The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1732 Xiao Jian

"It's a guy from the blood wolf group."

"Hurry up, hurry up, these people are not easy to mess with..."

Some of the accompanying teams, after recognizing the identities of these people, their faces changed, and they did not dare to stay for a long time, for fear of causing trouble by staying here, they hurriedly left.

"Little sister, let brother protect you, hahaha..."

These people all smelled of blood, and it could be seen that they were all guys who licked blood on the tip of their knives, so they were not easy to provoke.

Bai Xiaoling's expression changed, and he leaned towards Du Yuesheng subconsciously, suddenly felt the warmth from his hands, turned around and saw Du Yuesheng looking at her with a smile on his face, and then Du Yuesheng blocked her.

For some reason, when that figure stood in front of her, her heart trembled for no reason, as if she suddenly felt a great sense of security.

"Oh? So there are still people?"

"Hahaha, it's just a little boy with a greasy hair and a pink face, little sister, I think you are better than your brother."

Those members of the blood wolf group were a little surprised when they saw Du Yuesheng standing up, but when they found that Du Yuesheng was exuding only a pitifully weak wave, they suddenly became unscrupulous again.

"Boy, do you want a hero to save the beauty?"

"Hahaha, Boss, stop joking, just rely on this weak poor boy? I think it's almost like a bear."


The unscrupulous ridicule of these people immediately made Du Yuesheng's face sink, and he was about to make a move, but at this moment, a brilliant sword light fell from the sky, and cut in front of Du Yuesheng and the blood wolf group.

That sword light was extremely domineering, as if a sword could split mountains and seas, and the fierce aura immediately changed the faces of the members of the blood wolf group.

A figure appeared not far away, it was a man in white, with a sword box on his back, floating towards him, he stared at the blood wolf group with a stern face.

"Xiao Jian?!"

The face of the leader of the blood wolf group changed slightly.

"Don't get out? Let me meet again next time, this sword won't cut crooked!"

Xiao Jian said in a cold tone.

The faces of the members of the Blood Wolf Group changed, and they gave Du Yuesheng a vicious look, and said with a sneer, "Hmph, you're lucky, you won't be so lucky next time."

After finishing speaking, these people fled in a panic.

"It turned out to be Xiao Jian!"

"Is this the Xiao Jian who is known as one of the four young strongmen in Huangling City?"

"This Xiao Jian is not only powerful, but also sees injustices. He is really personable..."

"If I can marry someone like Xiao Jian in this life, I really have no regrets..."

This Xiao Jian seems to be quite famous, and when he appeared, he caused a lot of uproar, especially those women who were all nympho.

Xiao Jian's expression was indifferent, as if he had long been used to this kind of scene, he nodded to Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling, and then left on his own, leaving behind a carefree back.

"This guy is so handsome..."

After Xiao Jian left for a long time, his back had already disappeared into the jungle, but Bai Xiaoling was still staring at the direction he left.

Seeing her nympho look, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing.

"Cut, what are you laughing at? Look at him, then at you. As a big man, he still wants this girl to protect you. I feel ashamed for you..."

Bai Xiaoling cast an angry look at Du Yuesheng, turned around and complained while walking, as if he had forgotten who stood in front of her just now.

Du Yuesheng was noncommittal, shrugged helplessly, and still followed behind her.

Soon, they came to a flat land. On the small hill ahead, a huge building can be vaguely raised high, as if emerging from the ground, but it is shrouded in mist, so it is not very clear.

At this time, the place was already overcrowded, and the various forces occupied a camp to rest, quietly waiting for the opening of the tomb.

The arrival of Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng basically did not attract much attention, even if they did, they glanced at them hastily, and closed their eyes in disdain.

But at this time, Du Yuesheng discovered that there was an open space in front of him, and a man in white was occupying a large space, but no one dared to pass by.

This person is Xiao Jian who helped earlier.

As if feeling Du Yuesheng's gaze, Xiao Jian raised his head to look at him, and nodded to him. Du Yuesheng naturally smiled back.

"That should be where the tomb is, it looks really spectacular." Bai Xiaoling pointed to the building hidden in the mist ahead, and praised.

She turned her head and looked at Du Yuesheng, as if she was not at ease with him, and said again: "Hey, don't be dumb all the time, you have seen the situation just now, how dangerous it is."

"People here are not easy to mess with. Remember to follow me obediently."

Seeing Bai Xiaoling's lowered voice, and the mysterious exhortation, Du Yuesheng was secretly amused in his heart, but on the surface he shrugged noncommittally.

"Hey, this girl is doing it for your own good, have you listened to it or not?"

Bai Xiaoling was not very satisfied with Du Yuesheng's attitude, and said angrily.

But at this time, a red glow suddenly came from the sky, with such a great momentum, it attracted the attention of many people, and almost most of them looked up curiously.

Even Xiao Jian was aware of it and looked up, but his eyes were calm and not as surprised as everyone else.

When the red glow got closer and closer, everyone could see clearly that it was a fiery red bird with red feathers. On the bird's back, there was a man standing with his hands behind his back, with long hair fluttering, and a condescending look on his face.

"It's Wang Yu!"

"It's really worthy of being one of the four great talents. That kind of demeanor is really impressive."

"I didn't expect even him to come!"

The appearance of Wang Yu caused a commotion, and many people even greeted him flatteringly, but he just glanced at it lightly, and finally set his eyes on the white figure in the open space.

"Xiao Jian, I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Hearing this, Xiao Jian raised his head slowly, glanced at him indifferently, seemed to have a bad relationship with this person, nodded, and stopped talking to him.

When Wang Yu saw this, he was a little annoyed, snorted coldly, and expelled many people very domineeringly, occupying a wider area.

At this time, Wang Yu suddenly felt a certain gaze staring at him. Looking over, his face was gloomy, he frowned, and said coldly, "What are you looking at, are you tired of work?"

"It's really a bit."

Under Wang Yu's gaze, Du Yuesheng met his fierce gaze with a smile on his face.

Before Bai Xiaoling could react, he realized that Du Yuesheng had provoked this arrogant person.


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