The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1786 Fighting

Amidst a burst of almost maniacal laughter, a white figure with a body as large as a mountain was slowly revealed in the billowing thick smoke.

Zhu Yan, who was a thousand feet tall, had a strange golden light on his terrifying body, and a horrible and peerless aura raged crazily.

Ancient Zhuyan!

An adult Zhu Yan with the peak strength of the Supreme God!

Bai Xiaoling's face was already pale with fright, and he stood blankly behind Du Yuesheng, at a loss for what to do.

In front of her, Du Yuesheng's face finally showed a trace of solemnity, this is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever met so far, bar none!

Zhu Yan, who is in charge of killing and invincible physically, is difficult even for Du Yuesheng, not to mention that his cultivation base is far higher than Du Yuesheng. It is really very difficult to defeat it, even Du Yuesheng does not have to. The grasp of victory.

It stood above the sky, staring down at Du Yuesheng and the two of them below, treating them as ants, with a ferocious smile on its face, walking step by step, the whole world seemed to be shaking, a majestic terror His murderous intent was overwhelming.

"Humble ants, you are dead!"

Zhu Yan's smile became more and more ferocious. Now that it is out of trouble, its strength has reached its peak. It had to humble itself in front of Du Yuesheng before.

This made it feel very humiliated, thinking that it could take revenge at this moment, it couldn't help laughing maniacally.

"You go to the side first and wait."

Facing the oppression brought by Zhu Yan, Du Yuesheng still looked relaxed, but after seeing that Bai Xiaoling's face was pale, he waved his sleeve robe, forming a gust of wind, which carried Bai Xiaoling thousands of miles away.

Moreover, Du Yuesheng stretched his finger forward a little, and a crystal barrier formed around Bai Xiaoling's body, with such thickness, it would take a while for Zhu Yan to attack with all his strength.

Seeing this, Zhu Yan laughed disdainfully. It showed two blue fangs, and said with a grin: "Hmph, don't worry, I won't touch her until I kill you!"

It said this very confidently, which is also very normal. With its status and strength, Bai Xiaoling's level of cultivation strength really can't be taken seriously by her.

Du Yuesheng shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, but after making arrangements for Bai Xiaoling, his face became serious, and a strong fighting intent seemed to ignite in those deep eyes.

Almost instinctively, he wanted to summon the Zhuxian Sword, but after thinking about it, Du Yuesheng gave up.

He really wanted to see how strong Zhu Yan, who was said to be physically invincible, had his physical body, and how was it compared to his own?

You know, Du Yuesheng was originally very tyrannical in his physical body. After experiencing the transformation of Lei Jiechi last time, he completed an astonishing transformation, reaching a world-shocking level.

It's just because of the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, and because Du Yuesheng's fighting power is too abnormal, this covered up the radiance of his physical body. Otherwise, with the tyranny of his physical body, he can also tear the Supreme God alive!

This time it's really a strong confrontation! Du Yuesheng had been looking forward to it for a long time, but he didn't want to cause too much trouble before, after all, he was not fully sure that he could subdue this Zhu Yan, so he didn't do that.

But this time, Zhu Yan got out of trouble by himself, so it's time to give it a try!

Zhu Yan seemed to sense the fighting spirit ignited on Du Yuesheng's body, which made him frown, and at the same time was quite annoyed. In his opinion, how could a mere ant in the main god realm have the right to dare to face himself and have a fighting spirit? meaning?

In order to defend the dignity of the ancient ferocious beast, Zhu Yan finally made a move.


Zhu Yan roared and charged quickly, the incomparably huge body galloped forward with terrifying momentum, with every step it took, the ground trembled, and even left deep pits under its feet.

I have to say, don't look at Zhu Yan's huge size, but the speed at which it really moves is frighteningly fast, close to the extreme. Almost in the blink of an eye, it came to Du Yuesheng and punched out.

This punch swept in with an extremely violent, almost destructive aura, so violent that it made people feel suffocated and hard to resist! Even if it were a human monk of the Supreme God here, he would probably feel hatred for this punch!

This is absolute power, the terrifying physical strength of Zhu Yan's clan, without supernatural powers or spells, just relying on strength alone can have the power to destroy the world. This is the most terrifying thing about Zhu Yan.

When this punch came head-on with a berserk wind, Du Yuesheng had no doubt that this punch could knock down a mountain and smash through the ground! Only by truly facing it can one experience the terrifying power that will be produced under absolute power.

There were bursts of air explosion sounds around, as if the surrounding space became distorted under the power of this punch, squeezing towards Du Yuesheng, blocking his escape route.

However, Du Yuesheng never thought of running away!

Even Du Yuesheng didn't even think about avoiding it, but rose up into the air, brazenly and fearlessly raised his fist to meet it!

He actually chose to directly regret Zhu Yan. In Zhu Yan's view, this scene was almost an act of courting death. No human being can physically confront Zhu Yan's clan head-on. It didn't happen before, and it's even more impossible now!

How can a humble ant stand shoulder to shoulder with a noble blood?

Zhu Yan was annoyed, it used its strength again, and directly blasted and killed it with all its strength. Originally, it planned to have fun with the ant and exercise its muscles and bones, but now this guy is overthinking his abilities, so no wonder it is to blame.

Seeing that two fists, one big and one small, were about to collide, Zhu Yan seemed to have seen that under his punch, Du Yuesheng's body was directly exploded, exploding into a mass of flesh and blood fragments, and there was a bloodthirsty light in its eyes. , There was also a hideous expression on his face.


Accompanied by this loud noise, a bright light burst out from between the two fists, like thousands of golden snakes swimming away, and a terrible storm was rolled up, raging in all directions, and the devastating storm wiped out their surroundings. A clearing.

"How can it be?!"

Zhu Yan looked at Du Yuesheng in astonishment, he just took a few steps back, which made him feel unbelievable, and looked him up and down again, and found that there was really no trace of injury on his body, which made him I was very shocked.

"How can the human body reach this level?"

"Impossible! Did you use some kind of exercise!"

It shook its head desperately, trying to deny Du Yuesheng's physical strength, but when it saw Du Yuesheng's calm face, it knew it was true!

For it, this is both a great shock and a shame.

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