The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1630 Prepare to subdue the ten-tailed fairy fox!

Take him three moves! ?

What an arrogant tone!

This kind of contempt that doesn't take people seriously makes Hua Jiu's eyes completely full of blood!

Even if you, Du Yuesheng, can beat Shenlei, don't be arrogant too early!

When did someone dare to talk to me like that...

This lofty tone is clearly the aloofness unique to Huajiu!


Gritting his teeth fiercely, Hua Jiu disregarded the blockage of the elder servant beside him, his hoarse voice had long since lost the warmth of the past: "Okay! Du Yuesheng, I promise you, if I can catch you three moves in the martial arts arena in three days' time, you Kowtow to me and admit my mistake!"

After waving his hands, Du Yuesheng was still calm and calm: "Don't kowtow to admit your mistake, if I lose then, I will let you handle it!"

"Even if you let yourself explode your godhood?"

"Tch, let's talk after you win..."

Looking at Du Yuesheng's indifferent appearance, Hua Jiu really wanted to torture him with the supreme holy technique, why is he so arrogant?

But even though he was furious, he still had a sliver of reason: "Okay! Du Yuesheng, I, Hua Jiu, have always been aboveboard and never take advantage of others! If I lose, I will let you handle it..."


As soon as these words came out, everyone exclaimed even more!

On one side is Du Yuesheng, who can beat the gods and thunder, completely surpassing his disciples and claiming to be the emperor of heaven, and on the other hand is Hua Jiu, a genius among his disciples. These two people are facing each other, how can they not cause a sensation?

Perhaps if it is only about the outcome of the duel, everyone will undoubtedly believe that Du Yuesheng will win, but with only three moves...

Do you really think the saints are random? It's still possible to take three moves from you!

"I'll go, three days later, I'm afraid there will be a good show to watch, not to mention Elder Yan's first martial arts duel with others, even if it is the bet between these two people, it is enough to attract attention!"

"Hmph, it's too early for Du Yuesheng to be arrogant! It's just three tricks, can he treat him as the supreme god who descended into the world?"

"This elder has all his wealth, as long as Du Yuesheng doesn't use any tricks, Hua Jiu will surely win!"

Everyone's shouts filled his ears, Du Yuesheng couldn't help shaking his head mockingly, ants are ants after all, it's just a delusion that they can catch the three moves of the emperor, so they are so ecstatic?

"You don't need to deal with it arbitrarily, if you lose, you won't be able to leave the arena at all!"

After finishing the cold drink, Du Yuesheng turned around and left, leaving Hua Jiu with a chilling look in his eyes.

Just a look, Hua Jiu, who used to be a genius with countless halos, almost collapsed his consciousness!

But after the cold feeling all over his body disappeared, Huajiu's inner jealousy was even more aroused: "Damn it! That guy, with just one look, almost made me succumb to my divine power!

But Du Yuesheng, your mistake is that you are too careless! In three days, I promise to give you a surprise! "

At this time, on the way to the Kuqin Palace, Du Yuesheng simply used his divine power to fly, and Kuqin beside him couldn't help but worry again and again: "Hey, did I say that you kid was turned into an idiot by the god's thunder? That kind of condition is acceptable." Promise to fight Huajiu, don't be afraid..."

However, before finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng interrupted: "A battle that must be won, why talk about fear? I think the battle with Yan Laohei is quite interesting.

But having said that, the dean of the college didn't say anything about making such a big commotion, it should be a good thing you did, right? "

"Hey! Stop talking nonsense without reason!"

Originally Kuqin wanted to be perfunctory, but in the face of Du Yuesheng's sharp gaze, she finally lowered her head and said embarrassingly: "Well, actually, when Yan Laohei went to find you, I knew there was going to be this matter, so I did it right away. Find the dean so that he doesn't have to go out of the mountain."

After a pause, Ku Qin didn't forget to add: "It's strange to say, that guy seems to be going to practice in seclusion recently, otherwise he would definitely not ignore it."

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng also accepted Kuqin's explanation. If the dean retreated and only came down with a clone, the impact on the situation would not be serious. It would be better to just let himself beat the thunder.

But today I made an exception for Kuqin, Du Yuesheng... I'm really upset!

"Damn, I'm in a depressed mood. This Heavenly Emperor urgently needs to find the Ten-Tailed Fairy Fox to vent his anger!"

Ku Qin who was standing next to her was startled when she heard the words, "What? You are going to subdue the ten-tailed fairy fox right now, I think you were really stunned by the lightning!"

"...What? Don't you all like thousand-year-old virgins like overlords fighting hard?"

At the end of the sentence, Du Yuesheng's half-smiley mouth made Kuqin's pretty face blush, and hurriedly spit: "Cut, prodigal son! I warn you in advance, the ten-tailed fairy fox is really powerful!

Don't beg for mercy and admit your mistake until that guy slaps you on the ground and can't get up, then it will be too late! "

Despite the power of the seal of the gods, it is impossible for the ten-tailed fox to be imprisoned in this way willingly for thousands of years. In addition, the signs of seizing the house have become more and more serious recently. At that time, Du Yuesheng will face the person who occupies the body of Wanhua God-defying beast.

Even Kuqin dared not peek at this level of battle, but seeing Du Yuesheng's confident appearance, he really couldn't say anything to refute.

"In short, you must be very careful. If the situation is not right, I will use the spiritual power of the Kuqin Palace to temporarily seal the ten-tailed fairy fox, but then it will completely alarm the senior management of the academy!"

Stepping on the soil of Cui Zhulin, Du Yuesheng felt relaxed at this moment: "Don't worry, it's not as scary as you imagined."

"Okay, I'll go back and inform Senior Brother now."

While speaking, the dry piano and jade feet were connected, and Miaoman's figure flickered continuously in the Cui Zhulin, completely unaffected by the seal of the gods.

And when Du Yuesheng walked back to the Kuqin Hall, he saw the elder Ge in black robe standing beside Kuqin with a dignified expression, while Liuli was still smiling innocently. Seeing the former coming back, she hurried forward to hug her: "Yue Brother Sheng, I heard that you went to Zhenbao Pavilion, did you buy it for others..."


Before the Wanyin fell, I heard the girl humming softly, and her soft and delicate body fell to the ground impressively. Kuqin behind her withdrew her consonant finger, and said to Du Yuesheng in a concentrated voice: "It's not too late, senior brother just strengthened the seal of the seal of gods. Curse, if you do it, do it as soon as possible!"

After nodding in approval, Du Yuesheng waved one hand, and holy golden ripples enveloped the Kuqin Hall for dozens of miles. The originally quiet and pleasant bamboo forests around were replaced by thousands of ancient swords inserted in the golden sand.

"Hiss... so pure sword intent, Yuesheng, is this your natal supernatural power?"

Seeing that Elder Ge still had a surprised expression at this time, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but chuckled and nodded: "It's sort of."

This holy sword domain is indeed Du Yuesheng's natal supernatural power, but it is not worth mentioning among countless supernatural powers.

"By the way... if you want to completely surrender, is it true that the seal of the gods will not be effective?"

Hearing the words, Ku Qin couldn't help but stare at Du Yuesheng's thoughtful words, her pretty face was full of surprise: "Yuesheng, could it be that you want to subdue the ten-tailed fairy fox and use it as your mount?"

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