The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1771 White Demon Palace

The pitch-black night sky is like a gigantic black curtain, inlaid with brilliant diamonds, blooming with seductive brilliance, but calm without any waves.

In this dark night, two streamers of light flashed quietly.

One red and one white, one in front of one and one in back, followed closely, and swept towards the depths of the sky at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at the figure like a mountain of meat in front of him, Du Yuesheng's expression was a bit complicated, and it could be seen that his heart was not very peaceful.

He, who has always been calm like water, has never seen such a big wave.

Daoist Baiyang's words kept lingering in his ears, and every time he heard them, they could cause shockwaves in his heart.

"Although she kept a divine soul, she was a remnant soul. Although I tried my best to save her life, I couldn't call back her other remnant soul. In other words, she lost part of her memory. It has something to do with herself, she doesn't want to face the past, so she can't help but choose to forget."

"Of course, if that's the case, it's no big deal."

"More importantly, as the saintess of my White Demon Palace, she needs to go through a baptism with holy water once she reaches the age of eighteen. If it was the past, with her aptitude, it would not be a problem to pass this level.

But her soul is not complete right now, and she may face a great disaster in this holy water baptism, and I'm afraid she won't be able to survive. "

It turned out that this Bai Xiaoling was the saintess of the White Demon Palace, one of the eight overlords, and her father, Baiyang Daojun, was the guardian elder of the White Demon Palace.

And the lord of the White Devil Palace is Baiyang Daojun's sister, Bai Ling Shengjun.

The White Demon Palace is a power ruled by women. Every five hundred years, a saint is elected. After being baptized with holy water, she can become the new owner of the White Demon Palace.

Bai Xiaoling is the saintess chosen by the White Demon Palace this year. If there hadn't been this accident, she would have been able to take over smoothly after being baptized with holy water.

If it was like this at this time, it would be a big deal not to let Bai Xiaoling participate this time, and it wouldn't be a big problem.

But the real situation is that this holy water baptism is said to be the Yin River formed after the fall of a Tianlan saint who surpassed the realm of God. This river is extremely strange, only the soul can enter, but it can be in it Get great sublimation.

Because of this, this Tianlan holy river is the focus of competition among the major forces, and they have been fighting for so many years.

In the end, the eight major forces negotiated with each other and stipulated that when the upper reaches of the holy river appeared every five hundred years, it would be used as holy water for baptism.

It is said that there are countless opportunities in the upper reaches, and even if you are lucky enough, you may be able to obtain the inheritance of the Tianlan Saintess. This is what really attracts the attention of all major forces.

At that time, all major forces will photograph their own saint sons or saintesses to compete in the Tianlan Holy River. The first three parties to reach the top of the upper reaches through experience will jointly control the right to use the holy river for the next 500 years.

Counting it, the White Demon Palace has not entered the top three for nearly three thousand years.

This time, Bai Xiaoling's talent gave them hope. If you give up at this point, not only will you lose this opportunity, but you will also have to automatically give up your qualifications for the next session because of the abstention.

That is to say, once Bai Xiaoling does not participate, the White Demon Palace will not be able to obtain the right to use the holy river for thousands of years.

This is unacceptable to any force. You must know that the forces bred by the holy river are growing stronger all the time.

Although it doesn't have much impact on the top powerhouses, it is a world of difference to the younger generation of freshmen.

The White Devil Palace has not been qualified for nearly three thousand years. It has fallen from the top three of the eight major powers to the fifth. If it loses the qualification for another thousand years, the consequences will be unimaginable. I am afraid that it will be easy to become the last.

But now that the holy river baptism is about to start, it is too late for the White Demon Palace to re-elect a saint and continue to train until she is qualified to participate.

Therefore, this time for the sake of the White Demon Palace, Bai Xiaoling had no choice but to participate.

But she is incomplete, so how could she win over the favored sons and daughters of the major forces?

After hearing the news from Daoist Baiyang, Du Yuesheng frowned. Each faction can only send one saint son or saint daughter to participate, but they can have guardians, who do not have Competing for qualifications can protect the safety of the saints and saints.

According to Taoist Baiyang, he intends to let himself be Bai Xiaoling's guardian.

Thinking about myself being there, not to mention the younger generation of the major forces, even if those old monsters came, Du Yuesheng was sure that he would be able to take her and escape unscathed.

However, the task assigned to Du Yuesheng by Daoist Baiyang is not limited to this, but to help Bai Xiaoling obtain the inheritance of Tianlan Saintess!

"She is a natural spirit body, and she is more sensitive to any treasure opportunity than ordinary people. She has a great chance to obtain the legendary supreme inheritance, do you understand?"

Daoist Baiyang looked at Du Yuesheng seriously, and said word by word.

"Let me tell you another secret, she is a pharmacist!"

Seeing Du Yuesheng nod his head, Daoist Baiyang looked around mysteriously. Although he was flying in the void at the moment, he deliberately transmitted the sound through the air, as if he was afraid of leaking any news.

"I see."

Du Yuesheng smiled, Du Yuesheng already knew about the two secrets Baiyang Daoist told him, and there was no big surprise, but he knew very well that the existence of a pharmacist was very important to the realm of death. How significant it is.

From Baiyang Daojun's mouth, Du Yuesheng also learned that this Tianlan Saintess is also a supreme powerhouse from outside the territory. It is said that this is a master of refining medicine with extraordinary accomplishments, and most of her inheritance It has a great relationship with the process of refining medicine.

Even, most of the extremely rare panaceas that have been circulated in the market in the realm of death come from this Tianlan holy river.

Although there is nothing unusual about a pharmacist to Du Yuesheng, if he can help Bai Xiaoling get the inheritance, he still doesn't mind helping with some troubles, but he has already made up his mind. Inheritance, then it is not impossible for him to give Bai Xiaoling some alchemy inheritance.

After all, his Du Yuesheng's attainments in refining medicine may not necessarily be lower than that of Tianlan Saintess.

When Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling met again, they were already in the White Demon Palace.

Bai Xiaoling, who lost part of her memory, did not forget Du Yuesheng. When she saw her father suddenly appearing in front of her with Du Yuesheng, she jumped up with joy.

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