The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1699 The Whereabouts of the Fifth Treasure Map

barren land.

On a deserted path, two mysterious figures appeared, they were Du Yuesheng and Su Mu.

Walking in front, Su Mu said to Du Yuesheng who was behind him, "Emperor Heaven, we will be here in about an hour."

Su Mu's heart was already full of joy.

This time, he came out to reach the emperor level in his own strength, and also met an existence that might be a god level.

I don't know what kind of expression the master will have if he knows what kind of powerful existence he brought back to the sect?

Du Yuesheng followed Su Mu unhurriedly. Originally, he was going to see this unknown world.

But Su Mu told him that there was a record of the last treasure map of Emperor Wu in his sect.

Therefore, Du Yuesheng had to go with Su Mu.

He now has four treasure maps of Emperor Wu, but five treasure maps are required to open the treasure of Emperor Wu.


"The conversion of divine power is complete."

Du Yuesheng suddenly thought of a system prompting sound, and the power of the gods in his body was transformed into dark power.


Suddenly, a roar resounded through the sky, and a ferocious beast with a height of ten thousand feet appeared on the ground in front of it.

"No, it's an emperor-level monster." Su Mu stopped and looked at the monster that suddenly appeared in front of him, his heart tightened.

Although he successfully broke through to the emperor level by subduing the emperor level demon core, he is still far from meeting the real emperor level monster.

Especially since this monster is obviously already at the peak state of the emperor level.



Just when Su Mu was thinking about how to treat the emperor-level monster in front of him, he saw a flash of white light.

In an instant, the emperor-level monster that was so powerful in the last second directly fell to the ground and died.


"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the emperor-level monster and gained 50 billion divine points."


"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, who killed the emperor-level monster and got a summoning card."

Du Yuesheng looked at the things that exploded from the monster that he had killed with a single sword, and unexpectedly a summoning card exploded, which is not bad.

With a suction of Du Yuesheng's palm, a white demon core with monstrous energy flew out from the body of the dead emperor monster.

Du Yuesheng looked at Su Mu who was still in shock, and threw the demon core in front of him.

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven." Su Mu reacted, grabbed the demon core on the ground, and radiated dark power to absorb the energy in it.


After a while, Su Mu, who was originally only at the first level of the emperor level, after absorbing this peak emperor level demon core, his strength increased.

Soaring all the way to the peak of the emperor level, which is the realm of the ninth level of the god emperor.

Du Yuesheng looked at Su Mu who had absorbed the demon core, "Damn it, the way of cultivation in this world is really special."

You don't need to practice at all, as long as you have a demon core, you can become a master.

Su Mu opened his eyes, feeling the terrifying energy flowing in his body, and he was very excited.

Emperor level peak!

Su Mu can no longer be described in words. You must know that the peak emperor level is an elder in Huotianzong.

Even his master is only at this level.

Du Yuesheng looked at Su Mu who had absorbed the energy of the demon core, and said lightly, "Go on."

"Yes, senior."

Su Mu replied, continuing to lead the way.

On the road ahead, any monsters of any level encountered were basically beheaded by Du Yuesheng with a single blow.

His experience value is also skyrocketing, and he is still one billion experience points away from the next level.

Su Mu, who was leading the way in front of Du Yuesheng, was so shocked that he became numb.

Along the way, he saw that no matter what kind of monster it was, it was basically instantly killed without any resistance.

Even a monster beast at the peak of the respect level was instantly killed. Even a god-level master of this kind of monster beast would have to stay away from it.

However, in Du Yuesheng's hands, he didn't hold on for even a second, and turned into a corpse, fell to the ground and died.

"Su Mu, how far is your sect?" Du Yuesheng said to Su Mu impatiently.

They had been walking for almost an hour, and they encountered monsters along the way, and they were a little upset.

"The Emperor of Heaven is not far ahead." Su Mu pointed forward.


Du Yuesheng grabbed the corner of Su Mu's clothes, and then used the dark power in his body to rush towards the place Su Mu pointed.

An hour later.

Du Yuesheng and Su Mu appeared before Huo Tianzong entered the mountain formation.

Seeing the large formation of the mountain gate close at hand, Su Mu was very excited, and in an instant, he went inside.

"Wait." Just as Su Mu stepped into it with one foot, Du Yuesheng who was beside him shouted.


Du Yuesheng smelled an incomparably pungent bloody smell, ordinary people may not be able to smell it, but who is he?

He is the emperor of heaven.

Under his command, he no longer knew that someone had fallen, even bones could push a mountain, and he was very familiar with the smell of blood.

From the moment he came here, Du Yuesheng smelled a pungent smell of blood.

Du Yuesheng looked at Su Mu and asked, "Su Mu, isn't there anyone in your sect guarding the formation?"

That's right, why didn't he see the disciples guarding the mountain today? In the past, there were people standing here when he came here.

Could it be?

Su Mu's body shook, thinking of a possibility, and in an instant, a sense of uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart.

Du Yuesheng patted Su Mu's shoulder, and said softly: "Let's go, rest assured that the emperor is here."

In this sentence, Du Yuesheng was right.

As long as he does not meet the Supreme God, then he is the uncrowned king, and no one can stop his footsteps.

Hearing the sound, Su Mu also relaxed, but there was still a super master beside him.

What else is he worried about?

Thinking of this, Su Mu drew out the big knife behind him, stepped out of the fighting posture, and walked towards the teleportation array.

Seeing the disappearing figure of Su Mu, Du Yuesheng followed closely behind into the teleportation array.

next moment!

Su Mu and Du Yuesheng appeared in a cave, where the aura is obviously much richer than outside.

As soon as Su Mu entered it, a dignified aura appeared on his face, something really happened to the sect.

Because in the past there would always be guards here, but anyone who entered it, no matter who they were, would register.

But now it's empty.

Moreover, Su Mu found a trace of blood on the ground, which further explained the situation.

Du Yuesheng heard a sound of fighting not far in front of them, "Go, there is a sound of fighting ahead."


In an instant, the two rushed forward quickly.

After a while, Du Yuesheng and Su Mu rushed to the place where the fighting sound was coming from.

I saw that on the ground not far in front of them, more than a dozen figures appeared, divided into two groups and fighting.

However, it is obvious that the crowd wearing black robes is much weaker, and the strength difference is too great, and some people continue to fall.


Seeing the people in black robes falling down, a surge of anger erupted from Su Mu's body.

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