The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1774 Baptism opened

Time passed quickly, and the half-month period came as scheduled.

This day is the first day of the holy river baptism.

The Tianlan Sacred River is located in the northeast of the White Demon Palace. Although the distance is long, it can be reached in half a day because of the teleportation array.

Therefore, when Du Yuesheng and the others came to Tianlan Shenghe, it was still in the afternoon.

At this time, the sun is just right, shining on this rather cold place, giving people a little warmth.

However, what surprised Du Yuesheng was that although they had already arrived at the destination of this trip, it was a desolate mountainous area in front of them, and there was no river at all.

After Baiyang Daojun's explanation, Du Yuesheng finally understood. It turned out that Tianlan Shenghe River is a cloudy river, which will only be revealed at night.

The more this is the case, the more Du Yuesheng is interested in this Tianlan holy river.

This time, Daoist Baiyang personally led the team, and only Du Yuesheng served as Bai Xiaoling's guardian, so when the three of them appeared here, they attracted many surprised eyes.

Before Du Yuesheng and the others, many teams from other forces had arrived here, except for a leading elder and the holy son and holy daughter, there were more or less a few guardians following them.

There are more than five people in the field with the smallest number of people, but only Du Yuesheng and his party have the smallest number, which seems to stand out from the crowd.

"Hey, Fatty Bai, you White Demon Palace shouldn't be so down and out? Did you bring so few people here to make soy sauce?"

The person who spoke was the Supreme Elder from Ghost Shadow Sect. He had always been at odds with Daoist Baiyang, and this time he seized the opportunity to ridicule him.

"Hahaha, old ghost Ying, what you said is wrong. When did the White Demon Palace come here to make soy sauce? I'm afraid they have already become discouraged and have given up hope. Fellow Daoist Bai, are you right?"

At this time, Undead Valley, who also had a grudge with the White Demon Palace, also seized the opportunity to add insult to injury.

"Hmph, what do you know? Soldiers don't lie in being numerous but expensive and elite. This seat is not like you who come out with just a few idiots. It's not embarrassing!"

Daoist Baiyang's face was gloomy, and he sneered. Every time he saw the faces of these people, he always felt so sick that he wanted to vomit.

"Hahaha, what? Fatty Bai, don't you get so confused, are you the two god-emperors?"

"I have to say, your skin is getting thicker..."

At this time, Du Yuesheng did not display his aura, so it was naturally impossible for these people to see that there was a Supreme God among them.

When they observed any faint aura on Du Yuesheng's body, they thought Du Yuesheng was just a waste in the realm of the emperor, so they naturally didn't take it to heart.

Of course, they would make such a judgment mainly because of Bai Xiaoling next to him, and even the saintess was only a god emperor, let alone the protector.

"What? You're not satisfied, so why don't you try fighting with me? Let's see who is trash?"

Daoist Baiyang scowled angrily with a sullen face, looking at this posture, it seemed that he really wanted to do something big here, and those people shut up quickly in fright.

Even though the White Demon Palace is the Supreme God, his strength is much higher than theirs. Regardless of whether this guy is fat or not, his real combat power is enough to rank among the top ten in the whole continent.

Naturally, they will not be so stupid as to ask for trouble.

At this time, those younger generations of Tianjiao also set their sights on Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling, especially those holy sons and saints from various powers, after seeing Bai Xiaoling's cultivation, their faces showed Disdainful look.

When their eyes were on Du Yuesheng, some couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, isn't it, even the protector is so weak, how dare you come to this kind of place with this little strength?"

"This White Demon Palace thinks highly of us, and actually sends out an 'expert' of this level, hahaha..."

Facing the unscrupulous ridicule of these people, Du Yuesheng turned a deaf ear to it, as if he hadn't heard it, and chatted with Bai Xiaoling as usual, talking and laughing.

Which of these holy sons and saintesses is not the proud son of heaven, they are quite annoyed when they find that they are ignored by these two trash in their eyes, but at the moment Baiyang Daojun is present, they dare not rash.

"Hmph, wait and see."

They have even silently made up their minds in their hearts. Once the Tianlan Holy River is opened, they must show these two guys a little bit of color after entering, and let them know that there is a price to be paid for disrespecting themselves.

"Jingle Bell……"

But at this time, there was a burst of sweet and crisp bells, which made people feel refreshed and involuntarily want to immerse themselves in the beautiful music.

The sudden ringing of the bell naturally attracted everyone's attention. When people's eyes turned to the sky, they saw a green streamer of light flying over.

The stream of light was extremely fast, and it was constantly enlarged in people's pupils. When it came close, it slowly revealed its original shape.

It turned out to be a series of connected bells, with green luster flowing all over the body, which looked quite extraordinary, and graceful figures emerged from the bells.

A woman in a green dress with a string of bells hanging from her waist slowly appeared in front of people. As they walked, there was a burst of crisp bells, graceful and graceful, like a fairy floating down to earth.

"Fellow daoists came really early, it seems that the old man is late."

At the same time as the sound sounded, an old woman walked out slowly with a cane. There were also bells hanging around her waist, and there were even more bells.

Behind her was an old man with gray hair and short stature.

"It turned out to be Qianling Pavilion."

"Senior Ling, long time no see!"

"Haha, I heard Xianle suddenly, I wonder who it is, it turns out that Fairy Ling is here."

After the old woman came out, the leading elders of the major forces all greeted her with smiles, and everyone was smiling. It seemed that the old woman was very popular.

"Hmph, it's almost time to enter the coffin, what kind of fairy are you talking about, Guiguzi, you are making fun of me again." The strange thing is that this old woman named Lingyun, after hearing the praise from the elder of Wanguimen, there was a smile on her face. There was a blush.


However, what Ling Yun said made many monks laugh. The old man didn't mind, she walked over slowly and greeted these peers one by one.

"That old man is one of your biggest opponents this time, be careful then." After a few polite words with Ling Yun, Bai Yang Daojun returned to Du Yuesheng and whispered in his ear.

"I see." Du Yuesheng nodded. Even if Baiyang Daojun didn't say anything, he could tell that the old man who was following behind was not good in appearance and short in stature, but the aura emanating from his body was real. The peak of the main god.

In terms of cultivation alone, he is not inferior to Du Yuesheng at all.

"It's kind of interesting."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth.

At the peak of the main god, he may step into the guardian of the supreme god at any time. Such an opponent could barely arouse Du Yuesheng's interest.

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