The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1712 Treasure Map Fragments

While everyone was shocked, they all sighed, Tianlong Pavilion is really a big deal this time, and they are willing to bid for this kind of treasure.

"I give 100 million from Wanhumen!"

After people reacted, bids were soon made. The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in the front seat. The Wanhumen he was talking about was a powerful force second only to the eight overlords. He directly reported his family, obviously to deter those guys who were about to move, and intended to tell them , this ginseng king, my Wanhumen, is going to decide, whoever dares to make a move is against my Wanhumen!

Although they are a bit domineering, they are also acting out of helplessness. If there is a fair competition, they may have to pay several times the price if they want to win this ginseng king.

"Hmph, isn't Wanhumen so great?" At this time, a cold snort came from the VIP box No. 7, and he said in a serious tone, "My Shadow Sect pays 200 million!"

Box No. 7 was naturally the guest who asked Xiuniang about the origin of the Concentration Pill. It turned out to be from the Demon Shadow Sect, one of the eight overlords. No wonder he dared to speak like that.

"I didn't expect that even the eight overlords would take action. It seems that Wanhumen can only admit defeat."

"Hmph, this Wanhumen has always bullied the weak and feared the strong, how could he dare to oppose the Demon Shadow Sect?"

In the field, many people whispered. These voices fell into Wan Humen's ears, making it difficult for the middle-aged man to step down, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"It turned out to be the master of the Demon Shadow Sect. Hu Kun was quite offended before, and I hope to forgive him. However, this White Jade Ginseng King has a great effect on my Wanhumen. If the Lord of the Demon Shadow Sect is willing to let me, my Wanhumen is willing to make up for it. To the Lord of the Shadow Sect." The middle-aged man clapped his hands in the direction of Box No. 7 and made a series. He didn't dare to offend the Shadow Sect, and he was unwilling to make concessions. These words were extremely beautiful.

"It turned out to be Hu Kun, one of the Tigers. He is the sect master's younger brother. Based on his status, he is qualified to say this."

There was a discussion among the people.

It's a pity that the Demon Shadow Sect, who has always been domineering, doesn't give face at all.

I only heard a cold snort coming from the No. 7 box: "Hmph, this kind of life-prolonging treasure is only useful to you, Wan Humen? If you really want it, just bid."

The meaning of what he said is obvious. If you give in, I, the Shadow Sect, will definitely not give in. If you Wanhumen are brave enough, you can bid and compete to see who gets the last laugh.

The middle-aged man who called himself Hu Kun had a cloudy face. He naturally knew the threatening meaning behind the words of the Demon Shadow Sect, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Dignified Shadow Sect, just bullying people like this? Others are afraid of you Shadow Sect, but I am not afraid of Undead Valley!"

At this time, a cold snort came from the VIP box on the other side.

"Fellow Daoist of Undead Valley, what do you mean by that?"

The old man in Box No. 7 suddenly turned gloomy.

"Hmph, the Ten Thousand Years White Jade Ginseng King is a rare treasure of heaven and earth. You, the Demon Shadow Sect, want to win it with only 200 million yuan. Isn't it too overbearing?!"

This Valley of the Undead is also one of the eight overlords. It has always been a deadly enemy with the Demon Shadow Sect. No matter what the occasion, the two sides often oppose each other.

"I, Undead Valley, bid one billion!"

"Good, good! Good!"

The old man of the Shadow Sect gritted his teeth in anger, and said "very good" in his mouth, probably because he was so angry by the Valley of the Undead that he was speechless.

"One and a half billion!"

"1.8 billion!"

With the relief of Undead Valley and breaking the threat of the Shadow Sect, other forces also seized the opportunity and bid for it one after another, and soon the price rose rapidly.

"Sky Demon Sect, bid five billion!"

But at this time, the price had just reached 2 billion, and the Sky Demon Sect in Box No. 4 suddenly offered a prohibitively sky-high price.

Although the value of a Ten Thousand Years White Jade Ginseng King is extraordinary, if the price reaches 5 billion, it is already slightly beyond everyone's budget.

Therefore, after the Sky Demon Sect made the bid, it became quiet, and no one made any more bids.

"Hmph, the Sky Demon Sect is really rich and powerful!"

The old man of the Demon Shadow Sect gritted his teeth angrily, and sneered again and again. The White Jade Ginseng King, which was originally available for 200 million yuan, was disturbed by the Undead Valley, and the price was increased by more than ten times. set a sky-high price that made it impossible for others to continue to increase the price.

In the end, this white jade ginseng king naturally fell into the hands of the Tian Yaozong without any suspense.

For such a result, Du Yuesheng was not surprised at all, he already knew that the goal of the Sky Demon Sect was not the finale of the three, and naturally he was determined to obtain these middle and high-grade treasures.

Next, the Sky Demon Sect took another shot, and took down more than a dozen kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures in one go, all of which were elixir for healing injuries and prolonging life.

At this time, some careful people discovered that although the Sky Demon Sect had offered prohibitive sky-high prices in the first few shots, it may be because of the generous shots that shocked some people, making some of the later prices even more valuable. For the big auction items, they took them down at a very reasonable price, even lower than the market price.

In this way, in these upper-middle-level auctions, the Tian Yao Pavilion, which seemed to be taken advantage of, became the biggest winner.

For the previous auction items, Du Yuesheng had no interest at all. He kept his eyes closed from the beginning to the end, and he didn't open his eyes until the next auction item appeared.

That's because, this auction item is the purpose of his trip, a treasure map fragment!

"Fellow daoists, the origin of the next auction item is very mysterious." Xiu Niang blinked her eyes and said pretending to be mysterious, she said slowly, "This item has been appraised by our master, it is a treasure Picture fragments!"

As she spoke, she lifted the red cloth, and on the tray, there was a dilapidated old map with some ancient written records on it.

"This treasure map has an unusual origin. It is said to be the tomb map of a peerless power, and this power is Emperor Wu who created the domain of death!"

"Presumably everyone has heard the name of Emperor Wu, right? That is a terrifying existence that surpasses the Supreme God. His shogunate naturally has many rare treasures, and maybe even left a legacy!"

Xiu Niang said mysteriously, "The starting price of this item is five million, but it is not expensive at all. If you spend money to buy a chance, if you are really lucky enough to find the tomb of Emperor Wu, it will be an unimaginable battle." great opportunity!"

"Emperor Wu's tomb?!"

"Hehe, if you can get the inheritance of Emperor Wu, you can expect to become the Supreme God in this life!"

"This background is really scary!"

There was an uproar among the crowd, but they were only shocked by Emperor Wu's name.

This Martial Emperor has a real background, it is said that he is a terrifying existence who has broken the shackles and surpassed the realm of gods.

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