The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1730 Another Treasure Map Fragment

"Perhaps you don't even know this. In the center of this continent, there is a place called Zhongzhou, and there is a city called Tianzhou City. It is the busiest and most prosperous place in the whole world."

"There are a lot of delicious things there, as well as beautiful jewelry, rouge and gouache, and all kinds of magic weapons. The people who can live there are all big people with heads and faces."

As she was walking, she introduced Du Yuesheng's treasures and talked endlessly, among which the food was the most, she almost mentioned the names of hundreds of food.

"Hey, forget it, you won't understand even if I tell you."

As if she was tired of talking, Bai Xiaoling waved her hand again, and said impatiently, but she was not silent for a long time, and soon thought of something, turned around and looked at Du Yuesheng seriously.

"Hey, Turtle, I'm in a good mood, show mercy, and take you to find the treasure of the Supreme God, how about it?"

Du Yuesheng looked at her, saw her expectant face, smiled and nodded.


Huangling City.

What Bai Xiaoling said is correct, although Huangling City is huge, it is sparsely populated due to its border, and most of the people passing by are caravans.

However, walking on the street, there are still a lot of people coming and going, especially the stalls selling various supplies accounted for the majority.

As soon as he entered Huangling City, Bai Xiaoling seemed to be a different person, with curiosity written all over his face, looking here and there, he looked like a monkey entering the city.

"Boss, how do you sell this jewelry?"

"Three hundred spirit stones."

"You might as well grab it!"

"This saber is very beautiful, boss, make an offer!"

"Girl has good eyesight. This sword was forged from deep cold iron for seven to forty-nine days. It has been tempered by divine fire... It is really a rare magic weapon. I think the girl is destined for this sword, and I will not let it go." If you are at a disadvantage, how about selling you eight thousand eight hundred and eighty spirit stones as a favor?"

"Black! Really black!"

Bai Xiaoling shook his head while walking, muttering non-stop. But soon her eyes were attracted by another place.

This made Du Yuesheng dumbfounded, feeling that he was shopping with this young lady. During the period, Du Yuesheng once asked her why she didn't buy anything since she liked it.

Bai Xiaoling rolled his eyes at him, and said with contempt on his face, "You're really a brat who hasn't experienced much in the world, so remember to be extra careful when you walk in the rivers and lakes."

Bai Xiaoling looked at him seriously, and educated him earnestly: "Generally speaking, street vendors like this are profiteers who cheat people. Count money for others."

After finishing speaking, she saw Du Yuesheng's stunned expression, patted him on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "Young man, learn a little..."

Bai Xiaoling left behind an unfathomable silhouette.

Du Yuesheng was startled, and finally shook his head with a wry smile, and followed.

"Look, take a look, don't miss it when you pass by, and you will find the map of Bailong's treasure. You only need 300 spirit stones for one copy. If you can't buy 300, you will lose money and you won't be fooled. After passing this village, there is no such thing. I!"

Not long after they left, the eyes of Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling were immediately attracted by the cries.

On the side of the road, I saw a middle-aged man with mischievous eyebrows, holding an inverted triangle in his hand, hawking and greeting customers.

His cries seem to be quite effective, attracting many people in front of the booth.

"White Dragon Treasure?"

Bai Xiaoling's complexion changed, he exchanged a glance with Du Yuesheng, and said, "Go and have a look." After she finished speaking, she ignored Du Yuesheng's consent, and went straight into the crowd.

Du Yuesheng was also quite curious, shook his head and followed.

"Uncle, is your map real?"

Bai Xiaoling looked at his booth, there were only a few broken blueprints and some strangely shaped stones on it, nothing could be seen at all.

"It's true!"

The mouse-eyed middle-aged man patted his chest confidently. Seeing that Bai Xiaoling seemed quite interested, he hurriedly said, "Girl, to tell you the truth, I got this map at a great price. Lucky Xiang, he must be the lucky one who met noble people when he went out and was favored by the heavens. If he buys my map, he will definitely get the inheritance of the Supreme White Dragon, and it will not be a dream to fly to the sky from now on!"

"You still look at faces?"

Bai Xiaoling looked at him suspiciously.

At this time, the other people around saw Bai Xiaoling's young and innocent appearance, fearing that she would be deceived, they rushed to persuade her.

"Girl, girl, don't listen to this guy's nonsense, he's a liar!"

"Yes, yes, girl, think about it, if there is a map, why doesn't he go there by himself? Instead, he comes here to sell it?"

"This guy is a liar, there is no map."

"Drilling squirrel, you are too inhuman, you are going to lie to little girls."

Everyone began to accuse him, and the old squirrel blushed, his face was a little ugly, seeing Bai Xiaoling looking at him suspiciously, he was immediately extremely annoyed.

"Let's go, let's go, you guys! It's ruining my business!"

Zhan Tianshu drove away all the onlookers, and planned to clean up his booth and continue his business in the next place, but found a young man standing in front of the booth.


Zhan Tianshu looked at him in surprise, and frowned. He didn't think anyone would buy from him now, and was trying to drive him away.

"Hey, big soil turtle, what are you still doing here? Let's go."

At this time, Bai Xiaoling, who had just dispersed with the crowd, suddenly realized that Du Yuesheng hadn't followed, turned around and saw Du Yuesheng was still standing in front of the booth stupidly, and hurried back to pull him away.

"Boss, do you want to sell this picture of yours?"

Du Yuesheng ignored Bai Xiaoling, but fixedly stared at a dilapidated fragment on a corner of the booth, engraved with so many strange patterns that people couldn't understand, but it seemed to have some kind of magical power, which deeply attracted Du Yuesheng.

Treasure map fragments!

That's right, Du Yuesheng recognized this broken animal skin blueprint, which was the fragment of the treasure map he was looking for!

This is really effortless.


Zhan Tianshu was stunned, as if he didn't expect that someone would dare to buy things from him, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Hey, hey, you guys, don't buy randomly. Didn't you hear that so many people said that this uncle is a liar just now? Hurry up." Bai Xiaoling saw that Du Yuesheng actually wanted to buy that piece of shit, he was afraid that he would be tricked, Quickly wanted to pull him away.

Unexpectedly, Du Yuesheng's attitude this time was extremely firm, he shook off Bai Xiaoling's hands, and said coldly: "Don't make trouble, I have my own use."

Bai Xiaoling was startled, it was the first time he saw Du Yuesheng so strong, he forgot to speak for a while.

"Boss, I want this thing, please make a price."

Zhan Tianshu quickly realized that he seemed to have forgotten that he was taken as a liar just now, and said with a smile on his face: "Brother, you have a good eye, don't look at this picture, this is back then... back then..."

When Zhuan Tianshu said this, he suddenly choked, he couldn't remember the origin of this thing, smiled awkwardly, and said: "Since you are interested in brother, I won't cheat you, so I will sell you for a while." Bailing stone."

Du Yuesheng was about to pay, but was stopped by Bai Xiaoling.

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