The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1698 Bixiao Permanent Summoning Card


In an instant, after Du Yuesheng showed his godhead, the entire domain of death completely rioted.

A red bloody light appeared in the world, stretching across the entire dead world, and a desperate lament was conveyed from nothingness.

In the endless high sky, there is even a scene of the falling of the gods, one of the stalwart gods looks down on everything in the world.

The entire endless and vast world of death is filled with a layer of faint sadness.

Immediately, countless sleeping great figures in the realm of death were startled by this sudden appearance.

Many important people felt a thrill in this vision, as if a certain period of time in the future, there will be a fatal doom befalling them.

These big men all looked horrified in an instant. With their level of cultivation, they would not easily sense the ominous omen.

But once it is sensed, it often means that there will really be doom in the future.

A forbidden place in the land of death.


A roar resounded, and then a 100,000-meter-high nine-headed beast suddenly appeared in the endless sky.

A pair of huge wings covered the sky and the sun, and the nine heads shone fiercely.

"That is."

"No way, that's the legendary nine-headed beast, isn't it already dead?"

With the appearance of this ferocious beast, those monks who had experienced in the forbidden area of ​​death turned pale with shock.

Nine-headed beasts.

It was the first generation of super monsters bred at the beginning of the formation of the domain of death, and their strength is of course extremely powerful.

But what is even more shocking is that there is a quaint old man sitting cross-legged on the back of this beast, with a snow-white beard hanging down to his feet, his face is withered and yellow, as if he is about to die.

But who can tame such a super ferocious beast, no one dares to think that this is just an ordinary old man.

"Oh my God, did I read it wrong, there are people on the nine-headed beast?" A sharp-eyed monk shouted in disbelief.

However, the few people around him shook their heads, they must not believe it.

How does the nine-headed beast exist?

The adult nine-headed beast is an existence beyond the god level, how can anyone tame this kind of monster.

It's not just happening here.

The same is true elsewhere.

This time, the entire domain of death boiled up, a giant-like figure who was rarely seen in hundreds of millions of years.

At this time, they appeared one after another, and set off one by one to find the source of the crisis.

However, they are more excited than afraid, because they can only understand the helplessness of this world when they reach their level.

"Ha ha!!"

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, Wu Tianmeng finally waited for this day."

In the depths of an ancient mountain, an old man in a black robe stood on a steeple nearly a hundred feet high, his eyes like black holes looked at the strange sky.

If other people saw an old man in a black robe, they would be terrified to death.


The scariest monk in the Middle Ages.

One person who slaughtered half of the world of death is completely the god of death.

Everyone in the world thought that he was dead, but who would have thought that this person was still alive.

In the area of ​​death, a secluded small mountain village, a little girl sat at the gate of the village, looking up at the sky.

Looking at the scarlet blood-colored sky, and the terrifying energy constantly erupting everywhere in the dead world.

The little girl frowned, and said lightly, "Has the prophecy come?"

But the protagonist who caused all this, Du Yuesheng, was totally unaware of it.

Su Mu looked at the godhead appearing in Du Yuesheng's palm, and he could be sure that Du Yuesheng was really an outsider.

He is not from the domain of death.

But all monks in the domain of death have a strange energy in their condensed godheads.

But Du Yuesheng's godhead is extremely clear, without any turbid energy.

Putting away his godhead, Du Yuesheng looked at Su Mu and said, "Now, it's time for the Emperor of Heaven to ask you."

"First, where is this place?"

"Second, what does outsider mean??"

"Senior, this is the most fringe area of ​​the northern wasteland of the death area." Su Mu replied truthfully.

"As for the outsider issue you mentioned, senior, it has to do with the history of the formation of the Domain of Death."

"According to ancient history, there are many worlds and countless strange planes outside the realm of death.

And the master of this world is such a heaven-defying figure.

The rumored person is a humble creature who ascended from a plane called Earth.

This person ascended to the God Realm, and successfully transformed into a supreme power beyond the Supreme God.

After that, this person created a top force in the God Realm, named Wudian, and he was honored as Emperor Wu.

However, because Emperor Wu was too domineering, he was going to make countless forces in the God Realm submit to the Palace of Martial Arts.

In the end, a fire of war broke out that swept the entire world, and that catastrophe was truly terrifying.

It is rumored that Emperor Wu challenged countless strong men with his own strength.

But in the end, Emperor Wu was still beheaded by a hermit powerhouse who had cultivated to the pinnacle of good fortune.

After Emperor Wu was beheaded, his body formed a huge world and entered the long river of time.

This world is now the domain of death.

The creatures born in the realm of death are very talented.

But there is one thing, they can't leave here, they can only live in this world life after life.

And the life force of this world is too short.

Even the existence of the Supreme God can live up to 50,000 years. "

"The only way to leave this caged world is to rely on outsiders.

Because when Emperor Wu died, he left behind several treasure maps.

The most basic requirement to be able to enter here is to have the treasure map of Emperor Wu, so I am surprised by your identity, senior. "

Su Mu explained to Du Yuesheng exactly.

"Emperor Wu?"

"Treasure Map??"

After listening to Su Mu's explanation, Du Yuesheng would be stunned, if he didn't mention these two things.

He will forget his own, there are four treasure maps in his package.

Could it be?

Du Yuesheng now understood why he was teleported here.

This is all a trick of the treasure map.


"Release missions, epic plot missions, open Emperor Wu's treasure, and control the entire death area."

"Success rewards are as follows."

"Reward 1: Pangu Bloodline"

"Reward 2: Bixiao Permanent Summoning Card, one of the Three Nights of the Ancients."

"Failure: The level has dropped by 500 levels."

"My God!"

After Du Yuesheng listened to the system prompts that kept ringing in his mind.

His whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, standing upright.

Pangu bloodline, Bixiao permanent summoning card! !

These two treasures, that one is against the sky.

Du Yuesheng wished he could go to the Emperor Wu's treasure right now, complete the task immediately, and receive the system reward.

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