The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1773 Holy Monarch

Shengjun Baichen was shocked in his heart, she is the supreme existence of the seventh layer of the Supreme God.

Although it looks young, it is actually an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years. He was shocked by the eyes of a junior who is in the main god realm. If this spreads, wouldn't it make people laugh?

She paused, tried to restore a kind smile on her face, looked at Du Yuesheng, and said appreciatively: "That's right, no wonder my younger brother keeps praising you, it seems that you are really a hero."

Hearing what she said, Du Yuesheng smiled noncommittally, but Daoist Baiyang laughed a few times, his face seemed a little embarrassed.

"Presumably you should also know that half a month later, it will be the time when our holy water baptism will start. At that time, there will be talents from all major forces participating."

"Every one of the Tianjiao who can enter Tianlan Shenghe is the best of the younger generation, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the pinnacle."

"This time, my White Demon Palace has encountered some serious troubles. I hope you will do your best. If you can help our saintesses win the top three ranks, our White Demon Palace will definitely not treat you badly."

Shengjun Baichen looked at Du Yuesheng with a serious face, and said word by word, she took a deep breath, and fixed her eyes on Du Yuesheng.

"This matter is very important to my White Demon Palace, so, Du Yuesheng, I hope you will not let me down!"

"Senior, you can rest assured that I will do my best in this matter!"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and cupped his hands. To be honest, with his current strength, if he really accompanied Bai Xiaoling to participate in the trial, he really didn't find it difficult.

But for his self-confidence, Baichen Shengjun still felt a little uneasy after all. She looked at Du Yuesheng, her expression was still dignified, and said slowly: "I believe in your strength, but there is something I have to tell you. Just now After receiving the news, Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyu Sect seem to be planning to send a peak master of the main god who may step into the realm of the supreme god at any time as a guardian."

"This Qianling Pavilion, like the Miaoyu Sect and my White Devil Palace, have not won the top three places for nearly three thousand years, so they are bound to win this matter, and even spent a lot of money to create this quasi-supreme god protector. "

"That is to say, you are very likely to meet an opponent with the strength of the Supreme God this time, so I don't need to say more about the danger.

But I hope that if you find that you are invincible, you can avoid these two major forces as much as possible, and would rather compete with the other five major forces for a place than cause trouble. "

Du Yuesheng was slightly taken aback, he was really a little surprised, the condition for entering the Tianlan Holy River must be the Supreme God, but if he can break through to the Supreme God in there, he will not be excluded.

This can be regarded as a small loophole, but any power that is about to step into the realm of the Supreme God is extremely important to any power, and few powers are willing to let such a potential stock take risks for this reason.

That's because it is only the soul that enters the Tianlan Holy River. Without a physical body, breaking through the Dao Foundation in the state of the soul will be destroyed, and you can only stop here for a lifetime.

In other words, once they break through, they are not real supreme gods in a sense, but a half-step supreme god state between the main god and the supreme god.

For any force, the Supreme God is the supreme existence. Even with the background of the eight overlord forces, the level of power they possess can be counted on one hand.

Although this method took advantage of Tianlan Shenghe's loopholes, it actually knew it was feasible, but for thousands of years, no force was willing to do so.

After all, the existence of a supreme god is too significant, even compared with the right to use the holy river baptism, it is much more important.

But this time, Miaoyuzong and Qianling Pavilion were willing to pay such a high price, which surprised Du Yuesheng.

It seems that their plan this time is not small...

Du Yuesheng thought silently in his heart, he would not think that these two major forces would be willing to pay such a price for the right to use the 500-year-old holy water baptism, there must be greater interests involved.

Is it also for Tianlan's inheritance? This idea suddenly appeared in Du Yuesheng's mind, but after he thought about it, he felt more and more possible.

After Du Yuesheng left, there were only two figures left in this luxurious palace. Baichen Shengjun silently stared at the back of his leaving, but there was a trace of solemnity on his face.

"Bai Yang, you still haven't told him the truth, have you?" After some time, Baichen Shengjun finally broke the silence.

Upon hearing the words, Daoist Baiyang slowly showed a wry smile on his face, and he said helplessly: "Do you think he will be willing to go after I tell you?"

Baichen Shengjun looked at him silently, finally heaved a long sigh, and said slowly: "Sometimes I think your heart is more ruthless than mine."

Daoist Baiyang remained silent.

"Knowing that it's a deadly situation, you can still push your daughter in without changing your face. Brother, you are still the same as before."

"To be honest, sometimes even I admire you for being so heartless in front of your own relatives!"

Baichen Shengjun's words were like a cold and ruthless sharp knife piercing Baiyang Daojun's chest, his face became more and more gloomy, it was very difficult, but he didn't look angry at all.

That feeling is like being told something that you know but don't want to admit. Even if you want to deny it, you can't say it.

"Maybe...but I don't want to see her like her mother..."

Daoist Baiyang sighed. After saying these words, he seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden, and there was a trace of vicissitudes of wind and frost between his brows, and at the same time he was helpless.

"Actually, you just want to find an excuse for your cowardice when you say that."

Shengjun Baichen's words were still so harsh and ruthless, but they reached people's hearts, and Daoist Baiyang couldn't refute them every time.

"you're right."

Daoist Baiyang thought about it seriously, and found that he still couldn't think of a reason to refute it.

"That's all..." Baichen Shengjun finally waved his hand and stopped continuing the topic. Her phoenix-like eyes became more and more profound, "This time, the Qianling Pavilion and Miaoyu Zong really should not be underestimated, maybe it will become the biggest obstacle to the rise of my White Demon Palace."

Speaking of this time, Baichen Shengjun's face became gloomy, and there was a terrifying killing intent in the air, even Daoist Baiyang couldn't help shivering.

"This time, we must nip any threat in its infancy, and there must be no loopholes in my cause of the rise of the White Demon Palace!"

"It's up to you to handle this matter. Only when you go to the palace can you feel at ease."

Baichen Shengjun said at this time, his eyes had become a little fanatical.

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