The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1778 Who is the trash

This scene made Du Yuesheng's face darken.

He looked up and found a figure approaching slowly, with a sarcastic look on his face, looking at Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling with disdain, his eyes full of contempt.

Behind him, several guardians followed, among them was an elderly man who was the most powerful, whose cultivation level had already reached the realm of the main god.

It seems that the one who shattered Du Yuesheng's attack with a hammer just now should be this guy.

"I don't know who it is, so they are the two masters of the White Demon Palace?"

The person who spoke, Du Yuesheng recognized, was one of those people who had ridiculed him outside before. This person was the Holy Son of the Undead Valley, Mu Yangtian.

This person is already at the peak of the gods, and he can be regarded as one of the top five among the saints and saints who came to participate in the trial.

For Bai Xiaoling and Du Yuesheng, they naturally sneered.

"I'll give you ten seconds to get out of here immediately, this koi is mine."

Mu Yangtian looked at Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng proudly, with a gloomy and fierce light in his eyes, and ordered in a tone that could not be refused. He didn't think that these two God Emperor Realm guys could pose any threat to him.

After all, there is still a follower of the Lord God Realm beside him.

In front of the main God Realm, how much trouble can two guys from the God Emperor Realm withstand?

Bai Xiaoling was a little nervous at first, but after thinking of Du Yuesheng's terrifying combat power, he was completely relieved.

She clearly remembered how Du Yuesheng was crushing those soul beasts, not to mention her father also said that with Du Yuesheng around, no one in Tianlan Shenghe could threaten them.

At this time, it seemed that there were other people following Mu Yangtian, but when they saw that there seemed to be a dispute between Mu Yangtian and Du Yuesheng.

They immediately stopped in their tracks. It was too late for them to watch such a good show, so how could they still participate in it?

Although the purple gold koi that was comparable to the main god realm was extremely attractive, they were not in a hurry. After all, it was not what they wanted to see when they suffered two defeats and let others reap the benefits.

"Huh? Isn't that the two guys from the White Demon Palace?"

Someone let out a cry of surprise, and even though many voices laughed, none of them concealed the meaning of ridicule in their hearts.

"It's really unlucky for these two people to meet Mu Yangtian here. This guy doesn't have such a good temper."

"Hmph, even if Mu Yangtian doesn't take action, I will take action to teach him a lesson. Who made them dare to be rude to me before?"

"That's right! These two guys are just asking for trouble."

There were a lot of whispering voices around, but judging from their appearance, most of them were watching here with the mentality of watching a good show.

And because of Du Yuesheng's previous behavior of ignoring everyone, these proud and arrogant Tianjiao felt very uncomfortable, and naturally hated Du Yuesheng.

Many people even expected Du Yuesheng to be slapped to death by that Mu Yangtian.

In fact, they are used to being superior, and when they occasionally meet their peers whose cultivation level is not as good as theirs, they feel superior and take it for granted that they should respect themselves, but they don't know that they are rude first, so how can others treat each other with courtesy?

"Why are you still standing? Why don't you roll?"

At this time, more and more people came around, which made Mu Yangtian even more anxious. He didn't want the purple gold koi that he was about to get to be separated by those guys hiding behind.

At this moment, seeing Du Yuesheng and the two still standing in the same place, I was very angry in my heart, and felt that my face was a bit unstoppable, and my eyes were full of fierceness, with a cold light, and there was an imperceptible sense of killing.

"I'll just say it once, get out of here too!"

Du Yuesheng glanced at him indifferently, then ignored him, stretched out his palm, turned into a big hand again, and grabbed the Zijin koi that was about to escape.

"Hmph, lifeless waste!"

When Mu Yangtian saw Du Yuesheng dare to be so rude, and even ignored him, he felt a burst of anger erupting in his heart. He couldn't help it anymore, let out a cold snort, and shot directly, but his target was not that Zijin Koi, but Du Yuesheng.

The kung fu practiced by Mu Yangtian seems to be quite suitable for this yin and cold place. When it is used in this place, its power has been greatly improved. With a wave of his big hand, a bone-white fire rushed towards him. Du Yuesheng rushed over.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth. He grabbed the Zijin koi while facing Mu Yangtian's direction, flicked his fingers, and actually transformed into a giant finger above his head. , like a mountain towering into the clouds, suppressed towards Mu Yangtian.

Under his finger, Mu Yangtian's bone-white forest fire disappeared in an instant, and Mu Yangtian also spurted blood, and he flew upside down. Before he landed, Du Yuesheng waved his palm in the air, Suddenly there was a crisp sound.


On Mu Yangtian's left face, a red five-fingerprint appeared.

"Speak well, who is the trash?"

Looking at the speed in front of him, Mu Yangtian was horrified. He never imagined that a waste who seemed to be only in the realm of the god emperor could break his bones. Strength, in his hands, he has no power to fight back.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

More than a dozen slaps were slapped on Mu Yangtian's face. It didn't take long for people to see that Mu Yangtian's face was swollen like a pig's head. Spilled black blood.

This scene happened so fast that no one could react, even Mu Yangtian's guardians stayed where they were, forgetting about the protector.

"Trash! Nongmen, Nongmen is a waste!"

Mu Yangtian's face was swollen like a pig's head, and even his speech became slurred, his face was livid with anger, and he cursed at the group of guardians around him, and these guys just reacted.

"Bastard, how dare you hurt my holy son! Court death!"

At this time, the old man in the main god realm finally made a move. There was a fierce light in his eyes, and killing intent flashed across his eyes. A pair of black gold and copper hammers appeared in his hands, and amidst the roar of anger, they turned into a stream of light and rushed towards him.

"You are also trash, get out!"

However, under the horrified gazes of the crowd, this protector of the main god realm was slapped and flew hundreds of thousands of miles away by Du Yuesheng before he came to Du Yuesheng's side.

"What... what?!"

Under the horrified gazes of the crowd, the remaining guardians finally came to their senses, rushing towards Du Yuesheng one by one, roaring angrily.

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