The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1768 Lord Baiyang

"Dead?" The fat man looked at Du Yuesheng with a look of astonishment, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he asked bluntly.

"Boy, who are you? Why are you here? Could it be that you are from the Wang family?"

Speaking of this, his tone has become a little cold, and there seems to be a vague threat.

"You are really strange. I tell you that they are dead when they die. Why should I lie to you?"

For some reason, Du Yuesheng inexplicably found this fat man quite interesting, and it was also unprecedented for him to talk so much nonsense with a stranger.

Although this fat man is also a Supreme God, for Du Yuesheng today, even the Supreme God is not considered by him.

The fat man seemed to be seriously thinking about Du Yuesheng's question. After thinking for a while, he seemed unable to refute, and murmured: "You seem to have a point..."

But soon he came to his senses, and said maliciously, "Boy, tell me honestly, how did the Wang family die? You couldn't have killed them, right?"

"Uh... that's right."

Du Yuesheng looked at him like he was looking at a fool.

"Haha, are you kidding me? It's up to you? Hahaha..."

When the fat man heard the words, he laughed unscrupulously, without concealing the sarcasm in his tone.

The movement of his laughter was really not small, the pile of meat trembled, it was like the sky was falling apart, but with a smile, his voice stopped abruptly.

He suddenly looked at Du Yuesheng curiously, "Hey, are you the main god?"

Du Yuesheng shrugged noncommittally.

"The strength of the main god's peak, hmm... seems to be able to deal with such a small force as the Wang family."

The fat man thought for a while, and seemed to think that there was a possibility, but the Wang family became a "little power" in his mouth. If those monks heard about it just now, I don't know how much trouble it would cause.

"Then why did you kill the Wang family?"

Faced with the fat man's question after question, even Du Yuesheng's heart became impatient. It is a great honor for him to be willing to answer one or two questions for him. Reluctant.

"Kill it, kill it, why should I tell you?"

Hearing the words, the fat man became anxious again. His temper was already fiery. After talking so much nonsense with Du Yuesheng, he suddenly couldn't help his fiery temper, and immediately said angrily: "What the hell is going on with you? I asked You ask why you have such an attitude?"

"Hmph, it seems that you were sent here by the Wang family to deliberately confuse me! It seems that the Wang family is really willing to send such a young Lord God here to stop me!"

"It's a pity that you have so many calculations. You never expected that this seat is so smart that you can see through your tricks at a glance. Hey, hey, boy, what is your expression? Could it be that you have a guilty conscience and were guessed by this seat! "

Du Yuesheng's head was full of black lines, this fat man who came out of nowhere, was simply a weirdo, he couldn't help but directly charge him with various crimes, and even acted self-righteous.

"Hmph, boy, if you want to blame it, you can only blame the Wang family for being too cruel and merciless, and they are willing to sacrifice a genius like you. It's a pity, you won't be able to go back alive after meeting this seat..."

Seeing Du Yuesheng looking at him silently, the fat man became more sure of his guess, and immediately sneered.

"It's an honor for you to die in the hands of Daoist Baiyang!"

The fat man who called himself Daoist Baiyang couldn't help but make a move after speaking. It has to be said that this fat man looks clumsy, but his attack was swift and swift, and the speed was extremely fast, but against the background of that huge body, Always felt a little awkward.

Du Yuesheng's complexion suddenly became gloomy. He just started killing people, and now he doesn't want to kill people anymore, so he has been patiently answering this guy's questions, but he didn't expect this bastard to be so ignorant.

No matter how good his heart is, he can't tolerate this guy being presumptuous in front of him.

"Come, come, fight Lao Tzu for 300 rounds!"

Daoist Baiyang seemed to be very war-loving, and when he saw Du Yuesheng's aura unleashed, his eyes shone with excitement.

He grabbed Du Yuesheng with his big hand with eagle claws. He was fierce and desperate, and he didn't have the slightest thought of showing mercy just because Du Yuesheng was the main god.

Seeing this claw go straight to his heart, Du Yuesheng couldn't sit still any longer, he snorted coldly, his face suddenly became gloomy, a cold killing intent immediately spread out with his voice, he waved The fist shakes back the Taoist Lord Baiyang who is like a mountain of meat.

"Since you want to die, you can't blame me!"

Du Yuesheng clapped his palms together, and a terrifying and peerless force surged out from his palm, that kind of aura that could destroy everything, even Daoist Baiyang could not help but change his expression.

"That's not right..." He seemed a little puzzled, but he didn't even care about the world-destroying palm print on his head.

Instead, he frowned, as if he was in deep thought, looked at Du Yuesheng strangely, and murmured, "You are clearly a master of the divine realm, how could you possibly display this level of power? This is very strange..."

This guy's performance made Du Yuesheng dumbfounded. No one is still struggling with this kind of thing in front of the enemy, but Du Yuesheng can tell that this guy is not pretending, but really thinking.

Seeing that this guy could be killed with a single slap, Du Yuesheng hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to spare his life for the time being.

"No, no, you are a bit against the sky, I can't be careless, or it might be in your hands."

Although Daoist Baiyang seemed a little unreliable, he was the first person among the supreme gods Du Yuesheng faced, who could see Du Yuesheng's true strength, which was somewhat beyond Du Yuesheng's expectations.

"wait for me a while."

Under Du Yuesheng's astonished gaze, Daoist Baiyang took out all kinds of magic weapons from the Qiankun bag, and pasted all the talismans on his body, forming bursts of protective light, and finally summoned his own magic weapon.

"I'm ready, use whatever means you have!"

This Daoist Baiyang seemed to have checked carefully to make sure that there was nothing missing. Finally, he put on a posture and nodded to Du Yuesheng, indicating that he can make a move.

Looking at this man in front of him, Du Yuesheng couldn't laugh or cry. This guy was already fat like a mountain of meat. In addition, he had put on all kinds of armor, even a helmet, and his body size had surpassed that of a head. elephant.

What is even more speechless is that what this guy did was not enough, and he actually applied more than 20 layers of protective talismans on himself.

Looking at Daoist Baiyang shrouded in all kinds of light, Du Yuesheng's head was covered with black lines, and ten million guns galloped past silently in his heart.

This is the first time I have met such a cowardly Supreme God.

"Where did your magic weapon come from?"

Du Yuesheng suddenly set his eyes on the quaint bronze mirror above Daoist Baiyang's head, which was shining brightly.

In an instant, his tone suddenly became icy cold, and his expression was also full of indifference.

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