The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1711 2.5 Billion

Du Yuesheng still missed one point. In his eyes, the god-emperor monks who are as trash as dogs are already considered rare masters in this realm of death.

Even among the eight overlord forces, the greatest combat power among them comes from the mid-level power of the God Emperor Realm. Although the top powerhouses like the God Emperor and God Venerable are enough to turn the tide of the battle to some extent, they are too much after all. Rare, not as numerous as the God Emperor Realm.

The reason why the eight overlords can stand still is largely due to the mid-level power of these god emperors.

And a Concentration Pill can easily create a God Emperor master, which is of great significance to those big and top forces!

That's why the appearance of Ningshen Pill caused a sensation in the audience and caused such a strong reaction from everyone.

When Xiuniang heard someone questioning her, she raised her phoenix eyebrows slightly, and said: "My Tianlong Pavilion can stand in the realm of death, it is definitely not due to fraudulent tricks!"

After finishing speaking, she saw that the audience was quieter, her expression eased, and she said, "Since there are people who doubt it, let's take one of the bottles as a sample and show it to everyone."

She opened one of the jade bottles, took out a pill, and put it in her hand for everyone to watch.

As soon as she opened it, a strong medicinal fragrance wafted out of her nostrils, and everyone in the audience was moved, not daring to doubt the authenticity of this pill.

"Okay, everyone has watched it. In order not to lose the medicinal properties, we should start filming as soon as possible."

"Please bid!"

After Xiu Niang finished speaking, she was interrupted immediately, and the voice came from the VIP box on the attic in the front row.


Xiu Niang frowned, took a look, and found out that the voice was coming from the VIP box, she knew that the other party had a lot of background, so she didn't dare to offend her, and said, "I don't know if the VIP in Box No. 7 has any questions?"

Hearing what she said, everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the No. 7 box.

"I don't know where you got this panacea from in Tianlong Pavilion?"

It was an old man who spoke, and his words immediately changed the faces of many people below. Asking about the origin is a taboo in the auction industry.

However, it may be that the other party is so powerful that even Tianlong Pavilion is unwilling to offend easily, that Xiu Niang bowed slightly and said: "It was a senior master who entrusted this pavilion to auction it for us. As for the identity of the other party, I am sorry that I cannot tell. "

After she finished speaking, Box No. 7 fell silent, as if she knew that it was impossible to get too much information from Tianlong Pavilion, so she stopped talking.

When Xiu Niang saw this, she said again: "Now I announce that the auction will begin!"

"There are two bottles of Ningshen Pill. The whole bottle is sold with ten pieces. The starting price is five million spirit stones. Please bid!"

As soon as her words fell, many people anxiously raised the signs in their hands.

"I will offer 20 million spirit stones!"

"I'll pay fifty million!"

"One hundred million spirit stones!"

"Two hundred million!"

In just a short moment, almost sky-high prices were called out on the spot.

Even Du Yuesheng couldn't help being moved. It seems that the monks in the realm of death are really crazy for the panacea.

The appearance of the Concentration Pill made the audience go crazy for it. A Concentration Pill can create a master of the God Emperor. For the forces in the realm of death, it is of great significance, and many people flock to it.

In the end, the first bottle of Ningshen Pill was sold at a sky-high price of 1.5 billion, and although the second bottle was not as competitive as the first bottle, the final price was set at 1.2 billion.

This kind of result not only shocked Du Yuesheng, but also Tianlong Pavilion. They originally thought that the price of the Concentration Pill would be five or six million spirit stones at most, but they didn't expect those forces to be so crazy that they sold such an unprecedented price.

Calculated, the price of a Concentration Pill has reached more than 10 million, which is more than double the expectation of Tianlong Pavilion.

For Ningshen Pill to fetch such a sky-high price, Du Yuesheng was naturally overjoyed.

Not to mention anything else, just for these two bottles of Concentration Pills, after deducting the 20% commission from Tianlong Pavilion, there are still about 2.5 billion spirit stones left, which will be included in Du Yuesheng's account.

This made him very satisfied.

At this time, the first auction item also came to an end.

The first item sold for 2.7 billion spirit stones, an unprecedented high price even in the auction history of Tianlong Pavilion.

The second auction item is still presided over by Xiu Niang, but the next auction item is much inferior to the Ningshen Pill, and the enthusiasm of the audience seems to be not too high.

"Seven Injured Palms of Martial Arts, the starting price is 5 million. Fellow Daoist No. 103 offered 5 million. Is there anyone else bidding?"

The Seven Injured Palm is obviously only a low-level martial art, and almost all the people present are from one side of the princes, and few people are interested in this kind of thing.

In the end, the second auction item was auctioned at the lowest starting price of 5 million.

Perhaps the light of the first auction item was too dazzling, covering the light of other auction items. Few people were interested in the next few auction items. They either bid at the lowest price or passed the auction directly. .

However, during this period, Box No. 4 next to Du Yuesheng made a move in the middle, and took down a medium-grade Tiancaidibao, and probably because the other party was a VIP, no one made a move, which made Tian Yaozong use it Got it at a very low price.

The next auction item was another treasure of heaven and earth, but this time it attracted more people's attention.

"Next, this auction item is a Ten Thousand Years White Jade Ginseng King!" Xiu Niang smiled on the stage, full of flair, she opened the box and took out a plant that was crystal clear like jade. The king of Shen, and soon put it back.

"This ginseng is an extremely rare ten thousand-year white jade ginseng king. It is a top-quality natural material and earth treasure. It has the magical effect of prolonging life and nourishing vitality. It can increase life span by a thousand years!"

After Xiu Niang finished speaking, the whole audience was stunned.

White Jade Ginseng King itself is a rare top-quality elixir, not to mention the age, any random plant can cause a bloodbath, and countless people fight for it, because it has the effect of prolonging life.

For those old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, this is the treasure of life extension! Normally, a 3,000-year-old white jade ginseng king can command a sky-high price of billions of spirit stones.

And the 3,000-year white jade ginseng king can only add more than 200 years to his lifespan. Today, the Dragon Pavilion actually produced the 10,000-year ginseng king, which can increase his lifespan by a thousand years. For those top forces, it is extremely precious.

Because, the top strength of each party basically has at least one ancestor sitting in the town, and these ancestors are often old and have a short lifespan. In terms of power, they will surely prosper for another thousand years!

In a certain sense, this Ten Thousand Years White Jade Ginseng King is even more valuable than Du Yuesheng's Concentration Pill!

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