The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1769 I am his father

In Du Yuesheng's eyes, the simple bronze mirror hanging above Baiyang Daojun's head looked so familiar.

Even the breath that came out made Du Yuesheng feel kind.

Isn't that the magic weapon that Bai Xiaoling used to protect himself, the bronze mirror?

Du Yuesheng was 100% sure that he was not mistaken, this bronze mirror was exactly Bai Xiaoling's magic weapon.

When he recognized it, his whole person became different, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and there was an invisible sense of chilling unfolding.

"Where did your magic weapon come from?"

Du Yuesheng repeated it again, but judging from his expression, he seemed to have run out of patience.

"Oh, you mean this?" Daoist Baiyang followed Du Yuesheng's gaze and saw the magic weapon above his head.

Just as he was about to explain, he suddenly realized something was wrong, his face changed, and his tone became cold, "No, how did you recognize this magic weapon?"

"I'm asking you, answer me!"

Du Yuesheng's tone was undeniable.

Even Daoist Baiyang couldn't help changing his face, but the more he was like this, the more he felt that this matter was not so simple.

Judging from this guy's tone, he seems to recognize his own magic weapon, which is strange. Could it be that...

"I'm asking you too!"

Daoist Baiyang's complexion changed, and he also became gloomy.

"What's your relationship with Bai Xiaoling?" Du Yuesheng asked back. Although his words were plain, his killing intent was undisguised. threat.

"So it is!" Daoist Baiyang seemed to understand something, suddenly sneered, and said, "You are indeed a remnant of the Wang family, otherwise how would you recognize her!"

"Hmph, if that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Daoist Baiyang has already determined that the person in front of him is the "remnant of the Wang family", and his tone is no longer so polite. A terrifying murderous intent suddenly shot out from his slender eyes, emitting a green light devouring people like a hungry wolf.

Du Yuesheng's face was still indifferent, but his gaze became more and more terrifying. He suddenly realized that this matter was not as simple as it seemed. Bai Xiaoling seemed to be still alive?

Otherwise, how did the fat man in front of him snatch this magic weapon from Bai Xiaoling.

But at this time, Daoist Baiyang had already made a move. With a big hand, he transformed into a huge eagle claw. That sharp claw seemed to have the terrifying power to tear everything apart, and it came straight to Du Yuesheng. Look at it like this , It seems that Du Yuesheng will not give up until he tears Du Yuesheng in half.

Facing the attack of Daoist Baiyang, if it wasn't for the purpose of inquiring about Bai Xiaoling's whereabouts, Du Yuesheng would have killed this person at this moment. He glanced at him coldly and waved Du Yuesheng back!

"Where is Bai Xiaoling?"

Du Yuesheng's questioning made Daoist Bai Yang furious. He blew his beard and said angrily: "You bastards, you still want to find out about her whereabouts. Don't you want to stop until you kill her?"

"Bastards! I'm going to chop you bastards into pieces!"

Daoist Baiyang was completely angry. The bastards of the Wang family just framed his daughter and almost put her to death. If it wasn't for the last moment, the magic weapon he left for her brought back her soul, and she would have died in the into the hands of the Wang family.

And now, this bastard actually dared to ask about his daughter's whereabouts in front of him. When was it his Wang family's turn to be so arrogant?

This is simply defiant!

Daoist Baiyang was furious at the moment, wishing to tear Du Yuesheng to pieces right away!

An incomparably terrifying aura was released from him, and the incomparably terrifying power made the entire world tremble.

This Daoist Baiyang is not the idiot of the new supreme god like the ancestor of the Wang family. He has been in this realm for many years, and now his cultivation has reached the fifth level of the supreme god. For release, that kind of momentum can be called terrifying.

"Bastard! Snack your fart and eat your flesh!"

Daoist Baiyang felt that he was going to explode with anger. He pinched the seal with his hand, and the bronze mirror above his head was shining brightly like a scorching sun. The power immediately surged towards Du Yuesheng crazily.

Just as Du Yuesheng heard his words clearly, he opened his mouth and was about to speak when he was crazily suppressed by Daoist Baiyang. Faced with such a terrifying attack, even he couldn't turn a blind eye to it.

"One sword breaks all spells!"

The Immortal Execution Sword appeared in Du Yuesheng's hands again. The sword possessed great power and was unstoppable. It was like the power to open up the world, and it easily resolved the mighty offensive of Daoist Baiyang.

"Wait, what did you just say? Bai Xiaoling is still alive?"

Du Yuesheng was both surprised and happy. Hearing the news, he felt his mood suddenly improved.

"Hmph, is it still fake? What nonsense, I'm going to kill you bastard bastards surnamed Wang today!"

Daoist Baiyang said angrily, although he was a little startled by Du Yuesheng's methods, he could easily defuse his attack just now.

But facing a person who once poisoned his daughter, he will not have a good face, even if he wants to strike again.

"Where is Bai Xiaoling now?"

Du Yuesheng calmly avoided Bai Yang Daoist's attack, and asked again.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Why did I tell you? Do you want you to harm her again? You bastard!"

Daoist Baiyang scolded angrily, this guy in front of him is so handsome, he is not a good person at first glance, anyway at this moment, Daoist Baiyang thinks that Du Yuesheng is not pleasing to the eye at all, wishing to kill him immediately.

"You may have misunderstood, I am not from the Wang family!" Du Yuesheng explained.

"Hmph, but how could you know her?"

At this moment, Daoist Baiyang decided not to trust Du Yuesheng anymore. He felt that such a handsome man must not be a good person. Even if he was not the Wang family, he still had something to do with the Wang family!

"Who are you to Bai Xiaoling?"

Du Yuesheng felt more and more that something was wrong. He always felt that the fat middle-aged man in front of him seemed to have some kind of relationship with Bai Xiaoling.

"Hmph, you still dare to ask me? I am her father! Who are you?"

Daoist Baiyang said angrily.

"I am her master!"

Du Yuesheng said seriously. At this moment, he suddenly realized, no wonder from the beginning he always felt that the middle-aged man in front of him looked a little familiar, he seemed to resemble a certain person, but now that he thought about it, his facial features clearly resembled Bai Xiaoling.

"Fart! You are her master, how is it possible, just like you?"

Daoist Bai Yang subconsciously blurted out, but soon he felt something was wrong. Seeing Du Yuesheng's serious expression, it seemed that he was not joking?

He opened his mouth and said with some uncertainty, "Are you really her master?"

"What's the benefit of me lying to you?"

After knowing the identity of Daoist Baiyang, Du Yuesheng really wanted to call him senior, or uncle, but for some reason, when he thought of how cowardly this guy was just now, he couldn't say it.

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