The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1742 Anger

The weak eat the strong!

This is the kingly way of this world, and it must be like this if you want to survive.

Everyone knew that since the discovery of this small altar, it was doomed that one person must be sacrificed.

The reason why Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling argued endlessly before their arrival was that no one wanted to be the one to be sacrificed.

But now, with Du Yuesheng as a scapegoat, almost no one would be stupid enough to stop him, unless he wanted to die himself.

Even Bai Xiaoling, after sensing the change in everyone's eyes, reacted, her face was a little pale, and at the same time she was a little angry.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became weird. After Wang Yu finished speaking, everyone kept silent in a tacit understanding. No one wanted to be the first bird, and no one wanted to provoke the upper body.

"Wang Yu! Do you know what you are doing?!"

At this moment, Xiao Jian completely broke the silence with a cold shout.

He looked at Wang Yu a little angrily, as if he didn't agree with his way of deciding life and death at will.

"Hehe, Xiao Jian, do you still want to protect this kid in this situation?"

This time, Wang Yu met Xiao Jian's angry gaze unscrupulously. He glanced around indifferently, and said with a sneer, "Could it be that you want to stir up public anger?"

After what he said, Xiao Jian realized that the expressions of everyone seemed to be a little different.

There is no longer respect and fear in those eyes looking at him, replaced by ridicule, disdain, and even a hint of threat!

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the huge benefits completely change a person, even a kind-hearted person will resist when his own interests are threatened!

"There must be another way!" Xiao Jian said firmly.

"If you want to do it, then pass my test first!"

He, Xiao Jian, is not a fool. He knows that if he does this, he will probably offend everyone.

But his heart told him that he couldn't just watch such absurd things happen!

Even if it is an enemy of everyone, so what?

This is Xiao Jian, no matter when, no matter what happens, he has a ruler in his heart to measure, he will not allow things to exceed his bottom line.


Wang Yu glanced at him disdainfully, and said with a sneer, "Do you think that the restriction set by a supreme god can be broken by you and me?"

What he said seemed to be approved by everyone, and many people nodded, and even those who didn't express themselves showed expressions that should be so.

This scene made Xiao Jian tremble with anger. If he had a choice, he would even wish to draw his sword and kill all these selfish guys, but he couldn't do it, and he couldn't do it.

"Stop talking nonsense, pass me first!"

Xiao Jian stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of Wang Yu.

"To be honest, I really hope to fight against the legendary swordsman genius like you, but the overall situation is the most important right now..."

Wang Yu smiled coldly, a sinister smile flashed across his face, he suddenly turned his head, looked at Lan Linger, smiled, and said, "Linger, if you are willing to help me block this stubborn donkey, I think expensive……"

His words were clearly heard by everyone at the beginning, but they became more and more blurred later on, as if some kind of sound transmission method was used.

At first, Lan Ling'er just looked indifferent, without the slightest intention of making a move. ,

But at the next moment, her complexion suddenly changed, her delicate body trembled, her expression was cloudy and uncertain, she gave Wang Yu a meaningful look, and the next moment her expression became decisive.

"Brother Xiao, I'm sorry."

A touch of blue passed by, and Lan Linger's figure stood in front of Xiao Jian. She sighed, but strange fluctuations flickered in her eyes.

Xiao Jian's face turned ashes immediately, he looked at Lan Ling'er with an extremely complicated expression, with disappointment, self-mockery, and sadness, he said with a wry smile: "Miss Lan, are you as ruthless as these people?"

Lan Ling'er hesitated to speak, opened her mouth, finally sighed, and said faintly: "Brother Xiao, I'm sorry, I also have difficulties."

"Life and death have their own destiny, so be careful, even if you can protect him for a while, you can't protect him for a while."

After finishing speaking, Lan Ling'er's expression became determined, as if she had made up her mind to help Wang Yu stop Xiao Jian, and a blue hazy silk appeared around her body, which already explained everything.

"Have the courage to teach God Sword!"

Xiao Jian was sad and angry in his heart, he looked at Mo Dacheng at the side, but found that he avoided his eyes intentionally or unintentionally.

In the end, he looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh. With a little anger, he said coldly: "Offended!"

As soon as the words fell, a shocking sword light suddenly shot up from the black sword box behind him, and a lightsaber with endless brilliance flowed through the air, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and appeared in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yu on the side sneered. He looked at Su Yu with a faint killing intent in his eyes, and sneered, "Now, no one will help you anymore!"

"Who said that!"

With a cold voice, under Wang Yu's astonished gaze, Bai Xiaoling spread out her hands and blocked Du Yuesheng's face. Her voice trembled a little, and she felt Wang Yu's gaze.

"Others are afraid of you, but I, Bai Xiaoling, are not afraid of you! Bullying the weak is nothing, if you want to kill him, you have to pass me first!"

Her speech was not very fluent, and she lacked momentum.

Wang Yu glanced at her indifferently, and found that the girl was quite pretty.

But the strength is not good at all, but the god emperor's cultivation base, wanting to challenge him, Wang Yu, is simply a big joke.

"Haha, where did you come from, little girl, go home quickly, this is not a place for you to come."

Wang Yu smiled lightly, Xiao Jian was already dragged by Lan Ling'er on the other side, so he was not in a hurry.

Anyway, in his opinion, Du Yuesheng, who dared to contradict him before, has long been a fish on the chopping board.


Bai Xiaoling's face blushed immediately after being ridiculed by Wang Yu, she was very annoyed, pointed at Wang Yu, and said, "What big talk, if you have the guts, come here if you have the guts."

Wang Yu had already seen that Bai Xiaoling had no confidence, so naturally he had no scruples.

However, he probably felt that arguing with a little girl here would be demeaning, so he waved his hands impatiently, staring at Du Yuesheng, and sneered, "You're just hiding behind a woman like this?"

"What do you mean by that? Are you underestimating us women? Hmph, let me show you today, women are not easy to mess with!"

Bai Xiaoling felt contempt from his words, which made her very angry.

She is a great master, remembering the way the magic weapon showed great power just now, she has some confidence in her heart, summoned the bronze mirror, and was about to make a move.

At this time, she suddenly felt that someone patted her from behind, and looked over in surprise, just in time to see Du Yuesheng smiling.

"Ling'er, forget it, this time, let me do it myself."

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