The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1729 Undead Storm

Originally, the sky was clear for thousands of miles, but suddenly it became dark, the wind was strong, and the wind and sand swept across. The whistling of the wind was like the howling of evil spirits in the dark night, which was extremely terrifying.

Not far in front of it, black tornadoes rolled up, and there seemed to be ghosts floating around in the rolling, with hideous faces and shrill screams.

Those black tornadoes seem to have the terrifying power of destroying the world, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they still make people's hearts jump.

"Then... what is that..."

Bai Xiaoling had never seen such a scene before, his face turned pale with fright, and he swallowed with difficulty.

"Not good! It's a storm of undead! Find a place to hide!"

The caravan walking in front suddenly panicked. These men who have been walking in the desert all the year round were so scared that their faces turned pale when they encountered this undead storm.

Undead storm!

The weather in this desert of death is bad. Among them, the most famous undead storm is the most frightening. The reason why this desert of death is called a forbidden area is related to this storm of undead.

Legend has it that this undead storm is not caused by the weather at all, but that too many ghosts have been buried in this land of death, and the grievances accumulated over the years are overwhelming. Whenever it reaches a certain level, a so-called undead storm will form.

This undead storm is extremely terrifying, even the gods can only retreat. Fortunately, this undead storm has certain rules, and experienced caravans will try to avoid the outbreak period.

But there are always accidents in everything, and countless lives die in this undead storm every year.

But Du Yuesheng and the others were unlucky to encounter this storm today.

"Run! Run!"

The leader of the caravan, that is, the Boss Wang that Bai Xiaoling was talking about, reacted very quickly after seeing the sandstorm rolling up in front of him from a distance, and immediately turned around, telling everyone to disperse and run away.

These caravans are all ordinary people, even some of them are in the mortal realm, and there is no way to survive in this kind of storm, their faces turned pale with fright, and they all ran away.

Bai Xiaoling was so frightened that she was at a loss, her face turned pale, she stared blankly at the terrible tornado coming, and was so frightened that she forgot to run away for a while, the current situation is really different from just now.

Du Yuesheng's complexion also changed. Although he was not too worried, it didn't look like he was involved in that storm. Who knew there would be something terrible inside.


Du Yuesheng pulled Bai Xiaoling up, sat on his camel, kicked his feet, turned the camel around and ran at a fast speed.

But the speed of the storm was too fast, and it quickly caught up. Some guys who were left behind by Du Yuesheng only had time to let out a scream, and the man and camel were sucked into the storm.

The gust of wind was howling, blowing on the face like a sharp knife, and the black tornado behind him seemed to have opened its mouth, and it was about to engulf Du Yuesheng and the two of them.


Du Yuesheng snorted coldly, knowing that he couldn't escape, so he could only grit his teeth and fight back. In order to take care of Bai Xiaoling, he had to use mana and put on a protective cover.

The storm is like a giant beast, swallowing everything.

The entire world, with strong winds and sand and stones flying away, was always shrouded in a haze, and the line of sight was less than one meter, and it was a vast expanse at a glance.

I don't know how long it took, the wind and sand seemed to have weakened a little, the world slowly returned to tranquility, and the sight began to become clear.

It was a mess all around.

Broken branches, rubble and debris, ruins after the raging, the rest of the life after the catastrophe. There is still a round of scorching sun hanging in the sky, as if the mountain will never set.

Not far away, there was a bunker more than half a meter deep, where two figures appeared. It was Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling, there were no injuries on their bodies, but most of their bodies were buried by yellow sand.

There was a commotion in the sandpit, Du Yuesheng pulled Bai Xiaoling up from the ground, flew out, and stood on the desert again.

Bai Xiaoling's face was still pale, as if she hadn't recovered from the horror, she patted her chest while looking around blankly.

"Scared me to death..." Bai Xiaoling gasped for breath, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said in fear after a while, "What the hell was that just now... It's too scary..."

Even though everything was going well, Bai Xiaoling was still terrified. The storm just now was like a doomsday scene, and he still feels like he is alive after a catastrophe.

"What about the camels? And them?"

It took a long time for Bai Xiaoling to come back to her senses. She looked around in a daze, and found that apart from a mess of wreckage and yellow sand, there was no one in sight.

"I don't know, maybe he escaped, maybe he died."

Du Yuesheng said lightly, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

After hearing this, Bai Xiaoling's face changed, and the light in his eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking, and soon she realized the problem in another eye.

"Without camels, what would we do now?"

Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng helplessly, she almost subconsciously looked at Du Yuesheng, probably she didn't even realize that she already regarded Du Yuesheng as the backbone at this moment.

"Let's go."

Du Yuesheng shrugged and said.


Bai Xiaoling's complexion changed, she seemed to find it inconceivable, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was no other way.

"Can we survive?"

Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng with a look of panic.


Du Yuesheng nodded and answered in the affirmative. Seeing Bai Xiaoling like this, and thinking of how she was a big sister not long ago, she is a completely different person.

The two headed north all the way, walking silently.

All the way without words.

"I saw it, I saw it!"

Bai Xiaoling, who had been walking with his head buried, suddenly saw the end, and there was a vague appearance of a city, and suddenly screamed, cheering like a little girl.

Ahead, there is no longer an endless line of yellow sky, but the bulge of the horizon can be clearly seen, as well as the faintly visible giant city hidden in the mist.

"Great! We can finally get out of this damn place!"

Bai Xiaoling turned around, and said to Du Yuesheng excitedly, she found that Du Yuesheng was only smiling faintly, seeming to be quite calm, she couldn't help asking strangely: "Hey, why don't you seem very excited?"

"Should I be like you?"

Du Yuesheng looked at her playfully.


Hearing this, Bai Xiaoling immediately realized that he seemed a little rude just now, his face flushed, as attractive as a ripe apple.

After walking for a while, Bai Xiaoling asked, "What are your plans after you leave this desert?"

"Let's go to Huangling City and have a look."

Du Yuesheng smiled, his goal is the treasure map, of course it is impossible to tell Bai Xiaoling.

"What's so good about Huangling City? This kind of border city is usually very desolate, and it's not as prosperous as the main city."

Bai Xiaoling waved his hands disdainfully, seeing that Du Yuesheng still didn't respond, he quickly realized that this is a "haven't seen the world" turtle.

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