The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1733 Four Great Talents

Immediately, Bai Xiaoling's expression changed in fright, and he quietly pulled Radu Yuesheng's arm, signaling him not to act recklessly.

"You are looking for your own death!"

Wang Yu's eyes suddenly became gloomy and cold, his breath was released, and an incomparably terrifying aura surged towards Du Yuesheng crazily.

In an instant, it was like a stormy sea, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the power of the gods was undoubtedly revealed.

This scene made many people's faces change, feeling the terrifying aura on Wang Yu's body, many people looked strange, and seemed a little unbearable.

At the same time, many people looked towards Du Yuesheng in surprise, full of pity, as if they had already seen the tragic end of this short-sighted guy.


Bai Xiaoling's face turned pale with fright, the terrifying aura made her feel terrified, and she couldn't bear to close her eyes.

"Wang Yu, you are too domineering!"

Just when Wang Yu's terrifying aura was about to engulf Du Yuesheng, there was a cold snort suddenly, the sound was like thunder, like a sharp heavenly sword, all the aura was completely wiped away in an instant.

"Xiao Jian! Are you going to stand up for this kid?"

Wang Yu gritted his teeth, and looked at Xiao Jian with a gloomy gaze, as if a fire was about to erupt from his eyes.

Xiao Jian didn't answer, but his expression already proved everything.

Wang Yu's complexion changed, and he finally thought of something. He didn't want to have a conflict with Xiao Jian here, so he gave Du Yuesheng a cold look, and said with a sneer, "Hmph, so there is a backstage, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant!"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and shrugged noncommittally.

That Wang Yu gritted his teeth angrily, and there was a faint killing intent in his eyes, but he finally covered it up, and he slowly closed his eyes, unwilling to talk to Du Yuesheng.

What he didn't know was that at the moment when he closed his eyes, a cold light flashed across Du Yuesheng's eyes.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng looked towards Xiao Jian, just happened to see that he was also looking at him, only to see that he shook his head at him, but did not speak.

Du Yuesheng seemed to understand something, smiled slightly, but also did not speak.

"Who is this guy?"

"How dare you provoke Wang Yu, you really want to die."

"Didn't you see that someone has Xiao Jian as the backstage?"

"That's strange, what's his relationship with Xiao Jian?"

"Cut, so what, it's impossible for Xiao Jian to cover him for the rest of his life, right?"

Many people around started talking in low voices, they didn't dare to disturb others, they deliberately lowered their voices, but it still came to Du Yuesheng's ears clearly.

To this, Du Yuesheng just smiled lightly.

"Hey, are you dying? Do you know what you were doing just now?" Seeing the smoke dissipate, Bai Xiaoling heaved a sigh of relief, pinched the soft flesh on Du Yuesheng's waist, and said angrily .

"Didn't you hear? That guy is one of the Four Great Talents. He is a mighty god. He is not even a match for this girl. How dare you provoke him? Are you impatient?!"

Bai Xiaoling simply hated iron for not being strong, especially when he saw Du Yuesheng still acting innocent, he gritted his teeth angrily, and said, "Even if you want to kill yourself, you will also implicate me, okay?"

"If Xiao Jian hadn't helped you, you wouldn't know what you'd be beaten up to now!" Speaking of this, Bai Xiaoling suddenly remembered something, pulled Du Yuesheng with a mysterious face, leaned into his ear, and said: " Hey, do you know that Xiao Jian?"

"do not know."

Du Yuesheng shook his head.

"That's strange, how could he help you again and again." Bai Xiaoling said to himself, puzzled.

"Hahahaha... I must be the first to arrive this time... Hahaha..."

Suddenly there was a heroic laughter, the sound was like a torrent of bells, shaking the whole mountain forest into commotion, and the forest birds flew away for a moment, it was as if no one had heard the sound before.

Amidst the hearty laughter, there was a commotion in the woods, and a burly figure came out of it. It was a man holding a double axe. His arms were bare, and his bronze skin was full of explosive power.

"Hey, you guys are here so soon, what the hell!"

The man had a smug face at first, but when he walked to the open space, he suddenly found two familiar figures sitting cross-legged there, his expression changed immediately, and he swears directly.

"Brother Mo."

When the man arrived, both Xiao Jian and Wang Yu opened their eyes at the same time, nodded to him, and then closed their eyes to rest their minds.

"One of the Four Great Talents, Mo Dacheng!"

Although this Mo Dacheng's name is a bit old-fashioned, but his strength is extremely powerful, even the arrogant people like Xiao Jian and Wang Yu dare not underestimate him in the slightest.

However, Mo Dacheng's personality is carefree and quite bold. After ordering, he seemed to be concerned that he was not the first to come, so he found an open space with a depressed face and sat down.

"I didn't expect that this time the tomb mansion would even be alarmed..."

"With these few people here, it seems that we will hardly gain anything from this trip."

"The third of the Four Great Talents has come, maybe that one will also come..."

Everyone has their own thoughts in their hearts and their eyes are flickering, but on the surface they seem to be harmonious.

Du Yuesheng, who was also sitting on the open space at this time, looked at Mo Dacheng curiously, then withdrew his gaze, and almost endured Bai Xiaoling's chirping in his ear.

Not long after, Bai Xiaoling's voice stopped abruptly, she looked at the sky in astonishment, a blue light flashed by, she stared blankly, there seemed to be a gleam in her eyes.

On the other side of the sky, a sapphire blue light pierced through the sky, and finally turned into a sapphire blue silk, on which stood a graceful figure, under the light blue skirt, a pair of slender white jade legs were exposed.

The young girl's skin was as creamy, and her eyes were as bright as water. She was so beautiful that people were suffocated, but there was always a frosty expression on her pretty face, repelling others for thousands of miles.

Stunning appearance, alluring posture.

In the entire open space, almost all eyes were attracted by the light blue girl at this moment, staring at it obsessively.

"That's... Lan Ling'er!"

"It turned out to be her..."

"It's so beautiful...the most beautiful woman in Huangling City, she really lives up to her reputation!"

"This is the only woman among the Four Great Talents..."

Even Xiao Jian, Wang Yu and other arrogances looked at this woman with faint admiration.

Only that muscular man, Mo Dacheng, just glanced at the arrival of this stunning beauty, and leaned against the big tree to sleep on his own.

So far, the four great talents have gathered!

Du Yuesheng looked at the four great talents who appeared, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised, his eyes were shining brightly.

Let you jump around for a few minutes first, and after entering the tomb, labor and management will let you know how to write the word 'death'.

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