The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1757 Marriage

When Xiao Jian met Bai Xiaoling again, it was already in Wang's mansion, the two of them looked at each other, both silent.

A calm, pale face without any waves, as if the pain has long been numb, her face still has a touch of sadness that makes people feel pitiful.

The other one looked angry, trembling all over, clenching his fists and gnashing his teeth, with tears flickering in his deep eyes.

Seeing Bai Xiaoling's scarred appearance, Xiao Jian wished he could draw his sword and kill this damned Wang family!

But he can't do it, and he can't!

He hated himself, hated how incompetent he was, watched Bai Xiaoling being humiliated and tortured, but he still pretended to be submissive here.

He thought more than once, if that guy was here instead, he would probably kill without hesitation.

"Sometimes I really envy him..." Xiao Jian couldn't help talking to himself, staring into the distance in a daze.

"Nephew Xiao Xian, nephew Xiao Xian, what are you muttering about?"

The voice brought Xiao Jian back to reality from his contemplation. He shook his head, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and forced a smile: "It's nothing, Uncle Wang, is there something wrong?"

Wang Heming smiled and said: "I was telling your father just now that the marriage between our two families is a strong alliance.

From then on, your family and I have firmly established our foundation in Huangling City. Hmph, those young people who challenge the supremacy of my royal family are delusional! "

After he finished speaking, he found a trace of displeasure on Xiao Jian's face, and realized that something was wrong with what he said, he immediately smiled and said: "Of course, this is just a trivial matter. In the future, you and Min'er will be able to enjoy each other and love each other for a hundred years." That's what matters."

Hearing what Wang Heming said, Xiao Jian's face became more and more dull. He frowned and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But he found that a big hand was placed on his own, and when he looked up, that person was his father.

A gloomy look flashed across his face, but his father stopped him with his eyes when he wanted to speak.

"Haha, Wang Daoyou, you are right. The marriage between our two families is a great thing. Of course, from now on, our Xiao family will still look up to you, Brother Wang, to take care of you." Xiao Feng laughed and said.

When Wang Heming heard the words, he also laughed loudly, and said with a smile: "Where is it, Brother Xiao is really flattering me. In my opinion, our two families should help each other from time to time."

After finishing speaking, both of them looked at each other and smiled, but while holding hands falsely, they were guarding against each other.

This scene was seen by Xiao Jian, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes. He really felt disgusted by such hypocritical family interests!

But he couldn't avoid it. In his generation, the Xiao family had only his only son, which also meant that Nuo Da's family business would fall into his hands in the future.

Although he has no interest in these things, and even has some disgust, he can't leave them alone, let alone abandon the family.

What disgusted him the most was that in recent years, the Wang family had become very powerful, but his Xiao family had been lonely. Now Wang Yu, the intended successor of the Wang family, died.

The Patriarch of the Xiao family sensed something, so he inquired up and down, and learned that Wang Heming still had a daughter, who hadn't talked about marriage, so he rushed to bring Xiao Jian to propose marriage.

This Wang Min and Xiao Jian have never met before, and they had no intersection before, if Xiao Jian were to marry such a woman as a Taoist partner, he would absolutely refuse to agree.

What's more, he already has his own heart.

Due to the pressure of his father and the situation facing the family, if he lost the protection of the Wang family, his Xiao family would become very difficult. Under such circumstances, Xiao Jian had no choice but to agree.

But what he thought was that he didn't know Wang Minsu, and he was afraid that it was his father's wishful thinking, maybe he would look down on me too, but unexpectedly, the Wang family did agree.

If it's just like this, then that's fine, but before they came, they happened to see Bai Xiaoling locked in a room and tortured by Mrs. Wang!

If he hadn't been forcibly pulled back by his father at that time, I'm afraid Xiao Jian couldn't help but get mad on the spot and fight with his sword!

Although sitting in the main hall, everyone around was chatting and laughing falsely, but Xiao Jian's thoughts had already drifted to the small room.

He really couldn't bear it, he was sitting here talking about marriage, but Bai Xiaoling was suffering from pain on the other side.

In addition to his love for Bai Ling'er, there is another point, that is, he is responsible for Du Yuesheng, his savior.

Xiao Jian felt that his heart was torn apart by something, he couldn't bear it any longer, stood up suddenly, looked at the Patriarch of the Wang family, and said seriously: "Patriarch Wang, my nephew has something to ask for!"

Seeing his seriousness, Wang Heming was quite surprised. Thinking that the two families are about to get married, it would not be good for this son-in-law, so he also got up and said, "Nephew Xiao, what are you?"

"Please let Bai Ling'er go!" Xiao Jian cupped his hands and composed a song deeply.

Wang Heming's complexion turned gloomy all of a sudden, he looked at Xiao Jian, and said, "Xiao Jian, what do you mean? Do you know that that bitch is the enemy of my Wang family!"

At this time, Xiao Jian's father, Xiao Feng, saw that the atmosphere was not right, he hurriedly laughed and said: "Brother Wang, don't blame me, my son is young and ignorant, please forgive me for contradicting him!"

After finishing speaking, he stared at Xiao Jian fiercely, and was about to go up and pull him back, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a force shaking his hand away.

I saw Xiao Jian broke free from his father's hand, looked at Wang Heming solemnly again, and said seriously: "Patriarch Wang, I can testify that that matter has nothing to do with her at all, and I hope the Wang family can spare innocent people."

Wang Heming, whose face had just turned pale, suddenly became gloomy when he heard what he said. He sneered and said, "You mean that my Wang family killed innocent people indiscriminately?"

"Hmph, do you know that she killed my son! Yu'er was killed, why don't you say that you killed innocent people indiscriminately?!"

Wang Heming's tone became more and more unkind, Wang Yu's death had always been on his mind, even though Xiao Feng who was on the side kept apologizing, he still couldn't stop the anger in his heart.

"Anyway, let's not discuss this matter. If you still insist on this, then the old man has no choice but to see the guests off!"

Wang Heming's words made Xiao Feng's expression change, he opened his mouth, but Xiao Jian preempted him when he was about to speak.

"If you don't let her go, then the marriage will also be out of the question!"

Xiao Jian met his gaze brazenly and fearlessly.

"Okay! Very good! My Wang family can't afford to climb such a tall branch like you, see off the guest!"

Wang Heming was shaking with anger, and sneered again and again.

PS: Recommended tortoise's new book: \u003cThe Furious Battle Emperor\u003e, you can tell from the title, crazy, there are beautiful royal sisters, tsundere loli, and charming young women in the book, everyone is welcome to collect it.

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