"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the treasure map fragment 1, and there is only one piece left to get it together."

The moment the system's voice sounded in Du Yuesheng's mind.

Ha ha!

This time the treasure is still right!

Du Yuesheng was very satisfied when he heard the system prompt in his mind. This was really an unexpected harvest. He didn't expect that there was another fragment of the treasure map here.

In this way, he was only one step away from collecting the treasure map.

Although there is no other gain, this trip is worthwhile.

So, in a happy mood, Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling walked out and continued towards the center of the hall.

"It's not right, it's not right..."

As she was walking, Bai Xiaoling was stunned suddenly, she tilted her head to look over, and under Du Yuesheng's puzzled gaze, she slowly opened her mouth and said.

"You bastard, you don't care about the real treasure at all, but you take this broken blueprint so seriously. Is there some big secret in it that I don't know?"

Du Yuesheng opened his mouth, and was about to explain, but Bai Xiaoling waved his hands, with a look of disapproval, and said:

"You really don't know what's good or bad. It's better to be realistic. Don't think about imaginary things all day long. Even if there is any great opportunity, it's not your turn."

"I advise you to be like me, a hero who doesn't suffer from immediate losses, and removes all the treasures of this underground palace, that's a serious matter!"

I don't know since when, Bai Xiaoling has changed her original thinking that she only planned to follow others to pick and choose.

Instead, he set a great ambition to evacuate the treasure.

Regarding Bai Xiaoling's words, Du Yuesheng smiled noncommittally, but did not speak.

"Forget it, if I didn't say it, I was so stupid to play the piano to a cow." Bai Xiaoling seemed to have gotten used to Du Yuesheng's appearance, muttered something, and continued to move forward.

This time they didn't stop on the way, because the stone chambers behind were either abandoned or looted long ago, so they were worthless.

Without any obstacles, they moved forward at a very fast speed. It didn't take long before they reached the end of this endless corridor. The front became more and more spacious, and the space became much brighter.

Loud noises and rumbling explosions came from the bright area ahead.

Outside the corridor, there is an extremely wide space, much larger than the previous hall, similar to a square, with a large hall standing tall in the center.

From a long distance, one can clearly see that there is a line of characters on the plaque hanging on the main hall: Treasure Pavilion! These three words are quite charming, like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing. The moment their eyes meet, it will make people dazzled, and at the same time, their mind will drift away.

At the same time, in front of the hall, there was a faint light curtain that blocked everything, so that everyone just stood by, but no one dared to break in.

In front of the light curtain, there is an altar that is not too tall, with a line of small bloody characters engraved on it: flesh and blood sacrifices to open the door, infinite treasures for you to choose.

This line of writing is extremely secretive, and it's not so easy to find if you don't observe carefully, but for some reason, when Du Yuesheng saw the altar, he frowned slightly, as if he had a bad feeling.

All of these all show the extraordinaryness of this place, and people suddenly realize that Yanlai is the core area of ​​the entire underground palace. The three words Zangbao Pavilion are enough to explain everything, and there are real treasures here!

I'm afraid that everyone who comes here will have such thoughts in their hearts.

Bai Xiaoling was no exception.

"Wow! I seem to see piles and piles of treasures!"

Bai Xiaoling let out an exclamation, those crescent-shaped eyes exuded a light like a money fan, and his face looked intoxicated.

Du Yuesheng patted her on the head with a smile, motioning her to look ahead.

Following Du Yuesheng's direction, Bai Xiaoling realized that there were already quite a few figures surging in the hall at this time, at least twenty people.

What's more, among these figures, Xiao Jian, Lan Ling'er and other four great talents are impressively listed, and they are in the most central area at this time.

Naturally, Wang Yu was also here.

When Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling appeared in this hall, his gaze was cast over immediately, especially at the moment of eye contact with Du Yuesheng, a chill flashed across his gloomy eyes.

"You still dare to come here?"

Wang Yu's faint voice sounded in the hall.

His words immediately attracted countless people's sideways glances, many of them glanced at Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling with disdain and surprise.

Xiao Jian's gaze also swept over, he seemed to be a little surprised, with the strength of Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling, he was able to get here, but when he made eye contact with Du Yuesheng, he nodded slightly,

Sensing the gazes from all around, Bai Xiaoling seemed a little nervous, she took a step back slightly, and pulled the corner of Radu Yuesheng's clothes, as if she wanted to leave.

However, when she looked up, she found that Du Yuesheng's face was calm, and his expression was so indifferent that there was no fluctuation. He met Wang Yu's gloomy gaze and said with a faint smile, "If you can come, why should I just come?" cannot?"

"Hmph! Arrogance!" Wang Yu sneered, his expression flickered, as if he had thought of something, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he smiled faintly, "Brother Mo, I agree with your statement!"

His words attracted many surprised eyes, and he slowly explained, "As the altar said, blood sacrifice is the correct way, and now I happen to have a good candidate here!"

Speaking of this, many people have already reacted, showing suddenly realized expressions, and following Wang Yu's gaze, they turned their attention to Du Yuesheng one after another.

After noticing the faint fluctuations emanating from Du Yuesheng's body, many people showed knowing smiles.

"Everyone, the law of the jungle is the law of survival. In my opinion, there is no need to continue arguing. As long as this kid is sacrificed, everything will be known!"

Wang Yu looked at Du Yuesheng with that lofty gaze, contemptuous and full of disdain. At the same time, he smiled faintly as if he had seen Du Yuesheng's tragic death.

Hearing his words, many people were moved, their expressions changed, and their thoughts were different, but no one spoke out to stop him.

At least one of Wang Yu's words is quite right, this world is a world where the weak are prey to the strong, and Du Yuesheng's ability to get here can be said to be either his luck or unlucky luck!

Wang Yu's meaning was obvious, he just wanted to treat Du Yuesheng as the flesh and blood of the sacrifice.

This is public revenge, but no one said he was cruel.

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