The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1713 My surname is Wang

Emperor Wu!

The God of Creation who created the realm of death, the strongest person in Eternal Era!

In the domain of death, no one does not know this name!

There are many legends about Emperor Wu, and they were even adapted into stories and storytelling, which have been handed down to this day, and have become the goal pursued by countless monks in the realm of death for a lifetime.

However, there are also rumors that this Emperor Wu is not from the realm of death at all!

It's from the legendary God Realm!

I don't know why the domain of death was created. Of course, this is just a rumor. As for whether the news is true, no one knows.

However, it is precisely because of this rumor that many monks have been trying to find Emperor Wu's tomb for thousands of years.

As for the result, it is naturally nothing.

Therefore, there have been many treasure maps about Emperor Wudi's tomb. When they first appeared that year, it even caused a big shock. Many hegemony forces fought for it, and finally discovered The so-called treasure map is just the tomb of a supreme god.

People don't think it's surprising that there are many treasure maps about Emperor Wu's tomb, although what Xiu Niang said is very attractive.

But few people are interested in something that is too illusory, and they will not spend money on such useless things.

After Xiu Niang finished speaking, the audience remained silent, and many people even closed their eyes to rest their minds, obviously not wanting to waste energy on meaningless things.

"One corner of the treasure map fragment, the starting price is 5 million. It seems that everyone is not interested. If I count to three and no one bids, then the auction will be announced. One, two..."

Xiuniang was not surprised by this result at all. A few years ago, Tianlong Pavilion also took out this piece of treasure map for auction, but the result was naturally a pass-through. This time, it was brought out again just to make up for it.

"I, I offer six million!"

At this time, a timid voice sounded in the arena. After he finished speaking, many people around were surprised and turned their attention to him. Even Du Yuesheng gave him a surprised look.

It was a thin man, probably only in his thirties. Judging from his clothes, he should be just a casual cultivator. After he finished speaking, he found that many people looked at him like a fool, and he became nervous I got up, my face turned red.

"The guest on the 272nd bid is six million. Is there anyone else who bid? I'll count to three. If not, then it belongs to this guest!"

Seeing someone bid, Xiuniang breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this broken treasure map can finally be sold.

"A fool actually bid?"

"Some people actually believe such useless things?"

"It's really taken advantage of. The six million is in vain."

In fact, after the man shouted, he felt a little regretful in his heart. His bidding was just out of impulse, and he wanted to try his luck, but he didn't realize until after bidding that everyone looked at him like a fool.

Only then did I realize that no one would appreciate something like this. But like a fool, he used all his wealth to take pictures of this useless piece of trash.

"Ten million!"

At this time, Du Yuesheng finally bid. When his voice fell, it immediately caused an uproar in the audience. Some people even wanted to call out fools, but they stopped in time after they realized that the voice was coming from the VIP box.

If Du Yuesheng didn't make a move, he would pay a price of 10 million when he made a move, and everyone in the audience stared at him in amazement.

At this time, Xiu Niang was almost finished counting, and almost knocked down the timpani hammer in her hand, but suddenly heard someone bid, and was so frightened that the timpani hammer in her hand almost fell.

She had a strange look on her face, and looked at the No. 3 box where Du Yuesheng was in, and felt even more strange in her heart. She recognized Du Yuesheng's voice. Box number three.

This is strange, if she remembers correctly, the third box should be the seat of the Blood Demon Sect, how could it be that Master Wang?

Could it be that Master Wang is from the Blood Demon Sect?

The more Xiu Niang thought about it, the more inappropriate she became, and she had quietly made up her mind. After the auction was over, she must report this matter to her ancestors as soon as possible. For Tianlong Pavilion, it is a great disadvantage.

However, the surprise in her heart was nothing but surprise, but Xiu Niang remained calm on the surface, and said in a loud voice: "VIP No. 3 offered a price of 10 million, is there a higher price?"

After she finished speaking, her eyes were fixed on the thin man who just bid. Obviously, she also thought that apart from this, no one in the audience would be willing to bid.

But what she didn't know was that the person who made the first bid was just impulsive, and regretted it after bidding. At this time, when he found out that someone had bid, he was greatly relieved, thankful that it was too late. How could he dare to bid again.

"Fifteen million!"

Just when everyone thought that there would be no bids, a cold voice came from the No. 4 box next to Du Yuesheng.

"What? The Sky Demon Sect also made a move?"

"Is this treasure map really worthless? Otherwise, why would the Sky Demon Sect make a move?"

"The third box should also be a certain overlord, right? The two overlords have already taken action. Could it be that this treasure map is real?"


The bid of the Sky Demon Sect was beyond everyone's expectations. They did not expect that even the Sky Demon Sect would be interested in such a broken treasure map, and many people even began to doubt it.

Du Yuesheng's gaze turned cold, and he glanced at the box next door, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and said indifferently, "30 million!"

"Hehe, it seems that the fellow Taoist next door is determined to get this thing." A laugh came from the side of the Sky Demon Sect, and the old man looked at the room where Du Yuesheng was in quite a surprise, and said with a smile, "I don't know this How do fellow daoists call you?"

"My surname is Wang."

Du Yuesheng looked indifferent, and said in a cold tone.

"Oh? It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Wang. It's a pleasure to meet you. Since Fellow Daoist Wang cares so much about this thing, a gentleman doesn't take what others like, so I just leave it to Fellow Daoist."

The old man of the Demon Sect that day said it politely on the surface, but in fact, what he was thinking in his heart was: surnamed Wang? Among the eight major forces, how can there be a person surnamed Wang? The identity of this person is a bit problematic.

Du Yuesheng didn't say a word, just snorted coldly, and set his eyes on the high platform again.

"Thirty-one million!"

At this time, another voice sounded in the field.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was a man in the front row. They were surprised that this man was so bold that he dared to compete with the VIP box, but soon someone recognized his identity.

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