The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1758 The Tomb of Bai Xiaoling

Huangling City, the Xiao Clan's mansion.

"Do you know what you were doing just now?!"

The person who spoke was Xiao Feng, the Patriarch of the Xiao family. He was trembling with anger, pointed at the young man in white with the sword box in front of him, and slapped his head and face.

"I don't care what your relationship with that woman is, anyway, this matter is not for discussion, you and I will go there tomorrow to apologize to Patriarch Wang!"

Xiao Jian looked at the middle-aged man in front of him expressionlessly, looking at this father who was once so stalwart in his mind, a slight disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"I've already said that it wasn't her who killed Wang Yu!"

Hearing this, Xiao Feng was furious immediately, he wished he could slap him to wake up this obsessed son: "Don't you understand after staying in the family for so many years?"

"The reason is not important at all, what is important is strength! Now that his Wang family is the dominant force, and the other forces are overwhelmed, can you control what Wang Heming wants to do?"

"Don't say you are an insignificant little girl, if you are a young lady from another family, as long as the Wang family believes that you are the murderer, you will not be able to escape!"

"Do you know how much you have caused the family to suffer in a fit of anger? Now the elders have objected to you, and maybe you will end up harming your father's position in the end. You don't know these things!"

Xiao Jian looked at him expressionlessly, and he suddenly realized that his father had become more and more unfamiliar since some time ago, and he was still in full bloom, but he was no longer the hero in his mind.

He just kept looking at Xiao Feng and remained silent.

"Son, you should understand that living in such a family, you have no choice. You are still young, and you will understand when you inherit the family business in the future."

Xiao Feng sighed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Come over with me tomorrow, and make an apology to Patriarch Wang. Marriage is not up to you. You have to think about the situation our Xiao family is facing today." .”

Although his tone was flat, he could not refuse. Even after he finished speaking, he turned and walked out without looking at Xiao Jian's reaction.

Looking at his back, Xiao Jian felt so disgusted for the first time.

"I will not agree to the marriage!" Xiao Jian looked at his father who turned around with a surprised expression, and said word by word, "She is not an insignificant woman, and I will rescue her! "


Xiao Feng blushed with anger, pointed at him but couldn't speak.

Xiao Jian walked out of the hall without turning his head. He was still a boy in white, still carrying a sword box. Under the setting sun, his shadow in the courtyard was stretched out.

There was a sound of things smashing and cursing from behind. He just walked a little slowly, but still strode forward.

Looking up at the sky, half of the sky was dyed red by the setting sun. In the glow, the sky was still so deep and so vast, not stained by a speck of dust.

His face was calm, but he was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

The front is where the heart belongs, and the back is the family affection.

He chose the former.

Royal mansion, dungeon.

This is the place where the Wang family imprisoned enemies and traitors. It was buried in the ground, dark, and there was a rancid smell everywhere.

Usually few people come here, but this day Mrs. Wang personally brought a few attendants to the depths of this dungeon.

Not long after, there seemed to be a shrill scream, faintly visible but very vague, as if it came from the depths of the ground.

When Mrs. Wang left the dungeon, no one knew what she did in it, and no one knew what happened, but judging from her expression when she came out, she must be very happy.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

When Xiao Jian appeared here, Bai Xiaoling was lying in a pool of blood. There were many wounds on her body, which looked shocking and unbearable.

Xiao Jian frowned, and he walked step by step, looking at the beautiful and pale face in the pool of blood, she didn't seem to have much pain.

"So it's you..."

She opened her mouth and squeezed out the words from her throat with difficulty. It could be seen that she had no strength left, she was very weak, so weak that she wanted to fall asleep.

But she still held on, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

When she saw that it was herself, a smile appeared on her face, it was a wry smile.

This might be the first time Bai Xiaoling smiled at himself, Xiao Jian thought in his heart, even though that smile looked so bitter and distressing.

She seemed tired and closed her eyes.

Xiao Jian hugged her who was sleeping, walked out step by step without saying a word, the blood still kept flowing down his hands.

Where he walked, he left a bright red trace, which looked so poignant.

From then on, on the open space in the Huangqi Mountains, the wordless tombstone was engraved for the first time, and it said, Bai Xiaoling's tomb.

That day, the young man in white, carrying the sword box on his back, walked down the mountain along the setting sun.

The tombstone stood there alone, and weeds slowly grew around it.

And far away in a dark world.

There seems to be nothing here, as if there is nothingness, nothing can exist, not even light can exist in this place.

Yes, it's just endless darkness, an abyss with no direction, no time, and you don't know how long it has passed.

A moment seems as long as a century, and a century seems like a blink of an eye.

Here is chaos.

In the endless darkness, there is a pool of liquid, which is filled with the liquid of lightning, like little snakes wandering.

They bloomed like long arcs of light, because the light was sucked away by the surrounding darkness.

Thunder Pool Liquid!

If there are monks here, they will think of an ancient legend. In the first chaos of the day, there is a mysterious pool of water, which is the place where Lei Jie was born.

In the sky above the Thunder Pond, there is immortal energy lingering. From there, there is a figure sitting cross-legged, whose face cannot be seen clearly, and a cocoon of light slowly condenses from above it.

In fact, there should be no light here, but under the illumination of the thunder pool liquid below, there is also light, which is more dazzling because of the darkness around it.

There was a dead silence, and I don't know how long that person sat cross-legged, how long he had existed, the vicissitudes and ancient atmosphere seemed to have existed since the beginning of the world, and the new cocoon seemed to have just sat down.

It was so peaceful that there was no wave, and no breath of life could be felt, just like a stone statue. But it seems that there is a powerful heart beating, and every heartbeat affects the changes in the surrounding environment.

I don't know how long it took, there was still silence there, but the light cocoon was getting thicker and thicker, and finally there seemed to be a crack, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon.

In front of Lei Chi, there is an abyss, like a crack in space that exploded, it is also pitch black, and it does not know where it leads.

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