The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1663 Breaking the Restriction with One Foot

"Hmph, a bunch of rubbish, dare to play with the sword array in front of the emperor? Don't know how to live or die!"

Stepping on the shattered broken sword, Du Yuesheng looked indifferently, and ended the lives of all the disciples of Yuxu Palace while speaking.

Even the disciple who had bargained with him earlier shouted in horror before dying: "Du Yuesheng, you can't kill me!

The entrance to the Sea of ​​Holy Light was originally discussed and allocated by everyone. Even if you don't want to pay for road money, but you are so domineering, does the Supreme Academy know! ?

Once today's news spreads, the Supreme Academy will be outraged because of you, and they will attack you at that time. Can you bear this responsibility! ? "

The ants are dying, dare to threaten the Emperor of Heaven?

With two sneers, Du Yuesheng changed his mind, and the realm of his life sealed off all the spiritual consciousness within a hundred miles: "So what if you committed public anger, how many gods are there for such a self-proclaimed top-ranking big school garbage like your Yuxu Palace?" How many!"

When the topic changed, Du Yuesheng's tone became more joking: "What's more, who would know what happened today?

Do you expect you dead people to give your shitty head a dream! "

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng crushed the man's godhead with one foot, turned his head to look, and saw Yu Ling's pale face, full of fear.

According to what Du Yuesheng meant, he was going to not let him go! ?

After all, Yuling is also an elder of Yuxu Palace, even if the Martial God of the Supreme Academy descends.

He can still sell some face of seniority, Du Yuesheng is just a true biography, why is he so crazy?

Isn't he afraid of really angering Yuxu Palace? !

Yu Ling probably didn't know that Du Yuesheng came to the Sea of ​​Holy Light this time, in addition to looking for the core of the Holy Light, he also planned to beat all the forces in the God Realm by the way.

He doesn't even pay attention to the temple, so he is afraid that you are just a Yuxu Palace?

"Old Daoist Miscellaneous, it seems that the disciples under your sect are not very good, they can't even catch one move from the Emperor of Heaven."

With a sneer, Du Yuesheng walked towards Yuling. The latter was trembling, but he didn't have the slightest arrogance before: "Young man... I have something to discuss, why make it so difficult to end?"


With a raised eyebrow, Du Yuesheng jokingly said: "I would like to hear how it is a good negotiation. Give me a reason not to kill you!"

Hearing this, Yuling immediately said respectfully: "You don't know, young man, the entrance to the Sea of ​​Light is controlled by my Yuxu Palace, and whoever wants to pass through will trigger the prohibition of my subordinates." .”

"This restriction uses the spiritual veins with a radius of thousands of miles as the source. Even if others break through forcibly, they will be restricted and sent to nowhere, and it is difficult to reach the sea of ​​​​sacred light smoothly."

Du Yuesheng frowned, as expected of the handicraft of the top-ranking sect, being a bandit is so brazen, and even set up a monopoly!

But the more this is the case, the more contemptuous Du Yuesheng looked at Yu Ling: "I'm going to pick the point, the patience of the Emperor of Heaven is limited..."

"That's how it is. If the young hero wants to enter the Sea of ​​Holy Light, I am willing to help. I will close the restriction for the young hero now. How about you?"

Yu Ling's meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The restriction of Yuxu Palace is a secret technique in the sect, even if all the disciples guarding the entrance are killed, the restriction cannot be broken, and there is no way to enter smoothly.

And Yuling is taking the qualification to enter the Sea of ​​Light in exchange for her own life...

What's more, even now, he still has the qualifications to bargain with Du Yuesheng. It may not be difficult for the latter to kill him in the state of a god, but without himself, he can't even think about breaking the restriction!

However, Du Yuesheng pretended not to understand what Yu Ling meant, raised his eyebrows, and sneered again:

"This Emperor seems to remember, just now someone said that what this Emperor did was provoking public outrage and being overbearing?

Old Taoist Yuling, what do you think? "


Yuling couldn't hear the sarcasm in Du Yuesheng's words, so she hurriedly put on a face full of righteous indignation, matching with the corpse of the disciple beside her, it was extremely ironic:

"Those traitors don't understand the rules, and if they dare to make the young hero angry, they deserve their death!

I, Yuxu Palace, have always had a close relationship with the Supreme Academy, how can I hurt my friendship because of such a trivial matter?

Young man, don't you think so? "

After Du Yuesheng listened, he nodded in satisfaction: "But... apart from lifting the restriction, you have no other use?

The Emperor of Heaven wants to find someone to inquire about the situation of the Sea of ​​Light, but now it seems that it is useless to save your life, why not..."

While speaking, Du Yuesheng's whole body was full of murderous aura, Yuling saw it, and hurriedly waved his hand begging for mercy:

"Wait a minute, young man! I also harvested an ancient sub-sacred sword today. If young man likes it, feel free to take it!"

Yuling is exchanging her family fortune for Du Yuesheng's high-handedness!

It was said that she was extremely afraid, but why didn't Yuling scold Du Yuesheng all over the place in her heart?

"You brat, you're deceiving people too much! The poor Taoist has repeatedly backed down, but you still don't know how to flatter you!

Just wait, after this incident, Pindao will go back to Yuxu Palace to summon the elders and fellow disciples, then not only will you have to hand over your life, but even Pindao's ancient sword..."

Before the words fell, Yu Ling trembled all over, and Du Yuesheng's palm seemed to be on his shoulder at some unknown time:

"Even that ancient sword, are you planning to take it back again? Old miscellaneous hair, you are so whimsical!"

The twinkling light in those star pupils pierced through Yu Ling's defenses and completely saw through his thoughts!

However, until this time, although Yu Ling's face was pale, she still waved her hands and argued: "Young hero, I misunderstood, how dare the poor Daoist take the young hero's idea!"


With a cold shout, Du Yuesheng's face was cold and stern, directly interrupting Yuling's begging for mercy: "Would the Emperor of Heaven pay attention to the sub-sage level ancient sword?

Miscellaneous old man, listen carefully, the Emperor of Heaven never keeps useless ants, the reason why he keeps you until now is really because he is worried about your Yuxu Palace's prohibition? "

While speaking, Du Yuesheng exerted force with his palms, and a thick and terrifying force ran along Yuling's shoulders, shattering his bones and muscles in an instant.

Rao was shaking like a sieve, but Yuling did not give up the last struggle: "Young man... think clearly, kill me, and you will never enter the sea of ​​holy light!"


Du Yuesheng sneered, and the palm of his hand rose like a dragon and tiger. The roar of dragons and tigers echoed in a hundred miles, causing Yuling's ears to bleed, and he was seriously injured:

"The Emperor of Heaven is willing to keep you until now because he wants you to see it with your own eyes. Whether it is the sword formation or the restriction in Yuxu Palace, it is rubbish in front of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Chen Yi, do it!"

"I will obey!"

After receiving the order, Chen Yi stepped out without hesitation, only to see gusts of wind blowing up in the originally calm surroundings.

The strong wind swept across, and there was nowhere to hide the restraint of Yuxu Palace under this subordinate, and it was shattered in an instant!

When Yu Ling saw this, her muddy and bloodshot eyes widened, and she couldn't believe everything in front of her eyes!

The so-called untold secret of Yuxu Palace, the prohibition that can resist the full blow of the main god realm, was trampled to pieces by the youth who looked like Du Yuesheng's men? !

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