the shoulder with a happy expression, and taught: "Did you hear that, the big man at the level of the elder of the palace guard can even speak so imposingly in the scene, study hard in the future!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, unable to guess what Kuqin was planning, but he still gave the former a bit of a slap in the face, pretending to agree on his face, knowing in his heart that this woman is a cunt at all...

However, Ren Hongyu didn't even want to cooperate on the surface with these yin and yang words: "Kuqin, you're so fucking endless, if you don't disappear from the Treasure Pavilion, this elder will drive you away!

It’s cheap to be a good boy, hum, be careful I’ll report to the dean, even if I have Elder Yan’s token, it won’t work! "

"Oh, it's even more coincidental. It's really the dean who personally ordered Yan Laohei to give the token to the martial god. Are you surprised or not..."

"Surprised Nima, get out!"

In less than half a stick of incense, Ren Hongyu had just calmed down a little bit of consciousness, and was facing collapse again!

This woman... is so shameless!

It's fine to take Du Yuesheng away, but you still want to use the dean to suppress the elders, you have a bottom line in life, okay? ? After all, we are also colleagues in red robes!

However, no matter how high and powerful Ren Hongyu is, he will not accept the majesty of the dean, and even when he is angry, he is even more unable to figure out the details of Kuqin.

"The dean's pardon... It seems that it is really possible, with this woman's ability, it may not be impossible to convince the dean!

Otherwise, based on Yan Laohei's character, how could he give up easily, at least he had to come to Zhenbao Pavilion for interrogation, but since the dean ordered it himself, but didn't show up, he only sent this woman to inform the elder, could it be...

It's to remind me to completely block the news! ? "

Thinking about it this way, Ren Hongyu couldn't believe his own deliberation!

This Du Yuesheng's face is really too big, right? This elder has been in the academy for nearly 3,000 years, and this is the first time that he is safe and sound after seeing a personality of a disciple's generation kill an elder!

This is more than that, after letting the dean know about it, can he calm down? !

Compared with some white-robed elders, this face is even more majestic!

After his face was cloudy and uncertain for a long time, Ren Hongyu was able to suppress his anger with a profound state, and gritted his teeth: "You... let's go!"


As soon as Ren Hongyu almost ran away with a slapstick-faced Kuqin, he said, "Bie Nima, get out! Otherwise, don't enter the Treasure Pavilion in the future!"

"Damn, if you say you have a lot of money and you don't admit it, let's stop with Yue Sheng. There is still a debt between us."

Looking at Ku Qin's sly gaze, Ren Hongyu felt a chill behind him, squinted his eyes and said vigilantly: "What account, this elder and you don't seem to have much contact with each other on weekdays, right?"

"Tch, who would want to have a relationship with you, an old antique, and I am worried that I will be called a strange beauty!"

After a few merciless sarcasms again, without waiting for Ren Hongyu to get angry, Kuqin stretched out her hand and said, "It seems that you have never given me the amethyst jade plaque of the Martial God of the Ten Temples in Zhenbao Pavilion, right?"

Mentioning the Amethyst Jade Tablet, Ren Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered, it seems that there really is such a thing!

The Amethyst Jade Tablet is the unique token of the Martial Gods of the Ten Temples! With this token, you can go in and out of the Treasure Pavilion without hindrance.

Not only that, the Amethyst Jade Card, as an existence that is only lower than the Dean's Jade Card, also has a lot of discounts in the Treasure Pavilion.

In addition to the discounts that other elders are envious of, there is also the privilege of reserving treasures, and even looking at a treasure at the same time as others, as long as the bid is similar, it must be sold to the person who holds the amethyst jade card first...

In short, this jade card is equivalent to the Martial God himself coming to the Treasure Pavilion in person, and must be given the most honorable treatment!

And Ren Hongyu, or Zhenbao Pavilion, really owed Kuqin a piece.

But it's not that Ren Hongyu didn't want to give it, but... he was worried that after giving this woman the jade token, she would ruin the entire Treasure Pavilion!

With Kuqin's character, if he didn't rely on the supreme privilege of the jade card to snatch it for nothing, he wouldn't believe it if he killed Ren Hongyu!

So simply, you Kuqin Hall never mentions this matter, and I, Zhenbao Pavilion, don't bother to take the initiative to present the jade plaque, so how long it can be delayed.

Therefore, Ren Hongyu was hesitant when urged by Kuqin: "Why, I still have the treasure that Martial God Kuqin likes in Zhenbao Pavilion?"

However, when Kuqin heard the words, she shook her head with disdain and said, "No, can I use it to pretend to be x?" really don't save me any face!

But no matter how arrogant Kuqin is, this token is hers in the first place, and she can't just refuse to give it.

After clenching his fists, Ren Hongyu tried hard to convince himself of today's repeated bad luck, and said in a deep voice: "I ordered my servants to fetch it, and the amethyst jade card is of great importance, and I can't always carry it with me.

But please leave a trace of Godhead Kuqin, so that you can confirm your identity in the future! "

To be honest, whether or not the amethyst jade token is integrated into the godhead is basically a voluntary act, but Ren Hongyu has to guard against it at this time, because this cheating woman might actually be able to do something to sell the jade token for money!

However, this time, Kuqin's reaction was beyond Ren Hongyu's expectation.

"You have to pay attention to your spiritual sense, it's really troublesome... After the jade medal will be delivered, just keep his godhead."

After shrugging her shoulders a little troublesomely, Ku Qin turned her head slightly, pointing her jade finger at Du Yuesheng behind her.

And after Ren Hongyu followed Kuqin's point of view, his resolute face seemed to be filled with the most incredible astonishment!

To... to him? !

"Damn it, Kuqin, even if you came here to play tricks on Elder Ben today, you can't go too far!

You actually gave him the jade token of privilege and detachment in my Treasure Pavilion! ? "

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