The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1629 See you at the Martial Arts Arena in three days!

Looking at Ku Qin's beautiful eyes like autumn water for a long time, Du Yuesheng nodded slowly...

Originally, Du Yuesheng, who had a system in his body, had been lucky all his life, and Kuqin was just a passer-by in the God Realm.

But this passer-by sincerely regards Du Yuesheng as the inheritance of Kuqin Hall.

Therefore, Du Yuesheng would like to make an exception for her.

The first time and the last time.

"Tsk, why does the Emperor of Heaven always feel depressed when he is caught in bed but is begged by his sister to let his old friend go, and there is no green on the top of his head..."

After the joke, Du Yuesheng waved his hand, motioning for Kuqin to back off: "Elder Yan, you heard what Kuqin said, today, the Emperor of Heaven can not make this confession!

But... this matter must not end like this! "

Seeing Du Yuesheng's sudden indifference, Ku Qin wanted to step forward, but was stopped by his gaze: "I know that even if the divine thunder is broken, in the eyes of you, Yan Xiyue, I, Du Yuesheng, are just a stubborn traitor. Break through the Supreme God, and then pinch me to death, right?

But it doesn't matter, the Emperor of Heaven will give you this opportunity today, and see you in the martial arts field in three days' time! "

"Du Yuesheng, what are you talking about!?"

See you in the martial arts field in three days!

Is this the rhythm of a duel! ?

Not only Yan Xiyue, but even Kuqin and the other elders were full of disbelief, they couldn't believe their ears!

Du Yuesheng, wouldn't it be swelling to the point of lawlessness?

He actually wanted to fight Elder Yan!

Even if he can break the divine thunder, it does not mean that he is the opponent of Elder Yan. The unfathomable strength of the majestic Lord God is definitely not a joke!

However, the indifference in Du Yuesheng's expression did not seem to be fake at all: "It's very simple, you want to use me to prove the majesty of the Palace of Punishment and even the Academy, and this Emperor of Heaven has long been unhappy with breaking the rules.

It is better to speak with strength than to be restrained in tone and care about the dissuasion of others. The God Realm has always had this rule since ancient times, right?

Three days later, you are not the Chief Elder of the Palace of Punishment, and I am not the true heir of the Palace of Kuqin.

If you win, the Emperor of Heaven will let you deal with it, but if the Emperor of Heaven wins, from now on, you are not allowed to mention the word "rule" in front of the Emperor of Heaven! "

The loud and loud words immediately made the air above the academy extremely oppressive.

Du Yuesheng, actually chose the simplest and rude way?

Indeed, the academy has its rules, but the God Realm has more rules of the God Realm! From ancient times to the present, it has always been giving orders with fists, this is the purest supreme law...

"Elder Yan, don't promise this traitor! Who knows if he will play any tricks three days later!"

"That's right, you are the dignified chief elder, Du Yuesheng, you are a true biography, what qualifications do you have to challenge!"

"Elder Yan, why don't you take this opportunity to teach this rebel to be a man! In the martial arts arena, you never show mercy!"

The noisy crowd talked about disputes, but when Yan Xiyue waved his hand, everyone behind him fell silent.

Taking two steps forward, Yan Xiyue looked at the boy's starry eyes as deep as the sea, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. When did Du Yuesheng stand on an equal footing with himself...

However, since it is the simplest and most direct method, Yan Xiyue has no reason to refuse to back down!

"Du Yuesheng, what you said is indeed very reasonable. This elder agrees to you in this battle! Three days later, the martial arts arena will be held to determine the outcome!"


The voice amplified countless times by the majesty of the main god echoed in every corner of the college. Yan Xiyue's attitude couldn't be more obvious!

To fight, let everyone in the academy witness!

"Three days later, in front of everyone in the academy, my elders will re-defend the majesty of my punishment hall, Du Yuesheng... don't admit it!"

But Du Yuesheng looked at the imposing Yan Xiyue, and acted extremely indifferently: "Hehe, Old Antique, in three days, I advise you to prepare a good job, and it is wiser to make a will."


After snorting coldly with a gloomy face, Yan Xiyue didn't say any more, since he put all right and wrong in the martial arts competition three days later, there is no reason to waste time and tongue now, and with a wave of black robe, he was ready to lead people away.

However, just a few steps away, Du Yuesheng's cold drink came from behind.


Yan Xiyue didn't look back, but frowned: "What? You want to go back on your word..."

"Repentance? There has never been such a word in the dictionary of the Emperor of Heaven! Elder Yan, the grievance between you and me has come to an end, but someone... the Emperor of Heaven does not seem to allow you to leave, right?"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng's stern gaze passed Yan Xiyue and landed on Huajiu who behaved in a panic.

"Does the Emperor of Heaven call you a saint, or is it better to pass on the true biography of Sheng Yi?"

Stepping lightly, Du Yuesheng flashed in front of Huajiu, completely blocking the way: "Did no one tell you that what the Emperor of Heaven hates the most is the villain who plays tricks behind his back?"

It was the first time in Hua Jiu's life that he was scolded as a villain, but facing Du Yuesheng's cold eyes that seemed to be real, he couldn't even display the arrogance of the proud son of heaven.

He just braced his scalp, gritted his teeth and said, "Du Yuesheng, it is incumbent on you to report to the elders of the Palace of Punishment against the rules of the college. Why do you say that I am playing tricks behind my back?"

Even the elder Sheng Yi, who was standing beside him, couldn't help standing up to protect him: "Du Yuesheng, it was my idea to tell Elder Yan about your repeated evil deeds, you..."

"Are you qualified to bargain with the Emperor of Heaven?"

Star pupils were filled with anger, Du Yuesheng pointed at the sky, and the majestic white-robed waiter turned pale as if thousands of arrows pierced his heart, and flew backwards far away...

Seeing this, the elders at the side wanted to step forward to help, but Yan Xiyue, who couldn't see through his expression, waved his hands, indicating that this matter had nothing to do with the Hall of Punishment.

The Hall of Punishment does have the obligation to defend the majesty of the academy, but it doesn't mean that they can tolerate being teased by borrowing a knife to kill someone!

Even Ku Qin stood beside Du Yuesheng at this time, expressing her position.

"Hmph, I knew you would be so perfunctory, Hua Jiu, what exactly is your plan, you are very clear in your heart.

The Emperor of Heaven is too lazy to talk nonsense with you and other villains. If you are not seen in the martial arts field after three days, I will go to the Holy Hall to find you in person! "

Hearing the words, Ku Qin also supported with righteous indignation: "That's right, my Martial God will be there at that time, Hua Jiu, you shouldn't be afraid, right?"


Painting for a long time is really scary!

From the time Du Yuesheng shook the first divine thunder forcefully, he knew that the former was an existence that he could not afford to provoke.

So when he heard the word "duel", Hua Jiu was terrified, and his body trembled uncontrollably: "Yanwuchang... You, didn't you make an appointment with Elder Yan, what does it have to do with me?"

"Hehe, the duel with Elder Yan really has nothing to do with you, but if the Emperor of Heaven wants to win you, he can do it with three moves!

If you still have the slightest arrogance of a saint, don't talk nonsense and evade, on the martial arts arena, how dare you take the three moves of the Emperor of Heaven! ? "

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