The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1785 Dark Night Falls

Bai Xiaoling still felt a little worried, she was afraid that releasing Zhu Yan would cause trouble to them.

After all, this is a terrifying beast whose strength has reached the peak of the Supreme God. No matter how powerful Du Yuesheng is, he may not be able to handle it, right?

"Du Yuesheng, do we really want to let it out?" Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng, but she didn't wait for Du Yuesheng to answer, she turned her head to look at Zhu Yan, and shouted, "Hey, what do you do if the monkey wants you to lie to us? Come out After that, we are no match for you."

Hearing Bai Xiaoling's words, Zhu Yan gave her a blank look as if she was looking at an idiot, and said, "After I refine Zhu Yan's essence, there will be a period of weakness, and my strength will drop by half. Your husband is here, are you still afraid of me?"

Bai Xiaoling nodded thoughtfully, she finally understood why Du Yuesheng agreed.

But when Zhu Yan actually said that Du Yuesheng was her husband, her face turned red, and she stomped her feet angrily, snorted coldly, wanted to refute but said no exit.

Seeing Bai Xiaoling like this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help feeling a little funny, but he didn't deny it, looked at Zhu Yan with a smile, and said: "Okay, let's refine it quickly, I don't have so much time to spend with you. "

Zhu Yan heard that, but he didn't refuse, although after refining, it might be a little weak, maybe it's not Du Yuesheng's opponent, but his physical body is still invincible.

Even if Du Yuesheng really wanted to harm it, it might not be that easy. It even planned to take them to the inheritance place after getting out of trouble, and open the mechanism halfway to trap the two people inside.

Huh, stupid humans.

Thinking of this in Zhu Yan's heart, he couldn't help but a sly smile rose from the corner of his mouth. This scene happened to be seen by Du Yuesheng, but Du Yuesheng still acted as if nothing had happened, as if he was not worried at all about Zhu Yan's tricks.

"Okay, I'll practice right now, give me some time."

Just when Zhu Yan was about to refine, the sky above the head was windy and sunny, but something happened suddenly. The clouds on the other side seemed to be splashed with ink, and slowly turned dark, as if in the sky. On the ground, a huge and boundless black curtain was pulled down.

"What's going on here? Why did it suddenly become night?"

Looking at the sky above his head, Bai Xiaoling felt very strange. It was sunny and sunny just a second ago, why did the moon suddenly appear, and it turned into night all of a sudden? The weather here is too weird, right?

"No, why are there two moons?"

At this time, Bai Xiaoling discovered something even more strange, she actually saw two moons in the sky, each hanging north and south like discs, and the moonlight was not bright and clear, but an incomparably bewitching scarlet.

Seeing the darkness spreading and the two scarlet moons, Du Yuesheng's heart skipped a beat, and he frowned. For some reason, he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Hahahaha...God helped me! It's finally here!"

Zhu Yan reacted after a short moment of astonishment, it stopped moving, looked up to the sky and laughed maniacally, and murmured, "Hahaha, Dark Eternal Night, this king has finally arrived."

As if to answer Du Yuesheng's doubts in their hearts, Zhu Yan explained after a burst of laughter: "This place is a small world independent of the outside world. The world needs a lot of energy to run. If the energy in the small world is insufficient, it will enter a small world. A state called Dark Eternal Night, under this vision, the world falls into a deep sleep, and any magic weapon will be invalid!"

"In other words, this king is about to leave this damned place!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yan's smile has become a little ferocious, revealing the blue and white fangs, which makes people shudder.

After what Zhu Yan said, Du Yuesheng realized that the spiritual energy in the surrounding world had become a little thinner. In this case, the magic weapon lacked power and might indeed fail.

It was getting dark very quickly, at this time nearly half of the sky had turned into darkness, watching the darkness spread faster and faster, Bai Xiaoling finally became nervous, she pulled Radu Yuesheng's arm, signaling him to leave quickly here.

But Zhu Yan seemed to have seen through her intentions, grinned grimly, and said, "Hmph, you two humble ants, how dare you humiliate me like this just now, this time you are doomed, eternal night comes, this space All the passages will be invalid, and you will not be able to get out!"

"Hahaha, you are doomed, this king will peel off your skin and eat your flesh!"

After speaking, Zhu Yan even licked the corner of his mouth.

Hearing its words, Bai Xiaoling turned her head subconsciously, just in time to see that the previous entrance behind her had slowly disappeared into the darkness, which made her face pale all of a sudden.

"Don't worry, it's just a monkey, so what if it comes out?"

When Bai Xiaoling felt fear, Du Yuesheng smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

Seeing his calm face, for some reason, Bai Xiaoling suddenly felt overwhelmed with security, and suddenly became at ease, as if he was not afraid of the sky falling and the earth falling.

"Hmph, don't be ashamed of your big words. When I get out of trouble, I'll see if you don't freak out!"

Zhu Yan saw that Du Yuesheng was still so calm, and felt that he was underestimated, and was quite annoyed, it was ancient Zhu Yan.

To be underestimated by a human being in the main god realm, which made him want to go out and tear him up immediately!

But it was not in a hurry, feeling that the power of the damn magic weapon on its body was getting weaker and weaker, and the joy on its face was getting stronger and stronger. It had been waiting for this day for countless years.

This is really God's help, unexpectedly Yongye appeared at this time, it was finally able to get rid of this damn place.

After about half a stick of incense, the whole world was completely reduced to darkness. At this moment, the world suddenly became pitch black, only the two rounds of scarlet moonlight exuded a faint monster blood light, which made people feel terrifying.

Eternal night is coming!

It was as if the whole world fell silent all of a sudden.

"Boom! Boom!"

Not long after, a terrifying loud noise broke the tranquility of the night. In Du Yuesheng's eyes, the white giant ape in the abyss rose into the sky like a god of war descending from the sky.

Those iron chains refined from black steel burst apart like pieces of paper in front of it. In an instant, a puff of thick smoke rose up, blocking the line of sight. Those two straight and tall snow peaks were blown to pieces at this moment!

Boulders kept falling on the ground, blasting out deep pits, and the whole world shook violently at this moment, like an earthquake-like scene of annihilation, which was extremely terrifying and shocking.

The ground began to crack, and deep cracks appeared in an instant. The two snow-capped peaks had already collapsed, and the ground where the deep valley was located was forcefully smashed into a terrible deep pit, like a basin.

"Hahahaha, after 10,000 years, this king finally came out!"

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