
Amidst the loud noise, Du Yuesheng took out a soul core from the top of his head and threw it to Bai Xiaoling who was behind him. Looking at the corpses all over the place, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally, I don't care about killing them. I have to say that the number of soul beasts here is really scary.

Even with his cultivation base, it would take a long time to kill him.

This is already the third day they have entered the Tianlan Holy River.

After hunting the purple gold koi before, Bai Xiaoling broke through to the Godly Realm, and during these three days, Du Yuesheng helped him kill a large number of soul beasts, which also made Bai Xiaoling's advancement speed like As fast as a rocket.

She has now reached the sixth level of God's Exalted Realm, and she is not far from the Lord God's Realm.

Three days ago, Bai Xiaoling didn't even dare to think about it, but now she feels that the main god realm is nothing special. Don't you see, the guardian of the main god realm will also be slapped away by Du Yuesheng?

"I'm so tired, take a rest."

Bai Xiaoling wiped the sweat from his brow, then sat on the ground. The continuous refinement of soul power in these three days has consumed a lot of her own energy. Although one time is not too big, it has been accumulated. If she hadn't been constantly breaking through the realm, she might have already tried her best.


Seeing her like this, Du Yuesheng couldn't let her go on. Judging from their speed, it should be considered extremely fast. I am afraid that few people can surpass them. After all, not everyone can be like him. Similarly, with just one slap, you can instantly kill the soul beast in the main god realm.

Generally speaking, seeing Bai Xiaoling getting closer and closer to the main god realm, Du Yuesheng is also very satisfied. According to this progress, it may not be long before Bai Xiaoling can break through to the main god realm.

At that time, even if he is not present, Bai Xiaoling himself has a certain ability to protect himself. Of course, more importantly, with Bai Xiaoling's remnant soul, breaking into the top three will give him a lot more confidence in passing the baptism.

"I found that you are really perverted. It feels like no matter who is in front of you, you will be slapped away with a slap."

Bai Xiaoling said while hanging his shoulders.

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, he smiled noncommittally.

"I find that you are getting more and more mysterious."

Bai Xiaoling suddenly looked at Du Yuesheng seriously.


Du Yuesheng felt a little strange. At this time, Bai Xiaoling looked at him again, sighed, and said quietly, "I don't know why, sometimes I always feel that you are very close to me, but sometimes I feel that you are far away from me, as if you may leave at any time Same."

"Are you really going to leave?"

Du Yuesheng was startled, he found that this woman's sixth sense was really terrifyingly accurate, but facing Bai Xiaoling's words, he couldn't refute, looked at her silently, finally sighed, and didn't answer.

"I knew it." Bai Xiaoling seemed to have guessed it long ago, but after seeing Du Yuesheng's attitude, her eyes dimmed a lot. She lowered her head, as if talking to herself, "No wonder I always I don’t think you are a person from this world, so you will really leave.”

Du Yuesheng was frightened by her again, and looked at her silently, but it seemed that a string was plucked in his heart.

The two were silent for a while, and the atmosphere became silent.

"Du Yuesheng." After a long time, Bai Xiaoling raised his head, stared blankly at Du Yuesheng, and said, "If one day you are leaving, can you take me with you?"

Du Yuesheng looked at Bai Xiaoling and saw that there was a hint of anticipation in her clear eyes, he couldn't bear it, wanted to nod in agreement, but he was not sure, finally sighed and said: "I don't know. "

"I understand." Bai Xiaoling's gaze dimmed, and she stood up after a while, her usual smile returning to her face.

"Okay, let's go on, come on, I, Bai Xiaoling, will become an all-powerful Master God Realm expert in the future!"

She said this with confidence and anticipation, as if nothing had happened just now.

Du Yuesheng suddenly felt that this scene seemed a little familiar. He quickly remembered that in the Bailong Underground Palace, Bai Xiaoling wanted to be her master, but after he refused, she acted like this.

This made Du Yuesheng feel a pain in his heart for no reason, remembering the incident that Bai Xiaoling almost died not long ago, he felt that he was too cowardly, the majestic emperor of heaven, but he was so timid when it comes to female affairs here.

At this time, he remembered what Baiyang Daojun had said to him before coming to the White Demon Palace.

"You are still young, if you don't want to leave regrets in the future, don't be afraid."

He used to think that if he let Bai Xiaoling follow her, then she would not be able to settle down peacefully in this life, would wander around with him, and might even run into danger.

But now Du Yuesheng doesn't think so anymore, Du Yuesheng decided that he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes and leave lifelong regrets.

Majestic God, what is there to be afraid of?

Lao Tzu's women don't protect themselves, do they still wait for others to protect themselves?

Regardless of whether there will be mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead of him in the future, I will cut through thorns and thorns with one sword! So what if the world is an enemy?

The big deal is to draw a sword and slaughter all over the world, just to create a piece of peace for my woman!

Since she is favored by a beautiful woman, she will definitely live up to her in this life!

Du Yuesheng has completely figured it out.

Live up to Tathagata and live up to Qing.

"Hey, why are you staring blankly? Let's go, hello!" Seeing Du Yuesheng in a daze, Bai Xiaoling stretched out his hand and waved in front of him, seeing that he didn't respond, he stretched out his hand and pointed at his face again.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a huge force coming, and she fell weakly into Du Yuesheng's arms.

"Don't worry, I'll take you with me!"

Du Yuesheng looked at her, and said firmly, as if making a promise.

Bai Xiaoling's tender body trembled, and she stared at him blankly, as if she doubted if she had heard it wrong, a slight blush appeared on her face, and she said, "What stupid things are you talking about?"

"Bai Xiaoling, I want to marry you!"

Now Bai Xiaoling heard it clearly. She looked up at Du Yuesheng's serious face, and suddenly found that there seemed to be tears in her eyes. After realizing it, her pretty face was as red as an apple. Shyly pushed Du Yuesheng away.

"Hey, who said I'm going to marry you."

Bai Xiaoling said angrily, but even her ears were red. After pushing Du Yuesheng away, she ran forward by herself.

"Hahaha! Wait for me!"

Du Yuesheng laughed, turned into a streak of light and chased after him.

Bai Xiaoling was very happy, his face was always filled with a happy smile, and sometimes he would stare blankly at Du Yuesheng, and then blushed when he looked at Du Yuesheng.

The strange thing is that every time Du Yuesheng talks to her, she always pretends to be upset.

This made Du Yuesheng feel a little funny, but he didn't care.

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