The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1740 Broken Map

Bai Xiaoling took it for granted at first, but when she heard the man with the scar say more and more exaggerated, even she felt a little embarrassed.

Immediately, her face flushed slightly, she smiled embarrassedly, and said, "It's over, it's over..."

"Miss Bai is really too modest. It stands to reason that Miss Bai should be a dragon and phoenix among people, admired by all those thousands of people. It's just that our Bai girl is naturally indifferent to fame and fortune, and I don't want to pursue such false fame, but it's a pity..." The man with the scar His eyes flickered, and he seemed hesitant to speak.

Bai Xiaoling kept nodding while listening, and couldn't help being startled, so she had so many advantages, but she didn't know it, halfway through the hearing, but saw the man with the scar who hesitated to speak, and couldn't help but annoyed at the moment: "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that the names of the four great arrogances are too much, and the name is not worthy of the truth, covering up Miss Bai's brilliance. If Miss Bai can lend a helping hand and save us, I, Blood Wolf, will follow you for the rest of my life, and I will still be sent by you!"

After talking so much, the man with the scar finally expressed his true thoughts. What he meant by this sentence was actually saying that as long as you are willing to save me, I will definitely promote you in the future and make you famous all over the world.

Bai Xiaoling was startled when he heard the words, he was a little confused at first, but after he understood what the man with the scar meant, his expression changed, and he showed a sly smile.

"Ugly man, didn't you just say it, my girl is indifferent to fame and wealth, how can she accept your kindness?"

After finishing speaking, she pulled Du Yuesheng, walked out slowly, waved her hands, and said with a smile: "Goodbye, you wish for blessings..."

The man with the scar and the others had a fluctuating expression, and finally gave a hard look, but there was nothing they could do.

"I'm a great master, and I'm very good at fighting in the rivers and lakes... La la la la..."

Bai Xiaoling walked in front swaggeringly, her face was full of spring breeze, humming a little song triumphantly all the way, on her waist, there were seven or eight Qiankun bags, each of which was bulging.

These are all things she gained in various stone chambers.

It has to be said that her sense of smell for treasures is really keen. On this point, even Du Yuesheng would be ashamed of himself without launching a spiritual search.

Others worked desperately and risked their lives to get one or two treasures from this huge underground palace, but she ran around like a headless chicken, and every time there was always an unexpected harvest.

In this case, apart from saying that her luck was against the sky, Du Yuesheng really couldn't think of any other words to say.

The worst time was in a side room. When Bai Xiaoling opened the door and went in, he was instantly dumbfounded. He saw seven or eight dead bodies lying on the ground. Judging from their appearance, they should be monks who died not long ago. .

In addition to the dead bodies, there is also a row of rectangular transparent grids in the room, and each grid has at least one magic weapon or secret book of exercises.

This room is not too big, about fifty square meters, but these square grids occupy more than half of the space, one can imagine how many treasures there are.

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng was relieved very quickly, presumably the group of monks lying on the ground should be two gangs of monks who broke in at the same time.

After discovering such a large number of treasures, they became selfish, and the two sides fought fiercely, and in the end they all died in battle and died together.

Therefore, these treasures were naturally put into the universe bag by Bai Xiaoling.

Competing for treasures, fighting and fighting, but all of them died in battle. Except that these people are fools, there is only one possibility. These monks have deep hatred among them, and their strengths are extremely close.

How can it be such a coincidence that two groups of people of equal strength meet, but the result is still a feud, and the meeting is a situation where each other will never die?

Bai Xiaoling encountered such a possibility that the probability was less than one in 100,000. In such a situation, what else could Du Yuesheng say besides sighing at the sky?

In less than half a day's time, Bai Xiaoling walked all the way, besides getting the huge amount of spirit stones at the beginning, he also got a lot of magic weapons, skills and secret skills, filling every Qiankun bag to the brim. full.

Of course, except for three of these Qiankun bags, which belonged to her, she scavenged them from Du Yuesheng, but Bai Xiaoling, who was so happy that his eyes turned into crescent moons, couldn't care about these.

Du Yuesheng has been following Bai Xiaoling in an orderly manner, which makes Bai Xiaoling very satisfied, she thought it was the attack before.

After letting Du Yuesheng see how powerful he is, he willingly became his follower.

But she didn't know, how could a treasure of this level, the majestic master of the heavens, value it? These things are of no value to Du Yuesheng.

"La la la la... Great harvest, great harvest... Baby baby I'm here..."

Bai Xiaoling hummed a strange little song all the way, she was walking contentedly, when she suddenly saw a room, she pushed the door open and entered without thinking.

Du Yuesheng shook his head with a smile, but he didn't stop him. After several previous experiences, he found that Bai Xiaoling could always avoid danger and find treasures mysteriously for some reason.

Even if a person's luck is against the sky, it's impossible to be lucky every time, right?

"What, this old guy is too picky, it's all a pile of junk..."

Walking in, I heard Bai Xiaoling's complaints, she was tossing and turning, making a mess, and finally got nothing, and sat down on the chair dejectedly.

It turned out that this was a study room, and the owner seemed to be quite interested in some miscellaneous books. The whole room was filled with all kinds of books, from as small as Geography Stories to as large as the Starry Sky Collection, but there was no cultivation technique that could be cultivated. Supernatural powers.

When he walked in, Du Yuesheng's gaze was attracted by the inconspicuous corner of animal skin paper pressed under the pen holder on the table.


Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng in a daze, followed his gaze, found that piece of animal skin paper, and picked it up curiously.

As a result, he lost interest after just a few glances, and threw it to Du Yuesheng like a piece of tattered stuff.

"You like this kind of rags? Here you go."

Bai Xiaoling said nonchalantly.

It seemed that she had no interest in this animal skin paper, but judging from Du Yuesheng's performance, she was also very clear that this seemingly broken map was very important to him.

So, without even thinking about it, she handed it over to Du Yuesheng.

She wasn't worried at all that she would miss some kind of opportunity, anyway, she had already got so many treasures, why would she care about a broken map.

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