The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1702 The Sixth Layer of the Main God


"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who killed the god monster and gained 100 billion divine points."


"Congratulations to the player for upgrading, the current level: the sixth level of the main god."


Du Yuesheng listened to the prompts from the system in his mind, and unknowingly upgraded to another level, and he felt good after a few more visits.


"The black old monster is dead??"


And as the black mountain old monster turned into a cloud of blood mist, the disciples of Huo Tianzong who survived below were all stunned.

The majestic god's power was actually wiped out by Du Yuesheng's outward aura.

No one even saw his appearance, so he could no longer appear in front of the world!


For a moment, everyone looked at the young man standing at the back, and all of them involuntarily backed away.


What kind of strength does it take to make a deity explode and die with just one momentum?

God level?

But no matter how everyone looks at Du Yuesheng, he doesn't look like a god-level existence, he is really too young.

Su Mu hurried forward, walked to Du Yuesheng's side, bowed his head, and saluted, "Thank you, Emperor of Heaven, for your action."

Elder Zhu looked at Du Yuesheng who was standing in front of Su Mu, and asked softly, "Su Mu, is this senior?"

"This senior also came for the treasure map, don't worry, he is not an enemy." Su Mu explained.

"Su Mu, it turns out that the treasure map is not with you to confuse Tianzong, so let's just say goodbye."

After the words fell, Du Yuesheng was about to turn around and leave, heading for the place where the black mountain old monster came from just now.

Du Yuesheng's next target is Shengtianzong.

Su Mu looked at Su Yang who was about to leave, and immediately shouted: "Emperor, wait."

Hearing Su Mu's shout behind him, Du Yuesheng turned around and frowned, "Why, what else is there for Su Mu?"

"The Emperor of Heaven is going to the Holy Heaven Sect?" Su Mu asked cautiously.

"En, not bad." Du Yuesheng nodded.

Seeing Du Yuesheng nodding, Su Mu was overjoyed. With Du Yuesheng going to Shengtianzong together, Su Mu was sure to destroy Shengtianzong in one fell swoop and rescue his master.

"The little one is willing to lead the way for you, the Emperor of Heaven."


Du Yuesheng didn't shirk Su Mu's request for leave, because he really didn't know where the Holy Heaven Sect was.

"Please wait a moment, the Emperor of Heaven, I will arrange things."

After finishing speaking, Su Mu ran to the surviving disciples. Except for Elder Zhu, he was the senior one here.

Coupled with the fact that Su Mu is now at the peak of the emperor level with all his strength, no one dares to resist.

Soon Su Mu finished arranging things.

Su Mu walked around Du Yuesheng and said, "Heavenly Emperor, let's go."


In an instant, Du Yuesheng and Su Mu disappeared in a flash of light.

Sheng Tianzong.

The entire sect is located on the mountainside, a mountain gate is like a moat, connecting the heaven and the earth, majestic and majestic, covering thousands of miles in the protective array of the sect.

There are faintly palpitating terrifying waves emanating. Compared with Huotianzong, the gate of this holy Tianzong is indeed a big deal.

Du Yuesheng and Su Mu came here, and seeing the majesty of the Holy Heavenly Sect, Su Mu couldn't help but took a deep breath and was shocked.

But Du Yuesheng just looked sideways slightly, not paying attention to it at all. In his opinion, even such handwriting is nothing more than that.

"Emperor, this is the Holy Heaven Sect."

Su Mu bowed slightly, and said respectfully. Obviously he has regarded himself as Du Yuesheng's half-servant, but when he mentioned the three words "Holy Heavenly Sect", he gritted his teeth with strong hatred in his heart.

"Well, let's go in."

Du Yuesheng nodded, with a calm expression, he took the lead to step out and walked into the mountain gate, and the great array of protecting the sect with a radius of thousands of miles, with his step out, lost its fluctuation in an instant and dissipated into nothing.

Su Mu followed behind Du Yuesheng, seeing that he didn't make any movements, he easily broke through the big formation of the Holy Heaven Sect. Although he was shocked, his expression was very normal. What's the problem?

After all, he was able to destroy a godly and powerful emperor with just one momentum.

"Stop! Who are you, dare to break into the Holy Heaven Sect?!"

At this time, the disciple who was in charge of guarding the mountain gate found Du Yuesheng and the two of them, and came forward to stop them.

They looked surprised and confused. These two strange guys could break into the Holy Heaven Sect unknowingly. They are definitely formidable enemies.

"Huo Tianzong disciple?"

The sharp-eyed disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect discovered that Su Mu was wearing the clothes of the disciples of the Huotian Sect, and they were suddenly puzzled.

But relying on the identity of Shengtianzong, he said proudly, "Hey, didn't you Huotianzong be wiped out by the ancestors, why are there still people alive?"

"Could it be a disciple who escaped and wants to seek revenge on us? Hahahaha..."

Recognizing Su Mu's identity, those Saint Heaven Sect disciples breathed a sigh of relief, they were used to being oppressed on weekdays.

They didn't think that a mere Huotian Sect disciple could pose any threat to them.

Su Mu's face turned cold, and anger appeared in his eyes. He glanced at Du Yuesheng, as if seeking his advice, and asked him how to deal with these people.


Du Yuesheng didn't even look at it, but said two words coldly. Su Mu understood immediately, and with a movement of his body, he appeared in front of the disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect like a ghost.

These few disciples responsible for guarding the sect were only at the early stage of the God Emperor Realm. Facing a master at the peak of the emperor level like Su Mu, they had no power to fight back, and they were instantly killed by Su Mu in an instant.

boom! boom!

With several muffled sounds in a row, Su Mu slapped the chests of those disciples with his palms, and the majestic force instantly blasted them into a cloud of blood mist, filling the air with a strong smell of blood.

In the end, these poor disciples didn't know what a terrible guy they had provoked, and they couldn't even send a message to the sect until they died.

"Senior Heavenly Emperor, let me open the way for you from now on. These small things are not worth your trouble." Su Mu was very sensible and knew exactly what Du Yuesheng was going to do next, so he volunteered to walk ahead, willing to clean up some messes for him.

Du Yuesheng didn't say anything, just nodded and walked slowly behind.

"Stop, who are you?!"

"How dare... ah!"

It has to be said that the number of people in Shengtianzong is many times greater than that of Huotianzong. Even if the two sects are fighting now, most of the main force has been sent to Huotianzong and failed to come back, but those who stayed in the sect Still not in the minority.

It's just that they met Du Yuesheng and Su Mu, so they were destined to be unlucky. Along the way, with Su Mu, the emperor-level peak master, Du Yuesheng didn't even have to do it. Those disciples of the Holy Heaven Sect were often instantly killed when they met each other.

"Not good, enemy attack..."

"Quickly, report to the elder..."

There were dead bodies everywhere, blood staining the Holy Heavenly Sect. This scene is very similar to what happened to Huo Tianzong before. The difference is that now the roles of the two sides have been reversed, and it has become a unilateral massacre by Su Mu.

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