The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1725 Galen get out

"You are curious, why does this seat know, right?"

"From the very beginning, you were anxious to make a move. Even after you killed the old Gorefiend monster, you still kept watching me nervously."

"Although you've been trying your best to appear calm, your hands have betrayed you."

After what Motian said, Du Yuesheng looked down subconsciously, and he realized that his hands were clenched into fists from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even notice it.

Du Yuesheng's complexion changed, but his heart was extremely shocked, as if he was facing an enemy all of a sudden, this devil is really difficult to deal with!

This guy is not only scheming, ruthless, and calculating, but more importantly, this guy is so careful?

Who could have imagined that he still had the energy to observe Du Yuesheng's actions when he was in a critical situation where he might fall if he was not careful during the fierce battle? Even the movement of his fists can be seen?

What is this guy planning?

It was only at this moment that Du Yuesheng understood that it was no wonder that Motian, as the suzerain, was able to sit on an equal footing with an old monster like the blood demon ancestor who had been waiting for tens of thousands of years.

Compared with his strength, this guy's scheming is even more daunting!

"Today, you are all dead!"

Knowing that he had guessed right, Mo Tian suddenly became fierce in his eyes. He did not fight Zhu Bajie, but kept giving way and dodging, making Zhu Bajie sweat profusely but helpless.

"Bastard, don't run if you have the guts, fight your grandpa for 300 rounds!"

Zhu Bajie was furious with anger, that Motian's movements were very strange, and he would disappear into the black mist from time to time, making him nowhere to be found or caught.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie's body gradually became blurred.

"Ding, the summoning time is over!"

The sound of the system sounded in Du Yuesheng's mind, which immediately changed Du Yuesheng's expression.

He looked over and found that Zhu Bajie's body had become more and more blurred, turning into a faint golden light, slowly dissipating between the sky and the earth.

"Oh, I see……"

Mo Tian watched this scene from the side, and suddenly laughed thoughtfully. He put his eyes on Du Yuesheng, and said in a serious tone:

"Now, let me see who else can save you!"

Mo Tian sneered and said, his expression was full of indifference, like a high-ranking ruler looking down on the ants in the ground.

However, at this moment, Du Yuesheng took out another summoning card.

When Motian saw the familiar golden beam of light, the expression on his face suddenly became exciting.

How could this guy need help?

Mo Tian was shocked. He thought Du Yuesheng was at the end of his rope, but he didn't expect him to be able to summon him again!

"Galen get out of here!"


Du Yuesheng roared, Galen and the others have been leveling up in the Sea of ​​Light for a while, now it's time to check their results.

After the roar, a golden pillar of light suddenly appeared in front of Du Yuesheng's eyes.

Out of the bright golden light came out a tall figure in armor and holding a big sword.

"Demacian force!"

The one in front of me is the God of War in Valoran, the hero Galen!

According to the system display, Galen's level has stepped into the half-step Supreme God!

Demacia God of War!

Galen is too!

When they saw another Supreme God suddenly appeared, those cultivators standing on the sidelines in Baidi City were stunned.

"Another Supreme God?!"

"When did the Supreme God become so cheap?"

"No, what number is this, it seems to be the sixth Supreme God?"

"What's going on? How do I feel that this Supreme God is summoned by the guy in the main god realm?"

Everyone blinked their eyes, their hearts were really shocked.

The scene that happened today was so shocking that it almost overturned their previous understanding of the Supreme God.

Supreme God.

Shouldn't it be a supreme existence aloft?

Why did such a statue appear all at once today? And it's all for that guy, what is that guy's identity?

It's fine if it's just like this, but not long ago, three supreme gods all fell here!

The appearance of Galen made Motian's eyelids twitch wildly, his heart was shocked, and he became more and more uneasy.

This man in armor was full of righteousness, and the fluctuations emanating from his body made Mo Tian feel extremely afraid.


Mo Tian snorted coldly, trying to get rid of the involuntary timidity in his mind, but his eyes were uncontrollably fixed on the big sword in Galen's hand, which gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Let's see you have the last laugh!"

Du Yuesheng had a panoramic view of Mo Tian's reaction, and said with a sneer.

Before he came to Baidi City, he had already made preparations. Although he didn't want to cause too much trouble, it didn't mean he didn't dare to slaughter God!

Supreme God!

Known as the supreme being, he may be regarded as the supreme being in this realm of death, but to Du Yuesheng, it's nothing more than that!

Even if the Motian in front of him possesses 100% of the power of the deity, Du Yuesheng may not be able to defeat the opponent, but he doesn't want to put himself in a passive situation.

He has a summoning system, and he can summon countless characters and great gods. Whether it is fighting alone or in a group fight, he has never been afraid of anyone!

Let you have thousands of troops, I have my own world!

"You guy, you hide really deep..."

After Mo Tian's face changed for a while, he suddenly laughed grinningly, "However, I'm not like those trash, it's not that easy to kill me!"

As the voice fell, the strange patterns on his body burst into black light, and the texture became more and more clear, like clusters of beating black flames.

Especially the imprint on the center of his brow became full of spirituality, like an eye staring coldly.

"Heavenly demon body!"

Mo Tian looked up to the sky and roared, the sound was like thunder, but also very passionate, like the roar of a wild beast, it was especially terrifying.

He saw strange black flames burning all over his body. Under those terrifying black flames, his muscles swelled out of thin air, his body swelled up, and he suddenly grew into a giant with a height of several feet.

Just from the muscles on his body, one can feel the terrifying explosive power contained in it.

Demon body!

The unique supernatural power of the Heavenly Demon clan, one of the thirty-six peerless supernatural powers in the realm of death.

Only those with the blood of the demon family can pass through the secret method, communicate with the power of the blood, and let their blood return to their ancestors, and then they can become the magic body of the sky.

You must know that this supernatural power of the heavenly demon is not a simple method of body training, but the power of communicating with the blood, so that the heavenly magic body descends. In a sense, he is the heavenly demon!

And Mo Tian is known as the one with the purest bloodline of the Heavenly Demon clan for thousands of years. The Heavenly Demon he turned into is extremely terrifying.

"Jie Jie..."

The corner of Motian's mouth opened slightly, and a terrible sound came out from his throat, like the laughter of some kind of monster, which made people feel creepy and scalp numb.

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