The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1656 The Dean Arrives

The Supreme Academy was the Tianzi Martial Arts Arena just a moment ago, but at this moment, it was razed to the ground.

Not only the Martial Arts Arena, but the entire Supreme Academy is full of devastation, but fortunately, the divine power of Ye Tiandi who fell from the sky was merciful, otherwise...

I am afraid that there is no Supreme Academy in the God Realm anymore.

At this time, Hua Jiu's figure had also disappeared without a trace, and when the time limit was up, Ye Tiandi's figure also gradually disappeared.

Du Yuesheng remembered clearly that the disappearing figure was so majestic, so hard to look up at.

But... sooner or later, the Emperor of Heaven will surpass him!

"I'm going, this is a big loss, Yue Sheng, quickly help me to see if there is nothing left?"

After wiping off the mud stains on the corners of his face, Du Yuesheng said with black lines all over his face: "I said you should show some face, how can you find someone to see if you are naked?"

When Ku Qin heard the words, she pouted her lips out of embarrassment or reproach, and then said depressedly: "Well, the fat water doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders, and you want to see who else is awake now?"

As he said that, Ku Qin took out a picture stone with a vicious look: "You don't know, how wonderful the expressions of those red-robed old antiques just now are, I have never seen them pee in fear in my life!

Hey, with this video, this Valkyrie can threaten them, and want to preserve the majesty of the red-robed elder, okay, let's take one hundred thousand god stones first! "

However, as soon as the words fell, Ku Qin's face froze with complacency, and she stared at the photo stone in her hand in bewilderment.

"Damn it! Why is there only golden light in the sky in the video? And what kind of script are those strange Sanskrit scripts? I have never seen it before!"

Du Yuesheng heard the words from the side, and shook his head helplessly: "Just now I should have asked Ye Fan to shoot you to death, meow! Why don't you hurry up and thank the Emperor of Heaven if you can live to this day?!"

"Hmm... are you trying to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?"

"Destroy your head, this Heavenly Emperor is called killing harm for the God Realm!"

Bickering is back to bickering, but Du Yuesheng was not idle. He checked that all the elders who had fainted on the ground were fine, even Yuqiu and Liuli were safe and sound, but their consciousness was temporarily fainted due to the seal.

To Du Yuesheng's surprise, Chen Yi was fine!

Of course, the proud silver hair of the Ten-Tailed Fairy Fox, who got too close to pursue the miracle Ye Fan just showed, was scorched black.

"Emperor... are you alright?"

"It's okay, that... You've only been awake for so long and you're ready to experience the trendy hairstyles in the God Realm?"

Without waiting for the two to tease, Du Yuesheng saw a figure descending from the nine heavens.

When Ku Qin beside her saw this, her beautiful eyes were startled, and she went up to salute and said: "See the dean..."

Dean! ?

The man in front of him turned out to be the dean of the Supreme Academy, and it was rumored that he could compete with the Supreme God—Muen!

However, Du Yuesheng really couldn't see any difference in this ordinary man.

In addition to the handsome facial features, they are just ordinary in the God Realm where you can put on your face at will. Mu Enzhou has no fluctuations in his divine power!

Of course, even if Du Yuesheng couldn't see through the terrifying strength hidden behind the plain surface, he would definitely not do the stupid thing of judging people by their appearance.

"Du Yuesheng, I have met Dean Mu En."

Hearing this, Mu En nodded, with a chuckle on his face without any pretensions: "It's really a face-saving thing to not call yourself the Emperor of Heaven in front of me.

Don't gossip, Du Yuesheng, do you know why I met today as a clone? "


Facing Mu En's eyes without fireworks and anger, Du Yuesheng decided that it would be better to simply say: "Is it because I want to pay for the loss of the academy's buildings?

Having said that, I really don't want the academy to be like this! Besides, Dean, if you settle accounts, you should also find that guy just now! "

After thousands of stars, Du Yuesheng can't guarantee that Ye Fan really can't hear him tricking him behind his back.

However, after hearing this, Mu En laughed and shook his head: "You are really cunning just like Junior Sister Kuqin.

Knowing that when the Heavenly Emperor came down just now, I hid in the temple and shivered, so there is no need to be so shameless, right? "

"Um... Then you are in the rhythm of settling accounts after autumn?"

Having said that, Du Yuesheng really couldn't raise the slightest warning to the dean in front of him who was not showing any emotions or anger, but was willing to put down his figure and laugh at himself.

It's just that Du Yuesheng didn't notice that while Mu En was joking just now, the mentioned Kuqin muttered with a strange expression on his face: "This guy is still the same as before, relying on his mouth to enter the divine way, hmph!"

Looking at Chen Yi who inadvertently flashed to Du Yuesheng's side and kept him secretly, Mu En shook his head again and said: "Of course not, I'm also the dean after all, so I still have the courage...

My avatar descended this time, and I was originally planning to reward you! "

Reward the Emperor of Heaven! ?

Reward me for making the academy such a mess?

If this is the case, the Emperor of Heaven demolished the temple where you practiced together. You should hold your thighs and pass on the position of dean to me, right?

After glancing at Du Yuesheng, who was slightly astonished, Mu En slowly said: "Of course it's not rewarding you for ravaging the academy's buildings...a feat, um, a feat.

What I reward is that you can stand out among the disciples of the academy. The rules of the academy have never treated the strong badly.

Also, breaking the seal of the gods also helped me and the academy solve the variable of the ten-tailed fairy fox by the way! "

Saying that, Mu En still didn't forget to glance at Chen Yi out of the corner of his eye, and rubbed the soft fox ears with a light smile: "Here, is your hairstyle good?"

Chen Yi, who was provoked by such an action, immediately lit up his blood eyes, and said coldly: "Ant, are you looking for death?

It's your luck that I didn't kill you thousands of years ago! "

Shrugging his shoulders, Mu En did not deny it: "That's right, in order to thank you for saving your life, I have worked hard for thousands of years, and now I am only half a step away from the Supreme God.

So now, as a spiritual pet, as long as you don't break through the final seal, you will never want to crush my godhead. "

"How do you know..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Du Yuesheng: "Chen Yi, you step back first, Dean Mu En is so kind, it is obvious that he wants to turn hostility into friendship."

After calling Tui Chenyi, Du Yuesheng said: "Is there a way to help you train... Bah, the credit for teaching Liuli, so it seems that you are going to prepare a tailor-made red robe for the Emperor of Heaven?"

Indeed, Du Yuesheng dared to run amok in the college without restraint, firstly because Mu En, the dean, didn't care about some trivial matters, and secondly because...

What Du Yuesheng did, at least for the Supreme Academy as a whole, has a lot of benefits.

With the great contribution of lifting the Seal of the Gods and subduing Chen Yi, let alone provoking the Palace of Punishments, Mu En wouldn't care even if Yan Laohei's ancestral grave was dug up.

At least Du Yuesheng's contribution is enough to exchange for an elder's red robe that symbolizes his lofty status!

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