The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1657 The Sea of ​​Light is born!

"However... Those rewards are offset by your feat just now, and they are gone."

Mu En's words really surprised Du Yuesheng, damn it, the elder-level red robe is so worthless?

As if seeing through Du Yuesheng's mind, Mu En shrugged and smiled: "Do you know that what the Heavenly Emperor destroyed just now was all the formations of the Twelve Temples.

If I want to repair it, I even have to summon the gods of the ancestors. In the words of the lower world, it is disrespectful to rashly alarm the ancestors. "

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng reluctantly accepted Mu En's explanation.

Indeed, the defensive formation of the Twelve Temples can forcibly challenge the full-scale attack of the main god level. It would take a lot of manpower and materials to repair it. It is already very generous of the dean to let the past go.

What's more, Du Yuesheng also took advantage of the Supreme Academy. A ten-tailed fairy fox Chenyi became his spiritual pet, and even Liuli was taken in as a personal maid. It was Mu En's loss.

"Unfortunately, I was going to give you the two holy artifacts that I have cherished for a long time, but it seems that I have no chance."

It was just a polite exclamation, but the few people saw Kuqin's eyes shining, with a greedy face: "Damn, brother, you are so generous, just give it to me, no matter how you say it, it will increase the average combat power of the Valkyrie, which is not worth it." Fake public affairs for personal gain?"

Unexpectedly, when Mu En heard the words, he immediately said: "Do you think that I plan to continue to use those two sacred artifacts as decorations?

It was to repair the temple and exchange materials with the Muyin Temple! Don't make such a crooked idea as soon as possible! "

In front of her senior brother, Kuqin stuck out her tongue playfully, which is rare, and then she asked with a slight frown: "Since the merits and demerits are balanced, why do you still come to the clone? Why don't you continue to practice the kung fu that you owe!"

"Hmm...the college has such a big disturbance, as the dean, I should express it? Besides, I have something to say to Yuesheng this time."

Du Yuesheng, who was at the side, immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Oh? What else is there?"

But Mu En smiled mysteriously: "If I'm right, your top priority now should be to go to the temple to crush the Holy Emperor's gang of gods, right?"

"That's right."

"In this case, there is a ruins, you must go."

"What ruins?"

According to Du Yuesheng's knowledge, the God Realm has existed for an unknown period of time, and there are also many ancient god ruins, but the inheritance opportunities in it are not of much use to him now!

However, Mu En raised his fingertips, and his smile was even more mysterious: "Sea of ​​Holy Light!"

Sea of ​​Light! ?

Before Du Yuesheng could react, Kuqin beside him exclaimed: "Sea of ​​Holy Light? How is this possible? That kind of ruins shouldn't ever see the light of day again!"

"Indeed, the Sea of ​​Holy Light is the longest-existing site in the God Realm. It should have been buried underground, but the arrival of Emperor Ye just now disrupted the spirit veins of the God Realm, and the land of Zhongzhou, thousands of miles away, happened to be a coincidence. The entrance to the Sea of ​​Light appeared below..."

Du Yuesheng frowned after listening, and then asked: "In the final analysis, what kind of ruins is the Sea of ​​Light, and I have to go there?"

Mu En smiled again, and his tone was slightly playful: "Didn't you already say it when you and Hua Jiu were dueling, the sea of ​​holy light is the embodiment of thousands of righteous and kind thoughts in the God Realm!

And those god sticks in the temple are running amok under the guise of the Sea of ​​Light..."

Transformed by thousands of good thoughts in the God Realm?

This explanation sounds abstruse, but Du Yuesheng firmly believes it.

The reason is very simple. Even in the lowermost world, where thousands of souls pray devoutly, they can trigger large or small visions of the world. As the most ordinary gods, there are countless gods who can move mountains and fill seas. What is impossible in the sea of ​​holy light condensed by human kindness?

It can be said that the sea of ​​holy light is condensed by the laws of heaven and earth in the God Realm!

The God Realm has gone through tens of thousands of years, and it is the sea of ​​holy light under your feet that has nourished the creatures of the god world and the immortal grass and spirit trees. As a feedback, after the fall of the god, the broken godheads will pour into the sea of ​​holy light and become heaven and earth. The power of the avenue.

One can only imagine the strength of the combination of godheads that have fallen from the God Realm so far!


"Even if the Sea of ​​Holy Light can be called the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, why should I go? Is there any chance?"

Hearing this, Mu En shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not a chance, but Du Yuesheng should know it himself.

If you want to dominate the God Realm and become the master of this world, besides the Supreme God, you will face the sea of ​​holy light sooner or later.

Instead of going against the Dao of Heaven and Earth at that time, it is better to use the sea of ​​holy light for your own use. When you fight against the God Realm, no matter how desperate you are, you will have the advantage of the right time and place. Wouldn't it be like a tiger with wings? "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng finally understood.

What Moon means is to allow himself to be recognized by the Sea of ​​​​Holy Light, or...

Conquer the Sea of ​​Light!

However, Mu En beside him seemed to see through his mind, and smiled mysteriously: "I suggest you not to try the second method, because the sea of ​​holy light is condensed by countless good thoughts.

Fairness, justice, generosity... If you want to conquer it, you are going against these qualities. In that case, you don't need me to tell you how much resistance you will bear. "

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng expressed his understanding: "Speaking of which, the advent of the Sea of ​​Holy Light has disturbed many forces, and the major sects will also send elites to go there, right?"

"That's right, such a large piece of cake cannot be swallowed by the God Realm alone, unless he has already surpassed the God Realm, but if so, there is no need to go against the grain.

In addition to absorbing countless fallen godheads, even the treasures lost in the world are almost all included in the sea of ​​​​sacred light, and naturally some people will go to these treasures.

But...if it's just these vulgar things, it will naturally not disturb the supernatural forces. What they, even you, are really useful is the essence of the sea of ​​holy light—the core of holy light! "

The core of holy light?

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng narrowed his starry eyes for a moment, and then asked back: "If you guessed right, the so-called core of the Holy Light should be the condensation of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, right?"

"That's right."

After Mu En finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "To be able to completely control the Dao of Heaven and Earth, one can imagine what he can do in the God Realm!

So, Du Yuesheng, do you have any reason to refuse now? "

It was an understatement of the question, but Mu En said it, I don't know what kind of magical power it is, and it ignited the ambition in Du Yuesheng's heart, ready to move!

Du Yuesheng really has no reason to refuse such a unique temptation!

Let me ask, if the heaven, earth, and avenues are all in my hands, who else in the God Realm can compete with this Heavenly Emperor? !

"It seems that the Emperor of Heaven must go to the land of Zhongzhou this time."

Before the words fell, Du Yuesheng's mouth raised a confident smile...


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