The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1665 This trip made a lot of money!

"Wow, master, I seem to smell the smell of treasure!"

With a thought in his mind, Du Yuesheng realized that it was the treasure hunting rabbit who had smelled the vision of the sea of ​​holy light and poked his head out.

With a free and easy smile, Du Yuesheng's speed did not slow down by half:

"What level of treasure? The emperor's gaze has always been very high..."

"There are at least three spiritual treasures in a radius of ten miles! And there is one that exudes the aura of top-grade spiritual treasures!"

Du Yuesheng's figure was stunned, and Liuli, who was following in a hurry, didn't have time to restrain himself, and her soft and boneless body bumped into the former's back, causing her pretty face to blush, "Master, why did you stop?"

Rubbing the tip of the girl's reddish nose, Du Yuesheng didn't explain, but said with a little surprise in his heart: "Are you sure you didn't have a wrong perception?"

Within ten miles, there are actually three spirit treasures!

In this sea of ​​holy light, you can have an adventure with your eyes closed!

Although the ordinary spirit treasure Du Yuesheng didn't like it at all, but the top-grade spirit treasure was only a hair's breadth away from becoming a sub-sacred weapon!

And this is only ten miles away, who knows how many treasures are buried in this endless sea of ​​holy light!

At this time, the voice of the treasure hunting rabbit came again: "The unmistakable Emperor of Heaven, you know my skills.

What's more, this sea of ​​holy light was originally the burial place of gods who have fallen from the God Realm since ancient times. The treasures they carry with them have accumulated for thousands of years. It is not surprising that there are so many spiritual treasures.

The most important thing is that the spirit treasure has a spirit, and the magic weapon and magic weapon will eventually merge into the divine power between heaven and earth because of the fall of the master as time goes by.

Therefore, the most inconspicuous treasure in the Sea of ​​Holy Light is also a spiritual treasure! "

Lingbao rank!

Du Yuesheng suddenly felt that he had come to the right place this time!

If there is a spirit treasure, there will naturally be a sacred artifact. Maybe he can even encounter the site where the main god fell in ancient times. There is a half-master artifact waiting for him!

This is stronger than the Holy Treasure.

"Then what are you waiting for, why don't you hurry up and work?"

Du Yuesheng immediately wanted to send the treasure hunting rabbit out, but saw that the latter shook the rabbit's ears in a slightly embarrassed way.

"No, Heavenly Emperor, the spirit treasures here are all imprinted with special soul marks by living beings. Even if I retrieve them, the treasures will disappear in an instant as long as I walk out of the sea of ​​holy light.

Even if you stay by force, once you trigger the prohibition on the brand, you will only end up with the self-destruction of the Lingbao..."

There is also such a cheating ban! ?

Du Yuesheng immediately frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Is it left by the gods before his death? Then it will not trouble the Emperor of Heaven..."

"No, it's the restriction of the Guardian Beast's subordinates. After all, the Sea of ​​Holy Light is a place where the laws of the God Realm are condensed. How can it be possible for people to take the treasures inside?"


Du Yuesheng wanted to ask again, but saw Bao Bao Rabbit rubbing his furry cheeks, looking at Chen Yi beside him: "Here, Emperor of Heaven, why don't you ask this guy, it seems that he knows more about the Sea of ​​Light than I do.

And... he seems to be able to see my presence. "

With a raised eyebrow, Du Yuesheng just forgot that Chen Yi is an existence above the creatures of the God Realm, and he has signed a soul contract with himself. It is not difficult to see the treasure hunting rabbit...

Turning his head slightly, Du Yuesheng asked: "Chen Yi, since you already knew it, why didn't you say it?"

The fox's ears trembled slightly, and Chen Yi's face was rarely innocent: "Heavenly Emperor, you didn't allow me to interrupt, not to mention that I was using my spiritual sense to observe the mystery of the Sea of ​​Light just now."

The sea of ​​holy light can even dissipate Chen Yi's almost substantial killing intent. Compared with the former, the dead souls under Du Yuesheng's sword are probably not even a fraction.

So, upon hearing the words, Du Yuesheng just rubbed his forehead helplessly, and then asked, "What did you find?"

"We have discovered the guardian beast here."

While speaking, Chen Yi directly used the supernatural power of spiritual pet, and shared his gaze with Du Yuesheng, who had a golden light in his eyes, and his sword eyebrows could not help but frown.

The Guardian Beast of the Sea of ​​Light...

It turned out to be a Holy Gold Soul Dragon!

In Chen Yi's sight, a giant dragon covered in red gold with dragon scales, about a thousand feet long, covered with seven claws, majestic and majestic, can feel a chilling aura even thousands of miles away!

However, beside the giant dragon, there are more than a dozen gods fighting with it. The latter is wearing a dark blue uniform, and there is a strong word 'cold' on the back!

Although the giant dragon was strong, it could even gain the upper hand for a while. The sweep of the dragon's breath made it difficult for everyone to fight back, but Du Yuesheng only observed for a moment, and found that this was another opportunity for everyone to consume the supernatural power of the giant dragon!

"That's not right... the Guardian Beast is a spirit beast of the Sea of ​​Light. As long as the Sea of ​​Light is not exhausted, the giant dragon will have inexhaustible divine power. If these people do this, the only ones who will be exhausted in the end will be they themselves!"

However, as soon as Du Yuesheng finished speaking, he heard Chen Yi beside him explain: "The problem lies here. The strength of those ants can be seen by Bi Tiandi in an instant. The team leader is just a god, and the lowest cultivation level is no more than the gods. !

On the other hand, the giant guardian dragon, with its seven claws all over its body, was no less powerful than the ordinary main god.

Originally, when the Emperor of Heaven was talking to the rabbit, the giant dragon had a chance to instantly kill the leader of the group of ants. However, they should have used formations to share the damage together. "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help sneering: "And once the giant dragon's offensive is weaker, it will use its supernatural powers to absorb the sea of ​​holy light for its own use. The problem lies in the sea water.

In the tens of miles of sea water around the giant dragon, it should be poisoned by those people, right? "

Jokingly raised his eyebrows, Du Yuesheng said with a smile: "It can make a poison that is comparable to the power of the main god's guardian dragon, and it can slowly eat away at the dragon's divine power. With such a handwriting, and embroidered with cold words ...

Among the top-ranking big factions, only the Lengyuege family can do it! "

Lengyue Pavilion is an existence with mixed reputations among the top-ranking sects.

They do things by unscrupulous means but they will not kill them all. At least they have not done massacres or bloodbaths of low-rank sects.

But after all, it is a high-ranking faction that is 30% stronger than the overall strength of Yuxu Palace, so Lengyue Pavilion naturally has the capital to be proud of the God Realm!

"This kind of strange poison is not so simple to use by chance. This giant dragon is obviously reforged after the fall, and can hurt the soul body of the main god realm. It seems that Lengyue Pavilion came prepared!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng turned his head and said: "You just said that all the treasures here are restricted, so it must be left by this giant dragon?"

Chen Yi nodded, undeniably: "That's right, but if you want to take the treasures around you for yourself, you must either get the approval of the giant dragon, or kill the dragon, and the restriction will naturally be broken...

It seems that these ants are ready to choose the second method! "

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