The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1664 Step into the Sea of ​​Holy Light

"Tsk, it seems that the so-called high-ranking big faction is not very good. Before, the Emperor of Heaven took them too seriously."

Witnessing what Yuxu Palace has done has strengthened Du Yuesheng's ambition to dominate the God Realm!

Looking at the entrance leading to the deep, Du Yuesheng stood in front of the two of them, before entering, he still turned his head and said.

"Liuli, the sea of ​​holy light is dangerous and unpredictable. Master, I only ask for one thing. No matter what happens, you are not allowed to leave the 100 meters around me. Do you understand?"

A radius of 100 meters is the distance that Du Yuesheng can use his supernatural power in an instant.

If Du Yuesheng's reaction is quick if he walks a hundred meters away, who knows if he will encounter the magic stick of the temple during this trip.

He didn't want Liuli to be a bargaining chip for the other party to threaten him.

Hearing this, Liuli nodded her head and smiled obediently: "Liuli knows, master, don't worry."

Seeing Liuli keep her words in her heart, Du Yuesheng took the lead and stepped into the deep darkness!

A distorted...

Under the condition of distorted sight and space, Du Yuesheng didn't know how long it took before he had senses.


Rao Du Yuesheng hadn't prepared before, only felt his body lighten, and fell into the water!

In front of my eyes, the sky is full of golden lights, stretching as far as the eye can see...

It really is the Sea of ​​Light!

Feeling the vision of compressing the supreme kindness and divine power into sea water.

After soaking in the sea of ​​holy light for a while, Du Yuesheng felt indescribably comfortable all over his body!

"With ample divine power and good thoughts to assist, practicing here is more than ten times faster than cultivating spiritual veins in the God Realm!"

As soon as he stepped on his toes, Du Yuesheng rushed straight to the water. Based on his unparalleled perception, it took a moment for his sword eyebrows to frown slightly before he got used to the golden light in front of him.

A world of holy gold.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Du Yuesheng couldn't help feeling that the vision of the Sea of ​​Light was somewhat similar to his own Jade Mansion...

As soon as he picked it up, he grabbed Liuli who was about to fall to the bottom of the sea, while Chen Yi slowly landed half a step behind Du Yuesheng, with the insight of a ten-tailed fairy fox.

At this moment, his eyes couldn't help being extremely hot, and he repeatedly praised: "Although it's just a world of ants, there is a world here, and the God Realm deserves to be among the upper realms.

The Sea of ​​Holy Light is really interesting..."

While talking, Chen Yi licked his scarlet lips, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing seeing it, even the majestic ten-tailed fairy fox can praise it so generously, it seems that this trip to the Sea of ​​Light is the right one!

However, what Du Yuesheng didn't expect was that the scope of his spiritual consciousness was wider than that of God Realm!

"What... what's going on here?"

This is not the only thing that surprised Du Yuesheng.

Just as Du Yuesheng glanced around, he discovered that the originally thick holy golden sea water was rushing towards the Liuliyu Mansion like a wave.

While the girl was absorbing the divine power, her pretty face was slightly red because of the sudden increase in her strength: "Master, why did the sea water seep into Liuli's body?"

Du Yuesheng also wanted to know why...

Not only Liuli, but even Du Yuesheng himself, whose spiritual consciousness has expanded by more than ten times, and when he raised his head slightly, he felt like he could drink the sea of ​​holy light...

Seeing this, Chen Yi beside him frowned for a moment, then smiled in relief: "Emperor Heaven, such a change is really a good thing."

"Oh? What kind of good thing is this?"

Even though he was very surprised by the change in his consciousness, there must be a demon in every situation, so Du Yuesheng still decided to be cautious.

But Chen Yi took a look at Du Yuesheng, and then respectfully said: "Heavenly Emperor, don't worry too much, in our opinion, the level of divine power here is probably hundreds of times stronger than that of Mu En's mansion.

And the Emperor of Heaven is a dragon and phoenix among human beings, and his divine consciousness is far above the laws of power in the God Realm, so the surrounding divine power is more abundant, and the power that can be commanded by the Emperor of Heaven becomes stronger..."

After a pause, Chen Yi looked at the yelling Liuli: "As for this girl, I think it should be the supernatural power of the body of Wanhua, and this place is where all kinds of goodness gather, and even our killing intent has been wiped out. Not a lot.

And Liuli's mind is clear and pure, which can be said to be very compatible with the divine power of the Sea of ​​Light, so there will be a phenomenon of divine power pouring into the Yufu and turning into used visions! "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng nodded to express his understanding, but he was just about to speak when Liuli beside him exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, master master, Liuli seems to have broken through to the second level of divine respect!"

Second level of god respect? !

Du Yuesheng's facial features couldn't help showing a bit of astonishment...

He remembered clearly that when Liuli came to the land of Zhongzhou from the academy, Liuli was just barely stepping into the gods, but it has only been a long time since he entered the Sea of ​​​​Sacred Light, and he has broken through the first level of realm! ?

You have to know that as someone else, even a genius like Huajiu has no chance to break through the first level, at least he will have to retreat for a few years!

The divine power of the Sea of ​​Light is too exaggerated, right?

And when Du Yuesheng looked around, Liuli's aura was more clear, and even the divine power pouring into the girl's Yufu was also more surging, obviously because after she broke through the realm, the limit of divine power that could be absorbed also skyrocketed!

"Hey... It seems that Dean Mu En is still very reliable. Bringing Liuli, this girl, is really useful!"

Among other things, even if he wandered aimlessly in the sea of ​​holy light for a few days, Du Yuesheng reckoned that Liuli's realm could surpass his own!

Judging from the marks on the map, Du Yuesheng is currently at the edge of the Sea of ​​Light. If he wants to reach the center, it will take seven days to reach the center even if he bursts out and runs with all his strength!

And along the way, there are naturally many things waiting for them...

What's more, on the map, Du Yuesheng also learned that the Sea of ​​Holy Light is divided into three major areas by the various sects in the God Realm, namely the edge, the periphery, and the inner sea!

As for the Holy Light Core in the middle of the Inner Sea, the major sects naturally understood it...

After breaking through the edge, due to the fullness of the divine power, even if the divine being does not intentionally absorb it, it will unconsciously absorb the surrounding divine power due to the instinct of the muscles and bones or the skin around the body. This is one of the reasons why the divine power is inexhaustible ...

And such a full amount of divine power is simply not something a human body below a god can bear!

That is to say, once entering the periphery, the enemy that Du Yuesheng will face is at the lowest level of gods!

Similarly, even if the various sects only want to go further in the sea of ​​holy light, they must send out their elites! Otherwise, even fishing in troubled waters is not qualified...

"Let's go to the periphery first. Based on our state, those who want to pick up cheap in the fringe areas will only walk around us unless they want to die..."

After giving an order, Du Yuesheng did not hesitate, his eyes scanned the more golden ocean in the distance, his figure flickered, and he traveled hundreds of miles in a blink of an eye!

However, this distance is just a drop in the ocean in the sea of ​​holy light...


Come more!

Du Yuesheng is only a few levels away from the main god realm, and a few more waves of big monsters are enough.

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