The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1727 Desert of Death

"Fix him!"

Seeing the devil like this, Du Yuesheng suddenly realized that it seemed that the devil was after them.

But he is not like that stupid guy Motian, if he wants to treat him as a blood food, it depends on whether he has a good set of teeth!

Galen had long been displeased with the strange monster, and after hearing Du Yuesheng's order, he immediately raised the big sword, waved the bright holy light, and swung the sword down.


This sword is extremely bright, like a ray of light, like a god high above, judgment rules everything, and the holy brilliance descends from the sky like a god.

Like a natural restraint, Galen seems to be born to represent the righteous side. His sword is full of sacred aura, which just restrains the monstrous demonic aura.

The demon leader who was still invincible just now turned pale with fright at this moment, and his entire face became distorted because of fright.

"You will regret this……"

Before the devil died, he only left such a sentence, and then he was overwhelmed by the incomparably holy brilliance, turning into speckled stars in an instant, and completely shattered.

It's like it's never been here.

With the long sword on his back, Galen cupped his hands towards Du Yuesheng, turned around and fell into the golden beam of light.

The moment he was submerged, the golden beam of light also slowly dissipated in the world.

And at the moment when the demon fell, the belated system notification sounded in his mind, as if he had completed some kind of plot task, including the rewards of the blood demon ancestor, which were also distributed at this moment.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the Supreme Blood Demon monster and gaining two billion divine points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed the ancient demon by summoning the character Galen, and obtained 100 billion divine points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed the ancient devil, has full experience points, and has been promoted to the seventh level of the main god!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the ancient demon, the experience value is full, and the promotion to the eighth level of the main god!"

A series of notification sounds sounded in Du Yuesheng's mind, which made him stunned for a while, and after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized.

It must be that Mo Tian killed the King of Thousand Ghosts and the old monster of the undead just now, and Mo Tian was killed by the devil again, so all the experience points were transferred to the devil.

Therefore, after killing the devil, he will be promoted to two levels in a row, and he will be promoted to the eighth level of the main god. It seems that he is one step closer to the supreme god.

Du Yuesheng looked at the empty mountains, sighed, turned and left.

There was a scorching sun in the sky.

Looking around, there is slowly yellow sand, endless, like an ocean. The temperature here is frighteningly high, and the space is somewhat distorted.

desert of death.

Here, it is said that there used to be an ocean, but a great change happened thousands of years ago. Since then, the vast ocean has been replaced by yellow sand all over the sky.

It was a dead silence, without any vitality, and it was rare to see living things, even plants.

Du Yuesheng walked slowly in this desert known as the forbidden land of death. The super high temperature didn't seem to affect him at all.

He didn't know how long he had walked, but he was already in the center of this desert, and all around him was a vast expanse of yellow sand.

As if there is no end, looking from a distance, the sky seems to be in a line with the yellow sand all over the sky, which makes people feel desperate.

After Du Yuesheng left Baidi City, he kept heading north. According to the system prompt, the next destination he went to had the whereabouts of the next treasure map fragment.

This desert is vast and boundless, and there is no end in sight. If it is an ordinary person, it may be difficult to walk out of this desert in a lifetime. What is even more desperate is that Du Yuesheng has not found any water source after walking for so long.

It's no wonder that this place is known as a forbidden place for death. Just imagine, if ordinary people stumbled into this place by mistake, they might really have to bury their corpses in the yellow sand.

Suddenly, a caravan of camels passed by him. Seeing Du Yuesheng walking alone in the desert, these people couldn't help but take a few more glances, their eyes full of surprise.

"This guy is kind of weird..."

The first middle-aged man couldn't help but look at Du Yuesheng more, as if he was talking to himself.

Normally, in this lifeless desert of death, not to mention living people, even small animals are rare to see blood. I have never seen someone like Du Yuesheng crossing the desert alone.

Among the caravan, there was a young girl, she blinked a pair of bright big eyes, seemed to be very curious about Du Yuesheng, passed by him on a camel, and shouted:

"Hey, that guy, hello, is this girl talking to you? Didn't you hear me?"

Du Yuesheng looked up at her, frowned slightly, directly chose to ignore her, and continued walking in the yellow sand all over the sky.

Seeing this inexplicable and strange guy, the girl dared to ignore her, she was extremely annoyed, and rode a camel to Du Yuesheng, shouting: "Hey, you are so rude, are you deaf or dumb?"

The girl looked aloof, she seemed to be the jewel in the palm of a certain big family, with a princess air, but she didn't know why she came to this lifeless desert.


Du Yuesheng glanced at her indifferently, said something to himself, and still ignored her.

This woman is also really strange, with a high-ranking look, she always feels that other people are her servants, and she is always bossy to everyone.

It was also fortunate that she was a woman. If it was a man who dared to talk to the dignified emperor like this, he would have died countless times.

Seeing what Du Yuesheng said, she jumped angrily, pointed at Du Yuesheng, and said angrily:

"You, you, you! What did you say? You actually said that I was inexplicable?"

"Who is it that is inexplicable? This girl talks to you with good intentions, but you don't say it rudely, but instead accuse me?"

The girl almost pointed at Du Yuesheng's nose, covered her head and face, and began to curse endlessly.

This aunt is used to being superior, and whoever meets her on weekdays does not show her all kinds of hospitality. This is the first time she meets someone who ignores her like Du Yuesheng. While she is annoyed, she is also curious about Du Yuesheng.

"Why should I care about you?"

Du Yuesheng glanced at her indifferently, his tone was a little cold, no matter how good-tempered he was, if he was reprimanded by a yellow-haired girl for no reason, it would be uncomfortable for anyone.


The girl didn't ask Du Yuesheng such a question, she was stunned for a while, and didn't know how to answer for a while, although she always felt that something was wrong, but thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with Du Yuesheng's words.

"But, but you are too impolite, aren't you?"

In the end, after holding back for a long time, she choked out this sentence. After she finished speaking, she seemed to feel that it was not convincing, so she said casually: "This girl is dignified..."

In the middle of speaking, she suddenly realized that she had slipped her mouth, and found that the people in the camel caravan were all looking at her in surprise.

He immediately covered his mouth, for fear of revealing his identity.

"Anyway, it's wrong for you to be rude!"

She quickly changed the subject and said grandly.

Seeing the girl's attitude and expression one by one, Du Yuesheng shook his head and chuckled, he probably guessed the girl's identity.

Seeing her inexperienced appearance and her domineering appearance on others, she must be the jewel in the palm of a certain power, spoiled and spoiled but full of curiosity about the outside world, so she escaped secretly to experience the world.

If this girl knew what Du Yuesheng was thinking at the moment, she would be greatly shocked.

How did this guy figure it out?

It seems that I didn't show any signs, did I?

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