The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1661 The Seventh Level of Divine Respect

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing the main god-level monster and gaining 3000000000 divine power!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the player Du Yuesheng's level has been upgraded, and the current level is the seventh level of god respect!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the player Du Yuesheng has obtained a Shenyin Talisman!"

The successive prompts made Du Yuesheng twitch the corners of his lips in a little satisfaction: "Tsk, I have upgraded. Although the father and son are a bit useless, the experience is not bad..."

As soon as the words were finished, Liuli came running happily: "Master, master, have you counted how much you owe Liuli for the feast of spirit beasts?"

"You think everyone is the same as you, sixteen meals, how about taking you to reimburse one meal now?"


Lovingly patting the young girl's black silk-like hair, Du Yuesheng wanted to leave, but glanced at Lone Zhan's body, resting on the mustard bag around the latter's waist.

Before Du Yuesheng could open his mouth, Chen Yi tactfully held the mustard seed bag in front of him, and said with a frown, "Heavenly Emperor, look... this seems to be a... map of the Sea of ​​Light?"

Map of the Sea of ​​Light! ?

After Du Yuesheng took it, the corner of his mouth gradually raised into a light smile...

There is still something good about this lonely waste.

After looking at the map, Du Yuesheng finally understood that the sea of ​​holy light is huge, but for him it is just a waste of effort to conquer it!

Mu En said that the Sea of ​​Holy Light is the avenue of the God Realm. Although it is buried underground, its coverage area should be equal to the vast world of the God Realm.

But don't forget, the sea of ​​holy light is transformed by all the goodness in the God Realm, and the God Realm is a bit barren, with no living beings, so where are the good thoughts coming from?

There is also a territory controlled by the Dark Temple, all of them are bloodthirsty, and that map has a good idea!

Overall, the area covered by the Sea of ​​Holy Light is only about half that of the God Realm.

Although it is only half, it is enough to attract heroes from all walks of life to gather in the land of Zhongzhou!

"Tsk, those magic sticks are moving so fast, even the people from the Dark Temple have been dispatched, but due to the restraint of divine power attributes, the progress is a little slower than that gang of magic sticks.

There is also the alliance formed by Nan Tiandao, tsk tsk, although it is a mixed bag, the progress is not too slow. "

Looking at the faintly flickering spots of light on the map, Du Yuesheng couldn't help feeling that he was not alone, at least the enemy of the sect gave him a map...

Don't even think about looking at this map. From Du Yuesheng's point of view, Lonely Zhan probably borrowed the influence of the Supreme Academy in the land of Zhongzhou, coupled with the main god's cultivation as the perception of spiritual changes, to condense such a vivid map.

On the map, you can clearly see the movements of the various forces. Although there must be a delay in the information transmitted through the changes in the spiritual veins, it is better than Du Yuesheng's own groping.

Of course, the flickering dots on the map are stronger elites, at least they will be marked if they can cause changes in Fangyuan's spiritual veins. The rest of the miscellaneous soldiers who want to fish in troubled waters naturally don't have the ability to do so.

What's more, Du Yuesheng didn't pay attention to those miscellaneous soldiers at all.

"Let's go, let Liuli fill his stomach first, and discuss the countermeasures by the way."

In Zhongzhou City, in a magnificent restaurant, Du Yuesheng would always think of Du Sheng's mountain cannons whenever he looked at Liuli's eating without any scruples about her ladylike image.

"Well, I didn't expect that there are so many delicious foods in the God Realm. Finally, Liuli can no longer eat the meals made by Sister Wu!"

With a few chuckles, the only thing Du Yuesheng can't complain about is probably this woman's cooking skills. After filling Liuli with a cup of fairy dew, Du Yuesheng asked Chen Yi beside him: "How is it? Haven't heard any useful news?"

Shaking his head, Chen Yi said: "Reporting to the Emperor of Heaven, there is not yet. The only three strongholds in Zhongzhou City, except for the Supreme Academy, the Holy Temple and the Dark Temple, almost all came out, and the rest are insignificant ants .

As for those top-ranking sects... they wouldn't waste their time on things like eating, would they? "

After finishing speaking, Chen Yi still didn't forget to look at Liuli helplessly, the girl smiled shyly when she saw this, and said shyly: "Well, Liuli is eating a little slowly, then I'll just speed up .”

As she said that, Liuli used her divine power to change her body, and her small mouth, which was originally like cherry petals, opened like a tiger's mouth, swallowing a bear's paw in an instant.

"Hey... the emperor now suspects that the reason why the Kuqin Palace is so dilapidated is probably because this guy is poor!"

Although Du Yuesheng's family is rich, but he can eat thousands of god stones for a meal, so he is afraid of Liuli's appetite, which is exactly the opposite of Miaoman's figure.

Outside the city, according to the coordinates on the map, Du Yuesheng and the others found one of the entrances to the Sea of ​​Holy Light.

A few days ago, Ye Fan's arrival made the Sea of ​​Light appear, but the world of the God Realm is in turmoil, is it that simple?

Even in Huaxia, Du Yuesheng remembered that before he crossed, technology hadn't really detected the bottom of the earth's core.

And God Realm is the upper realm, the vastness and depth of heaven and earth can be imagined.

There are ten entrances to the sea of ​​holy light, all of which were opened by the gods with the help of the aftermath of Ye Fan's divine power.

Of course, if you want to enter the God Realm, you can also find the entrance by yourself, but at a depth of tens of thousands of miles, if you encounter a sea of ​​flames or ancient wraiths, you will win a big prize...

And there is an entrance in front of him, Du Yuesheng didn't bother to bother.

This entrance, in the mark of Lonely War, is controlled by Yuxu Palace of the top-rank sect. If others want to enter, of course they have to give Yuxu Palace some benefits.

This act is unavoidably a bit violent, but... the Supreme Academy has done such things in the land of Zhongzhou!

Du Yuesheng just descended at the bottomless entrance, using his spiritual sense to sense, although the distance is far away, but under the depth, there is an incomparably holy aura hidden...

"Excuse me, this young hero, but you want to go to the Sea of ​​​​Holy Light to practice?"

As soon as he stepped forward, a young man in a gray Taoist robe came over. Although he spoke politely, his eyes were greedy. He looked at Du Yuesheng as if he was looking at a fat sheep who came to the door.

"That's right, I don't know how to get in from here, what's the price?"

For no reason, Du Yuesheng would not be able to kill them all, not to mention that the situation in the depths of the sea of ​​holy light is not clear, so there is no need to be too high-profile.

"It's easy to say, the young hero is so bold, how about giving us a spirit treasure as a reward?"

A spirit treasure! ?

Although Du Yuesheng doesn't even look down on ordinary holy artifacts, the price of this passing too dark! ?

"Come on, today, the Emperor of Heaven will be taken for a ride, and we will settle the account together when he steps on your head!"

Thinking in his heart, Du Yuesheng just wanted to get out of a useless spirit treasure to send this person away, but he didn't expect Liuli beside him to be filled with righteous indignation and said angrily: "A spirit treasure?! You just go and grab it!

Yuxu Palace is a high-ranking school, and has always had a good relationship with our academy, do your parents know how you do it! ? "

Who would have thought that it would be good not to mention the word academy, just as Liuli finished speaking, the corners of the mouths of the people in Yuxu Palace were taken aback, and then they showed even more greedy smiles...

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