The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1659 Lonely battle, welcome for a long time!

Du Yuesheng walked sideways into the tower, and frowned slightly, thinking that although he was a bit high-profile in the college, this is the land of Zhongzhou, and there are so many enemies of the Emperor of Heaven?

However, Du Yuesheng was stunned as he looked at the red-robed elder who greeted him.

This person...why does he always look familiar?

"You are Du Yuesheng, who has become famous in the academy recently, but the old man has been waiting for you for a long time?"

Hearing the banter of the middle-aged man hiding his knife in his smile, Du Yuesheng frowned even more. Even though he was very famous in the academy, his visit to Zhongzhou this time had nothing to do with the academy.

Even if you save face, there's no need for the red-robed elder to welcome you in person, right?

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng simply smiled and said: "If you dare to ask this elder's name, Yuesheng is also easy to call him."

"Hmph, listen up, this elder is the chief elder of the Zhongzhou resident—Lone Zhan!"

Lonely battle?

Du Yuesheng still had no impression.

However, the aloof Lonely Zhan sneered even worse: "Why, looking at you, I need this elder to remind you!?

My son, lonely, will die at the hands of you trash! "

As soon as the word "waste" was dropped, the eyes in Chen Yi's eyes lit up with blood, but he was stopped by Du Yuesheng with a sneer on his face: m "Oh? Elder Lone is willing to be so straight to the point, it seems that... he wants to avenge your useless son ?”

"Who are you calling trash!?"

"Hehe, the one who was instantly killed by the Emperor of Heaven is not a waste, what is it!?"

After finishing speaking, the air in the pavilion was extremely cold!

Including the disciple who picked up Du Yuesheng just now, everyone looked at Du Yuesheng with hostility.

They are in the land of Zhongzhou, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, if they fight alone, it is an order!

"Okay, okay, what a sharp-mouthed Du Yuesheng, don't you think that the land of Zhongzhou is an academy? It's your turn to be so presumptuous!"

Stepping down the stairs, Lonely Zhan stood in front of Du Yuesheng, his eyes were red like hatred:

"When my son died tragically by your sword, this elder should have sacrificed blood to you to avenge my son!

It's a pity that this elder has made a critical breakthrough and has no time to clone, so that you, a waste, can live on until now...

A few days ago, I received information from the college that you will come to the land of Zhongzhou.

Coincidentally, Elder Ben will tell you what it means to seek your own death today! "

While speaking, the purple glow in Lone Zhan's palm flickered, as if he was on the verge of fury.

However, Du Yuesheng still sneered again and again: "Why, you can give birth to a waste like Lonely, and you are not very good.

But just broke through the main god, and you want to take the life of the emperor?

Didn't the mentally handicapped person who sent you the news tell you that the Sea of ​​Holy Light came into existence because of this Heavenly Emperor? ! "


When Lonely Zhan heard this, he couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect that the sudden changes in the world that shook the entire God Realm were caused by Du Yuesheng in front of him?

However, after the astonishment passed, Lonely Zhan raised his head and smiled grinningly: "Hmph, this kind of lie to deceive children also wants to frighten the elder?

Such changes in the world, even Dean Mu En can't do it!

Just by you?

Is it possible that this elder will kneel down and beg for mercy for you?


Lonely Zhan laughed wildly, and the disciples beside him who helped him couldn't help mocking and ridiculing.

"At first, I thought how powerful the man of the academy was, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of IQ. It seems that we overestimated him!"

"That's right, elder lonely, stop talking nonsense with him, this kind of rubbish, just leave it to us to clean up!"

"Hmph, how can you be a match for Senior Brother Lonely? You are not worthy to lick the soles of his shoes!"

Hearing the joking mockery in his ear, Du Yuesheng laughed.

It seems that the college's Zhongzhou resident needs to be rectified...

Lifting his head slightly, Du Yuesheng looked at Lone Zhan with disdain: "It's okay to kneel down and beg for mercy, all of you will die today!

Lonely battle, after you get together with your useless son in Hades, remember to thank the Emperor of Heaven! "

"Arrogance! Lin Yu, kill him for this elder, and then I will reward you with the ancient Lingbao sword!"

While speaking, a young man named Lin Yu flashed out of the crowd, and he was the most important disciple of Lone Zhan!

"Disciple obeys, hehe, if you can exchange a spirit treasure for a piece of trash, it's worth dying for!"

While speaking, Lin Yu's divine power surged all over his body, and the cultivation base of the god's peak distorted the surrounding air!

And Du Yuesheng saw it in his eyes, and he was so contemptuous that a mere god dared to shout in front of the Emperor of Heaven, even if he was dying, he was not worthy of letting the Emperor of Heaven take action!

"Heavenly Emperor, leave these ants to us..."

While speaking, Chen Yi wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Du Yuesheng:

"Don't worry, didn't the dean say, let Liuli experience it, just use these trash to see the blood.

Liuli, come on! "

As the master, Du Yuesheng naturally has the right to order his personal servant girl.

However, Liuli, who was called out, was biting the meat pie. After hearing Du Yuesheng's words, her cherry lips parted slightly, and the meat pie also fell to the ground: "Ah...Master Yuesheng, don't you want Liuli to kill them?"

"Whatever you want, you can crush the godhead and cripple it."

"But...they seem to be fellow disciples of the academy."

When Liuli heard the words, her cherry lips pouted slightly in embarrassment: "Ge Lao ordered that unless heinous traitors are rebels, they cannot be killed by the same sect."

Du Yuesheng was about to go berserk, and the ridicule of Lin Yu and others made him almost growl at the pig teammate in front of him:

"...Didn't you hear how they mocked my master just now? This is not a serious crime..."

"...But Sister Wu should also scold Mr. Ge for being an idiot."

Touching lightly with her jade finger, feeling the anger in Du Yuesheng's eyes, the pure-hearted Liuli didn't dare to disobey, so she had to be aggrieved and said: "Then, it's better for Liuli to help Master Yuesheng scold him back.

But... But Sister Wu and Elder Ge have never taught Liuli to swear, so what should I do? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Lonely Zhan immediately laughed again and again.

"Haha, this girl, are you sure she's on the side with Du Yuesheng? Isn't she sent to make a joke?"

"Hey, don't underestimate them, not only do they have a pair of chest organs, but they are also cultivated by gods!"

"Tsk, maybe they sacrificed their brains and IQ, and exchanged forbidden techniques for a realm haha..."

Du Yuesheng was going crazy!

Dean... You told me to bring this idiot Liuli, did you intentionally make it more difficult for the Emperor of Heaven?

But thinking of how Du Yuesheng could lose his momentum before Lonely Zhan made a move, his star eyes turned, and he immediately gritted his teeth and said:

"In a word, one of these trash is counted as one. If you kill one, the master will treat you to a feast of spirit beasts. There is no limit!"

"Okay, Liuli obeys!"

The moment she heard the feast of the spirit beasts, Liuli completely forgot all of Ge Lao's painstaking teachings...

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