The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1770 Linger's whereabouts

"Uh... this girl won't be confused, right? How could she recognize you as her master? Impossible."

After seeing Du Yuesheng's serious expression, Bai Yang Taoist seems to have believed it a little.

But he still couldn't believe it for a while, how could his daughter recognize this guy as a master?

This is too young, just a few years older than that girl, not reliable at all, although this guy has some strength.

"Are you really her master?"

Daoist Baiyang asked Du Yuesheng three times in a row, and after getting three positive answers from Du Yuesheng, he finally believed it.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately laughed, stretched out his chubby palm, and patted Du Yuesheng's shoulder.

"Hahaha, her master, it seems that I blamed you wrongly, but it's okay, I don't know each other, hahaha..."

Looking at the chubby and greasy palm resting on his shoulder.

The corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched slightly. Why did he always feel that what Bai Yang Daojun said always sounded so awkward?

But thinking that the person in front of him is Bai Xiaoling's father after all, he forced a smile, "Where is Bai Xiaoling now?"

"She was imprisoned at home by me to recuperate." Daoist Baiyang said casually.

Just thinking about whether to take this guy to drink some flower wine, he suddenly realized something, and looked at Du Yuesheng with a gloomy expression.

"No, no, how on earth did you become my daughter's master, you bastard? You actually watched her being tortured?"

"With your strength, it's impossible for the Wang family to snatch my daughter from you, right? How did you become his master?"

Bai Yangdao Junyue said more and more angrily, and there was already a hint of blame invisibly.

Du Yuesheng opened his mouth, but he couldn't explain it. If he had changed it to something else, he would not have been scolded like this.

This time Bai Xiaoling's injury was related to him, he opened his mouth but couldn't refute.

In the end, Du Yuesheng, the majestic lord of the heaven, was reprimanded by Daoist Baiyang for an entire hour.

Du Yuesheng's face became more and more ugly, and he almost couldn't hold back his shot to kill this guy.

"You are just unreliable, hey, forget it, don't make an example."

At the end of Daoist Baiyang's speech, he seemed to feel that his mouth was a little dry, so he waved his hand and stopped his chattering.

Only then did he look around, and when he saw the mess all over the place, he smiled and said, "So, you destroyed the Wang family just to avenge my daughter?"

Du Yuesheng nodded, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Senior Bai, how is Bai Xiaoling's injury?"

"Forget it, since you are her master, you should be worthy of my peers."

Daoist Bai Yang waved his hand, sighed, and said: "This girl is recovering from her injury, but she has been talking about finding a guy named Du Yuesheng all day long, I find it troublesome, so I simply locked her up. "

At this time, Daoist Baiyang suddenly realized something, turned his head, looked at Du Yuesheng and said, "You are Du Yuesheng, right?"

Du Yuesheng was startled, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't deny it.

These two people, one fat and one thin, one big and one small, actually just sat in the ruins and chatted, even talking and laughing during the period.

After chatting for a long time, Daoist Baiyang realized that it was getting late, got up and patted the dust, and asked, "What are your plans next?"

"Should be leaving here."

Du Yuesheng said.


Daoist Baiyang sighed, although he felt a little regretful, he didn't even have any intention of keeping him back, he didn't even ask him if he wanted to visit Bai Xiaoling, since at his level, he already understood and saw through a lot.

Knowing that a person like Du Yuesheng, Jinlin is not a thing in the pond, so how could he be trapped in this small place?

A character like this might be even better than himself in the future, not to mention the small Huangling City, even this realm of death might not be able to trap him.

Daoist Baiyang had such an idea in his heart, and he didn't know where he came up with this guess, as if it was a matter of course.

It's strange to say that just now Daoist Baiyang thought Du Yuesheng was not pleasing to the eye, but now.

However, he admired Du Yuesheng more and more. It felt like a father-in-law seeing a son-in-law, and the more he looked at it, the happier he was.

Du Yuesheng didn't speak, just smiled, got up and walked to the distance, but he didn't walk a few steps.

But he suddenly turned around, smiled and said to Bai Yang Daojun: "Please tell Bai Xiaoling, tell her that I am still alive."

Daoist Baiyang had neither joy nor sorrow on his face. He just kept looking at Du Yuesheng, and after a long time, he suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "Actually, do you like my daughter?"

His words were not loud, but in Du Yuesheng's mind, they echoed like a bolt from the blue, making him dizzy.

He was startled, his expression fluctuating, and finally he showed a helpless wry smile, and nodded.

"It's normal, young people, I was young back then."

Daoist Baiyang said nonchalantly, as if he had guessed it a long time ago, without too much surprise.

He thought for a while and said, "Maybe you can help her."

Du Yuesheng was stunned, he didn't know what Baiyang Taoist meant by that, he stared straight at him, quietly waiting for his next words.

"Actually, you shouldn't have been involved in this matter." Daoist Baiyang sighed, but a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"But after all, I am a person who has been here before. I regretted my whole life because I was too timid back then. Now I don't want to see you repeat the same mistakes."

"If you really like her, then don't run away. She needs your help now."

Daoist Baiyang looked at Du Yuesheng, and said seriously: "I'm not joking, no one can save her now, only you can help her!"

"I'm not too forceful. After all, you need to take a lot of risks, but if you are really willing to take risks for her, I think she will be very happy."

When Daoist Baiyang said this, he seemed to be thinking of his daughter's current appearance. He felt a pain in his heart, and quickly covered it up. He looked at Du Yuesheng seriously, and after a long time, he said, "Tell me your answer!"

"I do!"

Du Yuesheng took a deep breath and said the same seriously.

After his words fell, Daoist Baiyang did not respond quickly.

Instead, he kept staring at Du Yuesheng, his eyes flickered a few fluctuations, at the end, he laughed, patted Du Yuesheng on the shoulder, and said:

"Hahaha, okay, I am sure I saw you right, let's go, I will tell you on the way."

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