The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1660 Killing and Lonely Battle!

The explosion of Liuli really surprised Du Yuesheng.

The girl's figure turned into a ray of colored light, and the sub-holy soft sword bestowed by Du Yuesheng turned into a sky full of brilliance, slashing across everyone's throats...

"One, two, three, four, uh... I can't count, master, do you remember how many feasts of spirit beasts you have marked for Liuli!"

The dozen or so receiving disciples in the main hall lost their vitality in an instant!

When Lin Yu saw the smiling girl clearly, he saw Liuli pouting her cheeks vigorously and complaining: "Master, this junior is at the peak of God Venerable anyway, so how about two meals?"

" can say as many meals as you want."

Du Yuesheng vaguely felt that the IQ and strength of his personal servant girl were simply inversely proportional!

What astonished Du Yuesheng the most was that Liuli's strength was not what a god should have at the beginning stage!

Of course, the body of Wanhua is definitely different from ordinary innate supernatural powers.

But the mere three swords broke Lin Yu's sword encirclement and life-saving Lingbao. Isn't this too heaven-defying? !

Beside him, Chen Yi looked at Liu Li who was carefully wiping the blood stains on the sword, and then smiled lightly:

"Heavenly Emperor, are you satisfied with Liuli's strength?"

"Satisfaction is satisfaction, but..."

Du Yuesheng pondered for a while before asking: "However, it seems that Liuli's strength should not be displayed by someone who is at the beginning of the gods."

When Chen Yi heard this, he chuckled even worse: "Heavenly Emperor, although the God Realm is inhabited by ants, the measurement of the realm is just a set of calculations that have been subtle for tens of thousands of years."

"The strength of the Wanhua Body is not as simple as it appears on the surface. It can be said that all the divine powers in the God Realm, even the death powers of the Nether Purgatory, can be commanded by Liuli like an arm.

And take the ant named Lin Yu just now as an example, he is a supernatural power with colorful powers, and he is considered a genius in the eyes of ordinary people.

But there are no less than a hundred kinds of divine power in this area, and Lin Yu can use less than one-tenth of it for himself.

But Liuli can easily control it! You don't even need to deliberately control the divine power, it can be turned into a help that makes you more comfortable! "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng completely understood the strength of the Wanhua Body.

Liuli absolutely cannot be judged by the standards of ordinary people now, even compared with the strength of a peerless genius!

What is a peerless genius?

Probably Hua Jiu and Xuanyuan Ying, the rising stars with thousands of halos around them, are enough to be called.

In Du Yuesheng's eyes, except for himself or the use of forbidden techniques, the limit of Shen Zun's initial stage is probably a little bit stronger than Hua Jiu.

Because no matter how talented a god is, his realm is limited, and the power he can control and the magic he can perform are also extremely limited.

But Liuli's Wanhua Body obviously ignored the so-called limit!

"Chen Yi, the Heavenly Emperor suddenly wants to ask you a question?"

"God please speak."

While giving Liuli an encouraging look, Du Yuesheng said without changing his expression:

"I remember that when you came to the Supreme Academy, Liuli had just entered the academy as the leader's disciple.

Ben Tiandi thought it was just a coincidence, but now it seems that it should not be that simple, right? "

The implication of Du Yuesheng's words is that Chen Yi probably decided to descend from the upper realm after counting every step thoroughly!

The academy was in turmoil, and the Ten Martial Gods took action. At that time, Mu En and others' realm was obviously not enough to kill Chen Yi, so they chose to seal it.

As for the sacrificial body to be sealed, only Liuli was suitable at that time!

Keeping a low profile in the Yu Mansion, where the body of Wanhua is, and taking the glass by the way, will Chen Yi's strength not only double? !

Although the news that the majestic ten-tailed fairy fox can come to the God Realm for a body of myriad flowers sounds very delicate.

But after seeing Liuli's strength, Du Yuesheng had to doubt Chen Yi's motives...

Of course, no matter what Chen Yi's plan is, he is just his spiritual pet now.

So Du Yuesheng didn't express the question in his heart until now.

Sure enough, Chen Yi was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said:

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the Heavenly Emperor. I thought my calculations were flawless, but I didn't expect...

It was revealed by the Emperor of Heaven! "

After nodding his head, Du Yuesheng looked at Liuli more solemnly.

This girl is really not as simple as it appears on the surface!

"To be honest, when I came here thousands of years ago, I had already mastered the ability to decipher the influence of the body of Wanhua on the pure mind. We originally thought that with our own city, coupled with such innate supernatural powers, even the Supreme God would be It’s just a slightly bigger ant!”

Indeed, it is self-evident that the depth of the Dust City Mansion can be hidden from everyone in the Supreme Academy for thousands of years. If you win Liuli...

I am afraid that the reason why Chen Yi chose to descend is because he has excavated the bloodline inheritance of his fairy fox to the limit, and he has reached the limit in this life.

Perhaps in the God Realm, Chen Yi is an existence that dominates all directions, but in the vast upper realm, there may be existences that are more terrifying than the main god everywhere!

Of course, Du Yuesheng didn't point it out, but asked slowly:

"Can the method you mentioned to break the flaws of the Wanhua Body be used on Liuli?"

Chen Yi didn't answer when he heard the words, but asked back with a smile: "Dare to ask the Heavenly Emperor, if it is possible, are you really willing to use it on Liuli?"

Du Yuesheng was indifferent.

Looking at the innocent girl who was laughing innocently for the dozen or so feasts of spirit beasts, Du Yuesheng suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing for her personal servant girl to be a little silly.

After thinking about it, Du Yuesheng waved his hand to recall Liuli, and then walked towards Lone Zhan with a sneer on his face: "Elder Lonely, thank you, Emperor of Heaven, for providing so much waste for Liuli to practice sword...

Based on this, the Emperor of Heaven allows you to choose a decent way to die! "

With Lonely Zhan's strength, his status in the Supreme Academy is definitely not low.

But even the Hall of Executions was ignored, wouldn't it be easy for Du Yuesheng to pinch the former to death?

Lonely Zhan was aroused by the icy-cold words before waking up from the panic.

The disciples whom I regard as my confidantes are not enough to kill the other party's servant girl? !

But my son's revenge must be avenged!

"Choose Nima! Don't be arrogant too early, you bastard!"

While speaking, Lonely Zhan concentrated all the divine power in the Yu Mansion between his right palms, and struck at Du Yuesheng Tianling with the momentum of thunder.

However, in mid-air, Lonely Zhan froze...

The sharp sword that came out of his heart at some point was greedily devouring his vitality...

That sword is called Zhu Xian.

"Hmph, do you think you can avenge your useless son by breaking through the Lord God?

Go to hell and reunite! Rubbish! "

Killing instantly with one sword, Du Yuesheng's face was extremely cold and stern.

In the land of Zhongzhou, he has not yet met the enemy, but let the local forces of his own academy calculate first.

Just thinking about this kind of discomfort caused Du Yuesheng to ignite an unknown fire...

Fortunately, Du Yuesheng's expression eased slightly due to the crisp notification sound from the system.

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