The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1779 Sweep

But this time Du Yuesheng became impatient, and with a wave of his sleeves, these people all turned into blood mist.

Instant kill with a flick of a finger!

The occurrence of this scene completely frightened those Tianjiao who hadn't reacted to it. How have they ever seen such a scene?

The main god was slapped flying, the holy son of the Valley of the Undead was beaten into a pig's head, and even those guardians who were also in the same godly state were instantly killed.

How can this be?

"Oh My God!"

"Isn't it? The main god was slapped flying? Is this guy the Supreme God?"

"This is impossible!"

These arrogant arrogances were completely frightened and stupid at this moment. Du Yuesheng's attack immediately shocked them into losing their temper, not to mention them, even if they were accompanied by the guardians of the main god realm , were all dumbfounded.

Under their horrified gazes, Du Yuesheng slowly walked towards Mu Yangtian.

Seeing the god-killing guy approaching in front of him, Mu Yangtian's face was completely pale and bloodless at this moment. He curled up, pointed at Du Yuesheng and said in shock and anger: "You, you, you, you want What are you doing?!"

"I've already given you a chance, but if you don't grasp it yourself, then you can't blame me."

Du Yuesheng walked over slowly, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, this Mu Yangtian was disgusting to him, why is there always such a self-righteous Sabi everywhere, could it be that in their eyes, he is the only one in the whole world who is the best Is it done?

"No! No!" Mu Yangtian finally understood at this time, he backed away in fright, and said angrily, "You dare to kill me? Hmph, Undead Valley will not let you go!"

"Then you just let them come to me." For this low-level threat, Du Yuesheng just smiled disdainfully, sniffed, and slowly raised his palm, which was about to slap Mu Yangtian into pieces.

At this time, Mu Yangtian finally couldn't bear it anymore, he shouted hysterically, like crazy: "Old Wang! Old Wang! Save me!"

It has to be said that this old king is really loyal. After hearing Mu Yangtian's call for help, he still endured the pain in his body, got up from the ground, held a pair of black gold and copper hammers, and threatened: "Boldly!" If you dare to kill my holy son, no matter where you escape from now on, Undead Valley will..."


Du Yuesheng glanced at him lightly, with a hint of impatience in his eyes, he raised his hand and flicked his fingers lightly, and a beam of bright light shot out, directly piercing the brows of the guardian of the main god realm, and his whole body It gradually melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This guy was really sad, he was instantly killed by Du Yuesheng before he could finish his sentence. Originally, with his strength in the main god realm, if he hadn't met Du Yuesheng, he would be invincible in this Tianlan holy river, as long as he didn't provoke some scary guys casually, he could already be invincible.

But before he even finished his lines, he was dead.

"You! You! No, no, don't kill me don't kill me!"

Seeing that his followers were all dead, Mu Yangtian was completely terrified. There was no arrogance on his face, his face was pale, he was so frightened that he begged for mercy without dignity.

But the more he was like this, the more disgusted Du Yuesheng was.

"It's okay if I don't kill you."

Du Yuesheng suddenly laughed.

When Mu Yangtian heard what Du Yuesheng said, he was immediately overjoyed. Although he felt that Du Yuesheng's smile looked a little weird, he still had some hope. He immediately knelt down and hugged Du Yuesheng's thigh, and kept begging for mercy: "Senior, I was wrong, I was wrong, your lord has a lot, so just let the little one go..."

"I can promise you whatever conditions you want, I am the Holy Son!"

For Mu Yangtian's spineless begging for mercy, the monks who were watching not far away could not help but frown.

"Then kill yourself."

Hearing Du Yuesheng's words, Mu Yangtian was stunned. He still had a little luck and said, "Senior, are you joking?"

"of course not."

"I... Senior, please forgive me..."

Mu Yangtian was so frightened that his nose ran out, but before he finished speaking, he found a blood hole between his eyebrows. He stared at Du Yuesheng blankly, his throat opened, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. speechless.

He fell down slowly, and his body began to turn into soul power, melting like the old king.

"If you don't even have the courage, it's useless to live."

A look of disgust flashed in Du Yuesheng's eyes, and he said to himself.

"It's so cruel..."

Seeing this scene, those people took a deep breath, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

In this Tianlan Sacred River, although they only exist in the form of spirits, once the spirits die, they will not be able to live. After all, even the souls are gone, how can they still be alive?

Although this Mu Yangtian was a bit disgusting, he was still the Holy Son of the Valley of the Undead. The forces in the Valley of the Undead were enough to rank among the top three among the eight major forces, but Du Yuesheng still slaughtered him without mercy. Can this not be cruel?

If it were the other Holy Sons, if they were the ones who faced this matter, I am afraid they would not dare to do such a terrible thing, otherwise the Undead Valley would retaliate in the future, and it would be an endless catastrophe.

"Do you have any opinions?"

At this time, Du Yuesheng's eyes slowly shifted to these people.

"No no no."

"No no."

When they felt Du Yuesheng's gaze swept over them, they felt as if they were being stared at by a terrifying prehistoric beast. Their backs were like thorns, and their hair stood on end instantly. A coolness penetrated directly from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet, making their faces pale with fright. , shaking his head again and again.

"Why don't you get out soon?"

These people had ridiculed Mu Yangtian for being spineless before, but when they really met Du Yuesheng's eyes, they realized how terrible the pressure they were under. Even those guardians of the main god realm ran away without regard for their dignity.

Seeing these people leave, Du Yuesheng nodded in satisfaction, turned around and looked at Bai Xiaoling, with his palm slowly spread out, on which was a purple-gold soul core, shining brightly.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Bai Xiaoling shook her head when she heard the words, and happily took the soul core from Du Yuesheng's hand. At this time, she was not in a hurry to refine it, but looked at Du Yuesheng seriously, and said, "Thank you, Du Yuesheng."

This is already close to the middle of the entire river, and there are two figures here at this time, one of them is hunting the soul beast in front, and the other is constantly refining the soul power in the rear, just like this slowly advancing.

"Yes, this soul beast is not weaker than the previous fish."

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and then flicked his fingers, a stream of light shot out, directly piercing the brows of the huge monster in front of him, and it only had time to let out a roar before slowly falling down.

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