The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1787 Are you going to die?

Who is that?

It is a family of ancient super mythical beasts.

How can it be tied with humble human beings in terms of physical strength?

Don't look at Du Yuesheng took a few steps back just now, but Zhu Yan knew that he was just taking advantage of his size, if he was of the same size, the confrontation between them just now would have been a tie!


Bai Xiaoling on the side was stunned. Although she didn't face it personally, she could feel the power of Zhu Yan's punch just now, not to mention the storm that was stirred up.

But from the fact that the small hill behind Du Yuesheng was shattered into pieces in an instant, we can know a thing or two.

But this guy Du Yuesheng is actually as hard as Zhu Yan in the flesh, and he is not even close!

This really made Bai Xiaoling extremely shocked. You must know that at the moment they fought, Bai Xiaoling almost closed his eyes. She was afraid that Du Yuesheng would be blasted directly.

"It turns out that the human body can be so strong..."

Bai Xiaoling felt that she had really opened her eyes. In her perception, even those cultivators who mainly focused on body training might not be able to reach this level, right?

This time, she suddenly realized that she didn't know Du Yuesheng that well.

This guy is really strong!

I don't know why, although the relationship between them is getting closer, Bai Xiaoling still feels that Du Yuesheng is very mysterious, and always feels that there are many secrets hidden in him.

No matter how she got in touch, she still felt that she still had only a half-knowledge about Du Yuesheng.

But Bai Xiaoling didn't have the desire to know more. Although she would be curious, as long as Du Yuesheng didn't say anything, she wouldn't ask more questions. After all, everyone has their own secrets, and Bai Xiaoling thinks about this very clearly.

In short, seeing Du Yuesheng getting stronger, the happier she was.

"As expected of Zhu Yan, he is indeed strong enough." Du Yuesheng looked at Zhu Yan calmly, and admired sincerely.

Up to now, he still feels his arm twitching slightly. Although the collision just now didn't hurt him, the pain from his arm is real.

Presumably that punch, this guy didn't feel well either.

Du Yuesheng thought so in his heart, he believed that Zhu Yan wouldn't feel too good after that punch just now.

After all, he had exhausted all his strength in that punch, even if it was not as good as it was, it would not be much worse. Two forces close to the limit collided with each other, and there must be damage to each other.

"My king has lived for so many years, and I have never met a human with such an abnormal fighting talent. You are the first!" Zhu Yan couldn't help but said, at this moment, it can be regarded as a thorough experience of Du Yuesheng's fighting power.

The Zhuyan clan is a natural fighting race, every battle can improve their strength, keep getting stronger, and it can even be said that there is no limit.

But after meeting Du Yuesheng, it realized that there are indeed human beings in this world who are more perverted than Zhu Yan!

This guy Du Yuesheng is not only physically tyrannical, but even his fighting instinct is even slightly higher than Zhu Yan's. The attack continued, and even always created opportunities to hit it hard.

Therefore, after thousands of rounds of fighting, many shocking scars appeared on Zhu Yan's body, and Du Yuesheng's shoulder was crushed to pieces by a life-for-life fight. There are no other injuries.

What shocked Zhu Yan even more was that Du Yuesheng's recovery ability was even stronger than his.

As one of the ancient ferocious beasts who are good at physical bodies, Zhu Yan originally thought that his breath of life was already strong enough, but he didn't expect Du Yuesheng to be even more terrifying than him. Looking at the blood energy permeating his body, seeing the injuries on his body and Healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Zhu Yan wanted to die.

He found that the reliance he was so proud of didn't seem to work in front of Du Yuesheng!

Zhu Yan felt like he was going crazy!

It actually lost to Du Yuesheng in the field it was best at.

At this moment, it felt that the spread of this incident would simply disgrace all the primordial ferocious beast races.

"If you continue like this, maybe you will be consumed by it!"

Zhu Yan felt more and more uneasy in his heart. Its reliance had lost its effect in front of Du Yuesheng. If it continued like this, it would be disadvantageous to itself. This made Zhu Yan feel very anxious.

Its race has an almost fatal flaw. Although it is physically invincible, it has few supernatural powers that can be used. If things go on like this, the real loser will definitely be Zhu Yan.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yan couldn't help feeling anxious, finally came out of the sky and left that damned place, it didn't want to be suppressed any more.

Of course, it doesn't think Du Yuesheng can kill it, after all, physical invincibility is no joke.

"The second level of madness!"

Zhu Yan had to go all out. Madness is one of the most powerful innate abilities of the Zhu Yan clan. There are three stages in total, and each stage can greatly improve one's own strength. A truly powerful enemy, Zhu Yan didn't dare to hold back anymore.

The second stage of madness looks more terrifying than the first stage. The muscles of its whole body swelled again, reaching the limit. Although its body size did not grow again, its white hairs all over its body had turned red.

It looks like a scarlet giant ape, the whole body is boiling with blood, tumbling like a fire wave, and a terrifying aura like a demon god is gradually released. It seems that this space can hardly withstand such pressure, and it begins to shatter inch by inch .

Its power has increased by four times!

In the first stage, the strength was doubled, and in the second stage, it was quadrupled!

It's no wonder that Zhu Yan is enough to become one of the top ten fierce beast races in the ancient times, and even claims to be able to tear real dragons and phoenixes with one's hands. With such perverted talents and supernatural powers, it is not normal if they are not invincible.

What surprised Du Yuesheng even more was that after Zhu Yan completed the second stage of berserk transformation, those shocking scars on his body gradually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't take long before he was completely healed.

When he saw the heart growing out of Zhu Yan's palm, Du Yuesheng's face showed an unprecedented seriousness.

"You are really good. You can push this king to this point, which is enough to make you proud of the world!" Feeling the surge in strength, Zhu Yan regained his confidence and composure.

It looked at Du Yuesheng and sneered, "If you really let you continue to grow, maybe you can also reach that legendary realm..."

"But, what a pity!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Yan had already come to Du Yuesheng, and his strength increased, causing his speed to break through the limit.

Du Yuesheng twisted his neck, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes, "It's been a long time since any opponent can push me to this point, it's time to end!"

On Du Yuesheng's palm, a condensed and almost solid light ball appeared, which contained destructive power, giving people a feeling, as if when this light ball fell, the whole world would cease to exist .

Under the pressure of this terrifying aura, Zhu Yan also stopped, unable to take a step forward, his whole body froze.

"Destroy the world!"

Du Yuesheng's voice sounded faintly.

At this moment, Zhu Yan was trembling, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear. In front of this ball of light, Zhu Yan seemed to have seen the scythe of death, and it was slowly swinging down.

Are you going to die?

Zhu Yan slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the sapphire collar on its neck, which had long lost its radiance, suddenly burst out with a sacred green light, full of air, gushing out, and a figure slowly appeared in that ray of sunlight.

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