The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1700 Confused Sky Sect

Su Mu is angry!

With just a casual glance, he could tell that those figures in purple robes were disciples of the Shengtianzong, the enemy sect of Huotianzong.

And those black figures who fell one after another, if they weren't his fellow disciples, who would they be?

The two sects of Shengtianzong and Huotianzong are originally incompatible, and have always been hostile.

Su Mu didn't know why this happened?

Although he didn't know what happened to the Zongmen, he looked at the Zongmen disciples who kept falling and dying.

Su Mu made a move.


Su Mu only felt that there was a raging anger in his heart, and he shouted out of anger, and the aura of a peak emperor-level powerhouse swept away instantly.

"You bastards!"

Su Mu's eyes were red, and he rushed into the battle group, like a god of death, with a death scythe in his hand, and three or four disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect died under his knife in the blink of an eye.

"Kill kill kill!"

Su Mu looked crazy, because as he went deeper, as far as he could see, there were corpses everywhere.

Seventy-eight out of ten are disciples of Huotianzong, and there are even elders of Huotianzong among them. Occasionally, one or two purple figures appear in the crowd, surrounded by disciples of Huotianzong.

Obviously, Shengtianzong seized the opportunity in this war. As soon as Wu made a move, he showed a crushing posture, completely suppressing Huotianzong to death, and there was no way to fight back.

At this moment, except for the dozen or so Huotianzong disciples who were rescued by Su Mu's sudden appearance, the entire Huotianzong might not be spared.

"Destroy my sect, kill!"

"Slaughter my teacher and friend, kill!"

"Deceive me and confuse the sky, kill!"

Su Mu hated himself, he only blamed himself for not coming back sooner, if he could bring the Emperor of Heaven back to the sect sooner, Huang Huang Huo Tianzong would not suffer the disaster of extermination.

But Du Yuesheng, who was behind him, turned a blind eye to everything in front of him.

Since stepping on this path and ascending to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor, too many people have died under his hands.

Du Yuesheng had even forgotten what the first person he killed looked like.

Because this is the law of survival in this world, the fittest survive, the strong control life and death, and lay down millions of corpses in one rage.

The weak survive in spite of themselves, and howling is no more than the sound of ants.

It is precisely because he knows this law of survival that Du Yuesheng has never softened his heart when he makes a move, and his pursuit has always been to kill with one blow, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

At this moment, watching Su Mu coldly kill those disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect who were far inferior to him one by one, Du Yuesheng didn't intend to make a move.

It's not that he has no reaction to Huo Tianzong's tragic destruction, but that the cultivation base of those disciples of Shengtianzong is too weak, and it's not worth his shot at all.

But Du Yuesheng believed that since Shengtianzong launched the war of exterminating the sect at this time, there must be a strong backer, and the reason why it did not appear must be due to some delays.

Su Mu rushed forward all the way, and entered the central area. Several disciples of Huotianzong, with broken arms and legs, were facing the siege of Shengtianzong and were in danger.

"Huotianzong, you are finished, hahaha!"

A disciple of the Holy Heaven Sect looked at the three pale and terrified faces, a look of cruelty flashed in his eyes, he licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed wildly.

After he laughed out loud, his eyes narrowed, and a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he swung out the big knife in his hand, intending to chop off the heads of these three people.

But at this moment, a saber qi whizzed over, unparalleled in speed, and cut off the big saber in the man's hand with the momentum of thunder.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

Seeing Su Mu rushing in, several disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect sneered, their indifferent eyes seemed to be looking at a dead body.

But in the next moment, their pupils shrank suddenly, their faces were surprised, and their expressions froze even more.

Because in their line of sight, Su Mu came to them abruptly like a ghost, and he slashed out, like a white horse passing through the gap, directly splitting these Saint Tianzong disciples in half, blood splattering everywhere.

The whole process was as fast as thunder and lightning, and there was no time for those disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect to react. Poor them, in the end, they didn't even know how they died.

"It's Brother Su!"

At this moment, the disciples of Huotianzong, who were fighting bloody battles, saw Su Mu's arrival and felt a little hopeful in their hearts, but then they couldn't help but feel sad when they thought that so many elders had fallen here.

"It's a pity... Even a proud figure like Pastor Su, I'm afraid..."

Some disciples looked gloomy and said in frustration.

"Could it be that Heaven is doomed to perish and confuse Tianzong?!"

A very senior elder of Huotian Sect was filled with grief and indignation, and when he was facing the enemy, he vomited a big mouthful of black blood from the sky, and all thoughts were lost.

However, at this moment, Su Mu's performance in rushing into the battle group surprised them. They saw that Su Mu was such an unstoppable god of killing. Can live with him.


Su Mu's canthus was about to burst, his eyes were bloodshot, and his bright red eyes were full of strong hatred and anger. When he raised the knife and dropped it, someone's head fell to the ground, and he forced a passage.

Behind him, countless blood corpses fell down, and the disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect, who were still unstoppable, seemed to be destroyed in front of him, and they died immediately as soon as they met.

"So strong... Brother Su, how can you be so strong?"

"This kind of aura is clearly a peak emperor-level powerhouse?!"

"Brother Su, actually became an emperor-level powerhouse?!"

At this time, the disciples of Huotianzong finally recognized Su Mu's current strength, and when they felt the terrifying aura about him, their expressions changed one after another, with surprise and joy on their faces.

Surprisingly, Su Mu's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. Not long ago, Su Mu was clearly only in the king-level realm. After seeing him for a few days, he suddenly broke through to the peak of the emperor-level. This speed is simply shocking!

The good news is that with Su Mu's help, maybe they can still have a chance to confuse Tianzong!

Ha ha!

God bless me to confuse Tianzong!

All the disciples cheered beside Su Mu.

Su Mu came to an old man among the crowd and asked, "Elder Zhu, what happened? I have only been away for less than a month. What happened?"

This person is one of the elders of Huotianzong Law Enforcement Hall. His cultivation base is at the junior emperor level, but he is dying at this moment.

Elder Zhu stabilized his body and mind, looked at Su Mu and said, "Su Mu, it's good that you come back, take everyone and run away, and leave a little blood for me to confuse Tianzong."


"Why run, this is my home, even if I die, I will die here."

Su Mu replied resolutely, and a fierce murderous aura erupted all around, causing all the disciples around to take a step back.

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