The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1772 Meet again, destiny arrangement

"Du Yuesheng! Great, you finally came to see me! Where did you go? You didn't even come to see me."

Bai Xiaoling was very happy, those beautiful eyes had completed a pair of crescent moons, and there were two small dimples on his face, still looking so cute and moving.

However, she seems to have forgotten some things, such as what happened in the underground palace.

She only remembered that she and Du Yuesheng seemed to be going somewhere, and then they separated as they walked, and returned to the White Demon Palace by themselves. This may be a picture that she made up in her own brain after losing her memory.

Seeing Bai Xiaoling excited like a child, for some reason, Du Yuesheng felt an inexplicable heartache in his heart. He rubbed Bai Xiaoling's head tenderly, but he felt all kinds of feelings in his heart.

"Let's have a good chat."

Daoist Baiyang looked at the two people in the room with a smile, turned around and was about to go out, when Bai Xiaoling suddenly stopped him.

"Daddy, you finally didn't disappoint me this time."

Hearing his daughter praise him so much for the first time, Daoist Baiyang almost burst into laughter.

He doted on Bai Xiaoling so much that he was always worried that she would be harmed by bad people, so he kept her by his side since he was a child, hoping to protect her safety to the maximum extent.

Little did he know that the more this was the case, the more his daughter's resentment was aroused, especially as her daughter grew older, she didn't give her father a good face all day long.

At first Daoist Baiyang was very angry, feeling that his daughter disrespected him too much, and the father and daughter kept their faces dark against each other all day long.

It wasn't until Bai Xiaoling escaped from the White Demon Palace by himself, and almost died this time, that Daoist Baiyang finally figured it out, knowing that he had restrained her too much before, which aroused her rebellious mentality to resist.

"Whatever you like in the future, just do it with confidence."

Daoist Baiyang thought so in his heart, he was very happy and walked out of the room.

"Du Yuesheng, why do I always feel that you seem to have promised me something?"

Bai Xiaoling suddenly looked at Du Yuesheng, and said strangely, she put her chin on her hands, and said thoughtfully, "But I can't remember it all the time, I really don't know what's going on, oh, it's so annoying."

Du Yuesheng was stunned for a moment, and stared blankly at Bai Xiaoling. If he hadn't heard what she said later, he almost thought that Bai Xiaoling's amnesia was faking.

He smiled and said, "It's okay, let me know when you think about it, and I will help you realize it, okay?"

"Very good!"

Seeing Bai Xiaoling jump up happily, Du Yuesheng shook his head with a smile. For some reason, he suddenly had a feeling that Bai Xiaoling seemed to be a little different after amnesia, but he couldn't tell what was different. Sometimes it feels normal.

Later, Du Yuesheng thought about it carefully, and realized that the reason for this little difference was probably that Bai Xiaoling no longer pretended to be that big sister in front of him.

Maybe, she remembers everything, but chooses to forget some things?

Du Yuesheng thought so in his heart.

In the next period of time, Du Yuesheng rarely cared about anything, and accompanied Bai Xiaoling to travel around the mountains and rivers all day long. Bai Xiaoling, who was lonely and had no company since childhood, became very happy after being accompanied by Du Yuesheng.

Always had a smile on his face all day long.

Brilliant as a flower.

During this period, Daoist Bai Yang approached Du Yuesheng several times alone, told him some things, and at the same time gave Du Yuesheng a list of possible opponents.

But Du Yuesheng just smiled noncommittally for Baiyang Taoist Lord's caution.

"It seems that I was worrying too much, and I almost forgot that your strength is not weaker than this seat." Daoist Bai Yang seemed to understand something from Du Yuesheng's smile, and laughed quite self-deprecatingly stand up.

He was right. Although he only had a short confrontation with Du Yuesheng that day, he felt threatened from Du Yuesheng. Otherwise, he would not have acted like "ready for battle".

"It's better to be cautious."

Du Yuesheng smiled, he could understand Baiyang Daojun's mood, after all, for any father, when his precious daughter faced this situation, no one could act as if nothing had happened.

However, every time Du Yuesheng saw Daoist Baiyang's appearance as if he was facing an enemy, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but want to tell him that in fact, he was also a pharmacist, so he didn't need to fight for that kind of opportunity at all.

But every time he opened his mouth, he couldn't speak.

Of course there was a reason for wanting to conceal his identity, but the more important thing was that Du Yuesheng knew that he could take care of Bai Xiaoling for a while, but he couldn't take care of her forever.

Everyone has their own destiny trajectory, their own opportunities, if he takes action every time, it will not only disrupt Bai Xiaoling's fate, affect the secrets of heaven, and even bring them even greater troubles.

This is what Du Yuesheng doesn't want to see. He is not from this world after all. Although he can take Bai Xiaoling away, he will completely change Bai Xiaoling's fate from now on.

Du Yuesheng didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to do, and he couldn't tell the truth, so he couldn't decide to pay attention, so when Bai Xiaoling asked him to be her master in the underground palace, he didn't agree.

But who knows, but because of a series of things later, Du Yuesheng developed a feeling for Bai Xiaoling. If Bai Yang Daojun hadn't revealed it that day, Du Yuesheng might still be kept in the dark.

As the emperor of heaven, he is omnipotent in the eyes of ordinary people, but this time, he is a little at a loss.

Maybe, not just him, maybe even Bai Xiaoling's feelings for him are unclear, otherwise Daoist Baiyang wouldn't be able to say that kind of words so decisively that day.

"My sister is very interested in you, how is it? Are you interested in visiting my sister?" Daoist Baiyang suddenly said with a smile.

Du Yuesheng was stunned when he heard the words, but he also laughed and said, "I'm also quite interested."


This is the place where the Lord of the White Demon Palace, that is, the Lord Baichen, is located. In the entire White Demon Palace, only a few distinguished elders can come here.

Of course, Du Yuesheng is an exception.

"Are you the Du Yuesheng that Bai Yang said?"

Above the main hall, the luxurious lady sitting on the phoenix chair spoke lightly. It has to be said that this Sage Lord Baichen looks a few years younger than Daoist Baiyang.

"Du Yuesheng has met Senior White."

Du Yuesheng smiled, cupped his hands, but did not bow.

That Baichen Shengjun seemed quite surprised, it might be the first time he saw such an arrogant young man, he couldn't help but take another look at Du Yuesheng, but it didn't matter if she didn't look, she just wanted to glance at Du Yuesheng with her spiritual sense, before making eye contact moment.

She seemed to have seen a frightening scene of flying immortals exiled with blood and the world shattered, which caused her delicate body to inadvertently tremble, the blood in her body rolled, and a sweetness welled up in her throat, which she swallowed forcefully. go back.

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