The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1701 Black Mountain Monster

And Du Yuesheng, who had been standing behind the crowd quietly watching all this, after he heard what Su Mu said at this moment.

My heart trembled slightly.

This man was a fine man.

Originally, he came to Huotianzong to investigate the whereabouts of the treasure map. As for the battle between Huotianzong and Shengtianzong, he was not interested in taking care of it.

But now, he is going to help Su Mu get through this crisis, which is also considered a reward for him.

He, Du Yuesheng, never owed others favors.

"Su Mu, you are not their opponent. The entire Huotianzong masters have been suppressed, and many of them have become prisoners of the Holy Tianzong."

"Even your master Master Tianyu was arrested and sent to the Holy Heaven Sect"

"What, my master!"

When Su Mu heard that his master was being arrested, his eyes were red with anger, and his hand trembling while holding the sword.

Although Master Tianyu is his master, his relationship with Su Mu is no different from his own father and son.

From the moment he entered the sect, Master Tianyu took extra care of him.

How could Su Mu not be angry when he heard that the real Tianyu was arrested?

Stabilizing his mind, Su Mu continued to ask: "Elder Zhu, why on earth is this? Although we Huotianzong and Shengtianzong have always had a bad relationship.

But as far as I know, the strength of the two sects is about the same? Why did our Huo Tianzong fail miserably? "

The strength of the two sects of Shengtianzong and Huotianzong are both equal.

This is why the two factions are peaceful despite frequent frictions.

However, this time Shengtianzong actually won completely, which is completely unreasonable.

"It's all for the whereabouts of Emperor Wu's treasure map. I don't know exactly why, but this time, the Holy Heaven Zongfang dispatched a god-level existence."


Su Mu understood why Huo Tianzong was defeated, after all, he had the help of a god-level master to deal with it.

Then there is no suspense at all.

Huotianzong's strongest is the god-level combat power.

"Hmph, isn't it the god level? Labor and capital confusion Tianzong also has it." Su Mu thought of this, and looked at Du Yuesheng who was standing at the back.

Thinking of this, he turned around and shouted to everyone around him: "Kill, Huo Tianzong disciples obey orders, kill with me!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Perhaps it was Su Mu's appearance that brought hope to everyone in Huotianzong, and made them rekindle their faith all of a sudden.

Coupled with Su Mu's undefeated belief, he raised the weapon in his hand again and rushed into the battle.

Huotianzong had already suffered heavy casualties, and there were not many disciples left, but at this moment, it was like a trapped animal fighting, and the power that erupted made it difficult for the remaining Holy Tianzong to parry for a while.

The battle situation between the two sides has a faint tendency to contend.

But the good times didn't last long, and when Su Mu led everyone to launch a counterattack, the world suddenly changed, and the situation changed, and a terrifying and powerful aura enveloped the world.

In the black cloud, a figure slowly stepped out.

"Black Mountain old monster?!"

As soon as this person came out, Elder Zhu's complexion suddenly changed, and he was extremely pale all of a sudden, obviously recognizing the identity of this person.

"What, he's still alive?!"

The many surviving disciples of Huo Tianzong were all pale and shocked in their hearts.

When Su Mu heard Elder Zhu's words, his face changed drastically, and he never expected this old guy to appear.

It turned out that the one who descended suddenly was the hidden elder of the Holy Heaven Sect, an old monster from Montenegro who was famous thousands of years ago.

He was already a supreme powerhouse in the realm of gods a thousand years ago, and now that many years have passed, his strength may have been unfathomable.

A strong man in the realm of gods is enough to control the entire battle situation.

Looking at the audience, even if everyone from the Huotian Sect join forces, it is absolutely impossible to stop him!

It's over!


It turned out to be a god!

The Huotianzong disciples who had just narrowly escaped from death were completely desperate.

God Venerable, that is a super strong man who is a realm higher than Su Mu who has reached the peak of the god emperor at this moment.

"Welcome Elder!"

"Haha, you are all going to die!"

"Huo Tianzong, you are finished!"

The disciples and elders of the Holy Heaven Sect, seeing the arrival of their own black mountain monster, immediately looked overjoyed, looking at the expressions of the Huotian Sect people, there was even a trace of pity in their indifference.

"Junior, did you kill my Holy Heaven Sect disciple?"

At this time, the whole body of the black mountain monster was shrouded in black clouds, and his appearance could not be seen clearly, but when his eyes locked on Su Mu, the hairs on his whole body stood on end.

"Hmph, are you only allowed to kill people in the Holy Heavenly Sect, and not allowed me to confuse the Heavenly Sect to resist?!"

Su Mu's back was sweating profusely, the oppression brought by the old monster of Black Mountain made it difficult for him to breathe, and the terrifying aura made him despair.

But when he thought that there was a great god behind him, he had confidence in his heart, and naturally calmed down.

"The old man will take you to pay homage today!"

A gloomy look flashed across the face of the Black Mountain old monster. He shot directly, and with a wave of his big hand, a huge palm appeared in the air. The whole body was as black as ink, covering the sky and the sun, and came to press down on Su Mu.

Su Mu's complexion also changed, he made a seal in his hand, and the long knife shot up into the sky, as if trying to pierce through the huge palm, but when the big knife came into contact with the big black hand, it shattered instantly.


Su Mu's complexion changed, and a mouthful of black blood spewed out of his mouth, and his whole figure flew upside down crazily, and hit the ground fiercely.

"The God Venerable is really strong..."

His face was extremely pale, bloodless, and his eyes were full of despair, even though he was already at the peak of the emperor level.

But in the face of the supreme powerhouse in the realm of gods, he is still as small as an ant.

"go to hell!"

The black mountain monster's eyes were full of fierceness, he waved his big hand again, and the black palm pressed down again, covering the sky and covering the sun like a mountain pressing down, trying to kill Su Mu in one fell swoop.


Su Mu vomited blood continuously. In front of the black mountain old monster, he couldn't resist even one move. He was full of unwillingness, but helpless, he watched the big black hand pressing down.

At this critical moment, Du Yuesheng, who came with Su Mu, finally made a move at this time.

I didn't see him making any movements, but his eyes were fixed, and he seemed to see the terrible scene of the world shattering in the dark pupils.

The next moment, a terrifying aura that reached the extreme, as if the world trembled, was released from Du Yuesheng's seemingly thin body.

Under this momentum, the two sides in the fierce battle, the disciples of the two sects, all felt crawling and terrified. The terrible oppressive force made them unable to control their bodies and wanted to surrender and kneel down.

The mountains and rivers trembled, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the terrifying and peerless aura set off waves of ripples in the sky and earth, like waves on the surface of a lake. It seemed soft, but within reach, all the disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect were blown to pieces and exploded into a cloud of blood.

Even the black mountain old monster could not escape this disaster.

I saw that his big black hand was about to crush Su Mu, but after encountering the aura of Du Yuesheng, it was instantly shattered into little stars.

As the ripples spread, they swept towards him in the horrified eyes of the old monster of Black Mountain.


Before he died, the black mountain old monster only had time to spit out such a word. In front of the terrible shock wave, even a godly powerhouse turned into a cloud of blood mist in an instant.

The air was suddenly filled with the smell of blood, as if even the sky was dyed red.

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