The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1775 Opening of the Holy River

"Hehe, what does it matter who asks first?" Meiniang covered her mouth and smiled when she heard this, her delicate body trembled, full of all kinds of charm, full of charm, and many people around her stared straight at their eyes.

Bai Xiaoling next to him saw the two talking suddenly, and his face was a bit annoyed.

But she didn't get angry, but looked at this woman with fear, and held Du Yuesheng's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that he would be seduced away.

"Little brother, can you tell my sister, what is your name?"

Seeing that Du Yuesheng remained unmoved, Meiniang was slightly surprised.

She has already practiced the Great Fox Fairy to great success, and she is well aware of her own charm. Ordinary men have been fascinated by her for a long time. The guy in front of her looks young, but she did not expect to have such concentration.

Maybe it was a little unconvinced, the more calm Du Yuesheng was, the more she wanted to compete with him, and she practiced her skills secretly, her affectionate eyes suddenly burst into a strange red light, but with a hint of coquettish charm.

"Du Yuesheng."

Du Yuesheng said lightly.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, let's go." Bai Xiaoling felt even more nervous when he saw that woman was so strange. Before Mei Niang could continue talking, he immediately dragged Du Yuesheng to the other side.

"Du Yuesheng..."

That Mei Niang looked at the figure of the two leaving, a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes, she snorted coldly, as if she was talking to herself, "Hmph, I don't believe that my old lady's charm is not as good as that little girl's." Girl."

Time passed slowly, and when night fell, bursts of cold air began to spread from the depths of the ground, causing the temperature in the surrounding world to drop a lot. When a bright moon hung in the sky, the surrounding temperature reached extreme.

Under everyone's feet, a thin layer of frost began to slowly condense on the ground.

Regarding this scene, everyone present was calm and composed, which seemed to be quite normal. The darkness ahead is like an irresistible boundless abyss, spreading to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, the dark abyss spread from the distant horizon and connected to the horizon. If you look closely, it looks like a black river, which is extremely strange.


At this moment, the many monks present stopped talking and laughing, and stared at the dark abyss with solemn faces, and their mental state became tense. Even the elders who lead the team are also facing a big enemy.

"Be careful, before the Tianlan Sacred River is opened, it will release a strong corrosive Yin Qi. The stronger the cultivation base, the more terrifying the erosion. Even if it is the Supreme God, if the Yin Qi invades the body, Dao Ji will be affected. Influence."

While speaking, a faint golden light appeared outside Bai Yang Daojun's body. While talking to Du Yuesheng, he put his hands on Bai Xiaoling's shoulders, causing that golden light to appear on Bai Xiaoling's body immediately. outside the table.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help but startled when he heard this, no wonder everyone looked like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Looking around at the moment, all the monks present had taken protective measures with solemn expressions, and he had to be solemn.

Although he has enough confidence in the strength of his physical body, he still doesn't want to take this risk. After all, Yin Qi entering the body is a very troublesome thing. He nodded, and a layer of white light began to appear on his body surface.

After a while, the cloudy energy disappeared, but the temperature between the sky and the earth did not warm up at all.

The pitch-black abyss began to flow slowly, like a liquid with the sound of gurgling water, and as the flow became faster and faster, in the end it made the sound of a big river rushing and roaring.

The river water also became clearer and clearer, slowly changing from black to gray and transparent, slowly revealing the appearance of the river.

It is a vast river, like a giant dragon, spiraling up from a section of the horizon to the sky, the water on the river is rushing, surging, like a galloping horse, it is extremely shocking.

The occurrence of this scene made Bai Xiaoling amazed. Although she is also a saint, she was imprisoned in the White Demon Palace by her father since she was a child. Except for the last time she escaped, she has never been in contact with the White Demon Palace when she grows up. other things.

Seeing such a strange river, I was naturally shocked.

What's even more strange is that when the river appeared, an indescribable spiritual pressure surged from all directions. This kind of pressure was even more terrifying than the breath of the Supreme God to some extent. Even Du Yuesheng couldn't help but stare.

He actually saw many lights and shadows from the rays of light emanating from the river surface, among which were various birds, beasts, and even humanoid monsters.

Each of them exudes a breath that is not weak. And the endless aura is not at all as gloomy as it looked just now, as if it formed a small world of its own.

"Strange, this place doesn't seem to be as simple as it seems."

Du Yuesheng seemed to be talking to himself. He had an intuition in his heart that the Tianlan Shenghe might not be as simple as Baiyang Daojun said. From the bottomless river, he felt a wave that made him Heart palpitations.

That feeling seemed a little familiar.

"Perhaps, Daoist Baiyang didn't tell the truth."

Du Yuesheng himself didn't know why, but such a thought suddenly appeared in his heart, but he felt more and more possible, so he frowned suddenly, and couldn't help but look at Daoist Baiyang more, but saw that his face was normal , but I was surprised again.

"Could it be that I think too much?"

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng smiled, shook his head, and simply stopped thinking about it. Regardless of his abnormalities, he believes that self-preservation is still possible.

"The Tianlan Holy River is about to open, everyone, please get ready."

The elder of Undead Valley spoke slowly. Although his voice was plain, it echoed in the sky.

When he finished speaking, the surrounding atmosphere became tense all of a sudden, especially those holy son Tianjiao from all ethnic groups, their eyes became extremely fiery, as if seeing a naked beauty, revealing a wolf of light.

Not long after, with a cracking sound, the barrier condensed around the Tianlan Sacred River seemed to have come to an end, and it shattered itself, and the monstrous light burst out, stirring the starry sky.


Someone yelled, and those monks, like wild horses that had run loose, turned into streamers of light and flew up crazily, and with the sound of plopping, they plunged headlong into the turbulent and panting river.

This scene looks quite spectacular. Every saint son or saint woman, after they bear the brunt of entering, there will always be several guardians behind them, and for a while, they fall into the holy river like rain. middle.

Not long after, besides those elders, only Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling were left.

At this time, Bai Xiaoling's face was a little pale, and he seemed a little nervous. Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, rubbed her hair gently, and said with a smile: "Let's go, it's time for us to go in."


Bai Xiaoling was still a little nervous at first, but after being told by Du Yuesheng, a touching smile appeared on her face. She nodded, slowly stretched out her jade hand, and held Du Yuesheng's palm.

The next moment, the two of them also turned into two beams of light, rushing into the turbulent undercurrent.

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